My First Mission

After I ripped the paper and just like in the training center, my surroundings vanished but this time I was covered by a white fog or smoke, blocking my sight of the outside.

After some time the smoke disappeared, my senses then was inundated by the figure of gigantic trees and the smell of wet mud and leaves. The trees were full of vines and moss. When I take a breath, cold and fresh air filled my lungs. From that amount, I can feel the jungle's vitality.

'This is a perfect breeding ground for monsters'

I came to that conclusion because of how abundant this jungle is. Maybe this is the reason for goblins' rapid birth.

The goblins are small humanoids with green skin, long ears, and nose, with a hideous face. They like to live in the jungles or forests and make huts with other goblins to make a tribe.

Currently, I have no weapons since buying and maintaining one is a pain, my style is to use the enemy's weapon against him or pick up a weapon along the way.

But since goblins always have weapons when they are going outside their tribe then it's easy to acquire a weapon this time.

'Now, time to hunt some goblins'

Finding a goblin tribe is easy but I have to be cautious when going near it since a goblin has eyes and mouth. An entire tribe will surely come to hunt me.

I was cautious along the way, stopping and looking at those gigantic grass or leaves if a goblin is camouflaging in there.

"If I have an ability then I may have annihilated a whole tribe by now" There goes me releasing my stress about my inability issue.

I then came upon the land with no gigantic grass but a normal grassland with gigantic trees. Where a goblin came into my sight as he was leading with 4 more in the back. I immediately hid onto the nearest tree and was peeking at them, the 5 of them all have spears. Their spears were trash as if they were the ugliest weapons I have seen. It was made with a long stick, and a sharp-pointed rock tied with a rope to make it look and work like a spear.

"Well no time to be picky, at least it's sharp?" I muttered with a sarcastic tone.

Back to the goblins, they were looking for something in the ground. They were holding the spears at their waist with two hands like they were ready to pierce something. The goblin in the front said something and their group splits to half, the leader with another goblin moved to the left while the other three moved to the right.

'Game start!'

As a challenge for myself, I have to kill them without using hand to hand combat. Since grappling them and breaking their necks will be easy, I made a handicap for myself.

Starting with the biggest numbers, I followed the three goblins. They don't know I'm already right behind them, I ran onto the nearest goblin and grab his spear.

Grabbing the middle of the shaft, I pulled it with all my strength and then it snapped. The goblins were shocked as I came from nowhere, while the goblin I broke a spear was enraged.

As the stick became two, the goblin used the one with the sharp-pointed rock while the other he threw. I dodge the incoming attack as I rolled to the side and picked the other stick he threw and retreated a little for space.

"You know... anything that's pointy can kill you" I said looking at the stick he threw are now in my hands. I noticed it was pointy enough to kill someone if I can stab it at the right spot.

I remembered a movie about a man killing another man with a pencil. Oh, how awesome that scene was, Okay back to the situation. The other two goblins came running and were about to thrust their spear at me while the enraged one also came running to me.

The enraged goblin leaps on to me and when the enraged goblin was about to slash me, I predicted it was going to the side of my head. I crouched dodging the slash, and with that opening with my pointy stick in my right hand, I thrust it into his thin neck.

With the stick still impaled into his neck, I used his body as a meatshield to the incoming thrust by his friends. I grabbed the dead goblin's spear in his hand and pierced it at one of the goblin's eyes and through his brain.

He died and with their weapons stuck on their friend's body I used it to my advantage and with a large swing, I pierced the spear onto the last goblin's head, feeling my thrust came smoothly as no hard bones interrupted it.

After that, I collected their weapons and moved to the next two goblins. I found the two easily and with a sneak attack, I killed them. With now five spears in my arsenal, I hunted for more.


(20/20 Goblins)

[Congratulations! You completed a mission!]

[As you are the first to complete a mission above your tier, you will be rewarded more for it]

[Reward: 150CP and Adventurer's Bag]

'Finally, it's done' I'm lucky that there were 3 more packs of goblin roaming around the area for food. With this, I'm now Rank 99.

'Whoo~ I felt like I killed a few kids'

Then the scene just like earlier, a white fog or mist that I can't explain starts to surround me. And after waiting for some time, a bag came to my hands.

[Adventurer's Bag]

-Can be changed to any bag you desire


A small fairy appeared in front of me, she was roughly the size of a palm but I think she was smaller than that. She looks like that fairy from a movie, is it Pinkerbell? No Linkybell? I think I'm getting closer.

[Congratulations! We the higher-ups notice your potential and so we gave you a gift!]

She started talking and her eyes are open now.

[As we saw your ways of not relying on your ability, WE expect more from you! That is all and may Gaia protect you]

She disappeared leaving golden dust to her position. I see that the people above noticed me, and I'm grateful they gave me a bag which awhile ago carrying those spears were troublesome.

Well then let's see if I can do another mission.