I Was Never Mad

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"Oh the kids ate it and they survived?" Jordan repeated what was relayed to him by his spy making him feel so frustrated. Why won't these Mos die? Do they truly have the devil's luck? Even children won't die despite being poisoned. That poison was very lethal. It's a new product in the black market that he managed to get his hands on through his connections.

Although it's easy to cure it, once a person has taken it, it should give that person great damage despite recovering. It's considered lethal because this newly created poison erases its own track. When a person dies from it, the traces of poison within the body disappear as if nothing happened and the autopsy would just come out as sudden internal bleeding combined with a heart attack. It's a perfect product to kill someone secretly but Lancel Mo and Mo Luangmin escaped that. How remarkable.

"They escape death by just temporarily losing their eyesight?" Jordan repeated again and he felt even more frustrated than he already was. He shifted from his position and was about to get off of his bed when he felt a man's arm around his torso, making him sigh.

"Continue to observe and report to me any details you will find," he said and soon hung up before he looked at Diego who was now also looking at him. He must have been worried that he would leave

"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry," Jordan quickly said and later laid next to the Alpha.

"By now, even though Mo Laotian is unconscious, the other two brothers might have already known our identities. But I don't believe they aren't attacking just because Mo Laotian is unconscious or because of Daniel Mo or the children. Mo Hanlu is still there, he's as crazy as his older brother and now we've attacked his son, if we don't carefully think of our plans, we will soon find ourselves in danger," Diego said. He finds it odd that even though they've attacked the Mo family's weakest members twice, there was still silence from the other side.

He can't help but feel alarmed. It's like they're waiting for the right timing. It's like the calm before the storm.

"Jordan, you're pregnant. We've been trying for 5 years, we've lost two already and I'm not planning to lose this one again. Please think about us, think about our growing family," Diego said, his tone was serious but also sounded as if begging. They finally managed to conceive again and with Jordan's age despite being an Omega, it's already difficult for him to conceive as he already had two miscarriages.

"I know. Isn't this why I'm rushing this up?" He understood what his husband was talking about that's why he's making bold moves before his stomach turns big. He had waited for so many years, he couldn't just give up. He wants to have this child but he also just can't give up his revenge for it.

"You can't rush this up. We don't have enough power and influence to destroy the Mo Empire, Jordan. We need more time even more so now that you're with a child. Are you willing to sacrifice our child for something we can't win? Why do you hate to Mos so much?" Diego argued. He wants to give Jordan whatever he wants but he needed the Omega to stay out of trouble for the time being. He needed Jordan to take better care of his health and avoid making the same mistake like before.

"I already told you my reason! I've waited so long for this," Jordan yelled in frustration. Before he married Diego Bronson, he already told him who he was and what he wanted so the Alpha shouldn't ask him again. "I've waited so long for this but I never said I was going to sacrifice our child. I know my body and I know my limit," Jordan exclaimed, quickly pacifying Diego, glad that Jordan was thinking of their child.

"Then whatever you are planning, let Livia do it. You don't need to do things yourself," Diego insisted, making Jordan sigh in defeat. He can't say the Alpha was wrong and he also knew that whatever Diego does or says, it was always for his own good. He appreciated it but sometimes he couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed at himself. Before when he wasn't married to Diego, he couldn't rely on someone else because he knew he could only trust himself.

He thought he didn't need someone else to be happy. He was fine by himself but after meeting Diego, and shortly after marrying him, he found himself depending on him too much. He has gotten used to his warmth. And even though before he hated it when Alphas ordered him, when it comes to Diego he couldn't help but follow.

"Okay, I'll follow your advice for now," Jordan said and sighed. Well, at least now he could feel what Mo Laotian was feeling. He couldn't make a move freely because his wife was pregnant and was afraid his beloved would get involved in between. Although it's already too late since both Daniel Mo and the children are already involved, Jordan was sure Mo Laotian was still reluctant to engage in a full-pledge war against him.

As for him, unlike before he knew he was pregnant, he wasn't worried about anything aside from thinking of ways to torment his enemies but now, he had to keep his body in check plus he had Diego keeping an eye on him making sure he wasn't doing anything extreme. He's happy that he was pregnant again at last but can't that happen when his fight was over? His hormones are making him easily frustrated and irritated.

"Good. For now, I've found a new place for us to stay in. I'm guessing we have already been exposed so this place is rather dangerous. Even though Mo Laotian is unconscious, we still need to be vigilant about Mo Hanlu," Diego said again, making Jordan nod in understanding. He had no strength to argue anymore. With the devil's luck on his enemy's side, what else could he do aside from wait?

