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"P-Please, it wasn't me. It wasn't me, please have mercy. Spare my wife and children," The man begged, trembling kneeling after he was beaten up and thrown onto the floor. His face was stained with tears and blood. He just arrived from work when he was suddenly knocked out. When he woke up he was sitting on a chair, his hands tied while his wife and children were in front of him, crying and trembling with their eyes blindfolded.

"P-please, I wouldn't dare. I wouldn't dare hurt anyone from the Mo household," the man said again, pleading. He already answered the question that was asked of him and he wouldn't dare lie in front of these people anymore. Years ago he barely survived with a little of his fortune left, it'll be stupid of him to plot revenge for someone he couldn't beat even if he's given a thousand guts.

"Any suspicious individuals visiting to give you an offer?"

"No. No. N-none of that, sir. E-even if there was, I-I wouldn't accept such o-offer," The man replied between his painful groans. His eyes shifted from the questioner to the man behind him, silently glaring in his direction as if, waiting for him to say the wrong words.

But everything he said was true, after he made a mistake and offended young Mo Laotian long ago, he would never dare offend them again. Back then Mo Empire was just a normal company that was a little bit more successful than the rest, now, they control half of the economy of the country. Even if they did something illegal, he wouldn't be surprised if the government was secretly supporting and covering everything for them to achieve a better cause so it's useless to even plot revenge unless someone had a death wish.

"Tch…" Clicking his tongue as he waved his hand to his men indicating to finish everything already, Hanlu subconsciously rubbed his stomach that was now throbbing in pain. This was the third person they've visited today in an attempt to find that kidnapper, but to no avail, they still haven't found the bastard.

Walking out of the house, Hanlu cursed in annoyance. Meanwhile, comprehending the command, Hanlu's men untied the wife before they all prepared to leave. They wouldn't bother covering this up because no one would dare to offend them anyway. And even if they tried, they wouldn't win no matter what they do.

"Honey, w-what have they done to you?" Hanlu heard the wife scream, calling her husband as he finally stepped out of the house with a sigh. There was no need for further investigation, he doubts a coward like this man was able to do something like kidnapping or hiring someone to kidnap children.

"Sir, our next target is Victor Paterson…" Trailing the way to his service, Hanlu's assistant quickly reminded, however, before the young assistant could finish narrating the next man's background, Hanlu raised his hand again and told him to stop.

"You can finish off the rest of the targets today, if you find any leads you can call me," Hanlu said before stepping inside his car. Of course, he was determined to find the man himself but he also needs to be with Lan's side right now. Even though Lan was a child too mature for his age, he had always been lively, but after he woke up days ago with his sight taken away from him, Hanlu's heart ached seeing his son's depressed expression. Lan understood his situation but that doesn't mean the child doesn't feel bad about it.

Despite looking like the situation hadn't affected him, in actuality, Hanlu was building up all the resentment he had for this Bronson couple. He knew full well he couldn't touch them yet without proper plans especially when his older brother was still recovering so for now, he needs to find this kidnapper and punish him as soon as possible so later he could proceed on punishing the mastermind for ruining his peaceful marriage life with Ian.

"Y-yes, sir," The assistant nodded at the order before he stepped back and watched the car drive away from the scene.

"Head back to the ranch," Hanlu said this time. After Daniel and Luangmin left the city, Hanlu and Ian decided to check Lan out of the hospital as well. They planned to keep Lan back at the home but thinking of Lan's condition, Mo Chendong and Laura Mo suggested letting Lan stay at the ranch. Although it was still basically within the city, it was fairly far enough that the air quality was good and good for people that were trying to recover from an illness.

Right now, Hanlu would do anything to make Lan more comfortable. Also not just for him, but also for Ian who had also become depressed seeing their son's condition.

Yes, Lan is going to regain his sight soon but that also doesn't mean this experience won't cause the child some emotional trauma.

"How is he?" Arriving at his destination, Hanlu went straight to where Lan and Ian were after asking one of the maids.

"He enjoys going outside, but I know he's feeling depressed," Ian replied, hugging Hanlu as his greeting, they briefly kissed before both looked at Lan's direction not far away from them. No matter how cheerful as a child Lan was, losing his sight like this was still too much. There was no doubt it terrified him.

"We'll be with him every step of the way. He'll get well soon, and before we know it he'll be back as our cheerful Lan," Hanlu assured and hugged Ian.

"Thank you, Luu. I-I'm so glad you're here," Ian said, his voice a little shaky. With this happening to Lan, of course as the mother, Ian couldn't help but break seeing his son like this. He carried him for 9 months in his stomach despite his severe anxiety. He fought all his fears and won because he wanted to prove to the world that he would never be miserable despite all the challenges that were given to him, that he would be successful in life even when he's alone. At first, it was for himself, but seeing Lan for the first time gave him hope. He gave him a new reason to live and strive hard for success.

He had worked his ass off for Lan all this time because he wanted his child, the only family he had to have the best in the world despite not having a father. He wanted to make Lan feel that despite having only him, he is loved. He didn't care if he was hurting as long as Lan was happy. And if only he could take all his pain away he would do it in a heartbeat.

"What are you talking about? You are my wife and Lan is our son. Of course, I would always be by your side. I'll protect you and Lan no matter what. That's a promise I've made when I married you and a promise I will say again whenever and wherever you plan to marry me the second time, third time or fourth time," Hanlu said with a warm smile and hugged Ian. Usually, he tends to joke around and annoy Ian but today was not the day. He had been with him for so many years but this was his time to be a little bit closer to Ian's heart.

Hanlu knew Ian trusted him now but he also knew that trust was hanging in a thread. Ian has the toughest patience but he was also one brave enough to know and stop when it's too much. Hanlu learned that the hard way when Ian left him again for the second time. And now that the Omega is his again, he will make sure Ian won't leave again. For now, all he had to do was to love and spoil his family until the day he parted this world.

"Ian, I won't ever betray you or Lan again. I promise," Hanlu suddenly whispered and kissed Ian's forehead. He knew it was sudden but it felt like he just had to say it at this moment. They went through a lot and although actions are great, words are also important.

"You better," Ian chuckled after being caught off guard at the sudden promises. He believed Hanlu wouldn't break his promise anymore. He could genuinely feel how much Hanlu loved him. All this time he didn't notice it because he was underestimating himself thinking a person like him wasn't worth loving. He grew up unloved, the only person who has shown him how special he was has died when he was very young, he could barely even remember how it even felt to be loved and for so many years no one had loved him.

When Hanlu first betrayed him when he thought he was special in the least, his world crumbled and he realized no one could actually fall for him, no one could actually love him, and that he should just accept reality. He was not lovable, not in the slightest bit desirable, but now it was different. Hanlu loves him, there was just a lot of misunderstanding but this annoying Alpha loves him. No one else matters than this simple fact, it may come off as him being desperate but he doesn't care. Even if there was just Hanlu and Lan who loved him in this world, he would be the happiest.

His only regret was not noticing it sooner, if he was a little confident with himself, he would have noticed all the signs. And so this time around, he would make sure to treasure everything that he has, to know his worth, and to fight for his love.

"Rest assured Luu, I won't leave you again. I'll try to be a little more patient and understanding," Ian suddenly said as well but quickly feeling shy afterward, he softly punched Hanlu on his stomach. As usual, Hanlu groaned in pain as he slouched down. Ian laughed thinking Hanlu was messing with him again but when he realized that the Alpha wasn't kidding this time, he worriedly supported Hanlu.

"W-what happened? Is your stomach hurting? I didn't punch you that hard," Ian asked and dragged his husband to the nearest chair. Hanlu shook his head left and right, saying no but with his sudden pale complexion, he wasn't so convincing.

"T-This wasn't your fault," Hanlu breathed painfully before he sat up straight. His stomach does hurt but this was definitely not because of Ian's punch.

"Not my fault? Then whose fault is that?" Ian asked and lifted Hanlu's clothes only to see nothing. Ian inspected his husband's stomach more despite the Alpha's attempt to struggle but when Ian suddenly pressed on the muscled surface and instantly heard Hanlu's sharp gasp, Ian's brows knitted into a frown.

"Did someone just punch you on your stomach? It's badly hurt, your muscles are swollen from the insides," Ian asked and put down Hanlu's shirt. Although there was no sign of injury now, Ian guessed a day or two, and Hanlu's stomach should go and turn purple in the affected area.

Ian was used to bruises especially when they raid a criminal's territory but being punched in the stomach like where Hanlu was punched means an enemy had gotten close to him, the distance should be a meter or less. By the looks of the injury, the punch was strong enough to make someone faint, meaning, the enemy even had time to gather enough strength to inflict such injury in close distance. Clearly, this means Hanlu knew the culprit and was caught off guard. If it was an enemy, Ian didn't believe the Alpha would let one of them closer than 3 meters.

Meanwhile, hearing Ian's question, Hanlu slightly twitched before he shook his head again.

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt that much," Hanlu lied before he stood and walked towards Lan ignoring Ian's call. Hanlu knew he was being suspicious but what can he say? He can't just tell him that his older brother was such a petty that he wouldn't even let him go for punching him in the stomach back then even though it was to save his life.

Obviously, the Older Alpha was stronger, but the Alpha just had to prove to him that the only reason he fainted was that Hanlu used a dirty trick on him. Hanlu helplessly sighed at that, sometimes really he wondered why he adored his older brother so much. Well, he can't deny that Mo Laotian was still his idol but unlike before, he could now see that the older Alpha was also just an ordinary man who's sometimes too petty to accept defeat.