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"What? Brother-in-law is still leaving? Didn't you two make up already? Then why is brother-in-law still leaving?" Hanlu exclaimed in panic standing from his chair. They were just having a peaceful breakfast when he found out Daniel was still going to leave for the countryside. This ominous idea will definitely bring a storm to his life from here on. He definitely didn't like the sound of Daniel leaving. Last night, when he saw the two together, he thought everything was back to normal, but now Daniel was still leaving? He was too naïve to even think everything was okay.

"Laotian and I came up with this decision together, right Laotian?" Daniel chanted, Laotian was just next to him so he softly clings to his arm that was on top of his thigh. Earlier this morning when Laotian helped him take a bath, they decided it was best for him to hide for the time being since it's now not a secret that he is being targeted by the Alpha's enemy. Also given the fact that Gabriel Sullen insisted Daniel to stay with Armand and Diane for the time being, although Daniel hated that he would be away from Laotian again, he understood that it would probably be the best for him and Luangmin.

"Hmmm," Laotian hummed in approval, his thumb motioned to caress the soft skin on Daniel's thigh. Honestly, he also didn't want Daniel and Luangmin away from him at this crucial time but he knew that the more Daniel was in the view the more he would be an easy target to his enemies.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Daniel and Luangmin were away there will be no danger that will befall them at all but it was a lot better. With their location unknown, it'll be difficult to make a move on them, and it's not that Laotian was not going to appoint more men to guard both and to make sure they wouldn't be hurt this time around. With all the things that have happened, a new environment will surely help Daniel to be at ease. Also, the place where Armand and Diane lived was a place good for both the mother and son's health. Besides, it's not that Laotian wasn't going to visit the two once in a while.

For the time being, he needed to focus on planning how to catch his enemies before Daniel goes into labor. And also one important fact is that Elder Sullen's displeasure towards him had intensified, if he insisted on Daniel staying with him, he could imagine a scenario that will give him a massive headache.

"O-Oh so you're not mad at Older Brother anymore?" Hanlu asked again, looking at Daniel as he began to sit again

"I was never mad at Laotian, right?" Daniel pouted and fluttered his lashes towards Laotian, before slightly pulling the Alpha down to verify what he said.

"Hmmm," Laotian hummed again, a tender smile flashed on his lips as his hand caressed Daniel's cheeks when their eyes locked on each other. When Hanlu saw this, he immediately rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Ahh, you're right. It seems your relationship is fine. Then if you'll just excuse me, it seems I'm not needed here. I'll go ahead to my wife and son," Hanlu said monotonically and as if done with his meal, he quickly stood up again and wiped his mouth using the table napkin.

"Laotian, what time does Minmin arrive? I'm worried about his condition. Mother said he was crying the moment he woke up earlier," Ignoring Hanlu, Daniel asked Laotian who also chose to ignore the younger Alpha. When he received a phone call earlier this morning, he was dreading to go back to the hospital but he ended up not going because Laotian convinced him not to. While he was still restricted from traveling often, Laotian suggested bringing Luangmin here to the secret mansion instead, and from here on they would leave for his adoptive parent's house.

"We've secretly transported Luangmin here, he'll arrive in 15 minutes or so," Laotian replied. Meanwhile, looking at the couple ignoring him, Hanlu quickly pouted and dashed out in annoyance. He's already happily married but he still didn't like being fed with dog food. He prefers being the one who fed others with dog food. Unfortunately, with Ian as his partner, it might be impossible for that to ever happen.

"Ignore him. He's just being too dramatic again," Laotian mentioned, seeing Daniel looking at where Hanlu had run off to. He still hasn't forgotten his plan to punish him but for now, he will spend the rest of his time with Daniel until they leave later.

"He's being too sensitive recently. If I didn't know better, I would think he's pregnant too," Daniel said, remembering that day when they had a simple dinner celebration at their place and Hanlu suddenly walked out. When Ian followed him they didn't come back until hours later. Daniel was still lost in his thoughts when suddenly he felt Laotian's lips on him drawing him back in reality as his cheeks turned into a pinkish hue. He briefly glanced at the maids and butler at the far side and his cheeks went even redder when their reactions looked so surprised.

Well, this must have been their first time seeing Laotian being too affectionate so Daniel couldn't blame them for reacting this way. Back home, it was normal for him and Laotian to suddenly make out but the maids and butlers would just simply ignore them like nothing had happened.

"Don't think of him anymore, I'll get jealous," Laotian said as their lips separated. Daniel quickly pushed Laotian feeling embarrassed. He's not used to these kinds of reactions from the maids.

"L-Laotian, you taste like pineapple," Daniel suddenly mumbled, choosing to change the topic.

"Because I am eating one," Laotian simply replied before he poked one slice of pineapple and brought it to his mouth now in a better mood.