The Party

The table was almost empty as I immediately rushed to the meat section. Because eating meat is delicious. I grabbed a ton of steaks and also fried, roasted and all kinds of chicken to my plate. There was a turkey and luckily I got some of it.

I look at other sections and it was like a bunch of hyenas raided the place. And these Hyenas were enjoying their food at Nicholas' side. That devil is smirking at my way, enjoying my misery.

'At least the teachers know that I like steak and chickens' I thought as I see that they intentionally left me some but devoured everything except that.

I grabbed my 2 plates full of steaks and chicken. I went in the direction of where the teachers are. The table where they are eating is a big circular table and all of them are there. In the table, Nicholas saved me a seat beside him, while the teachers looked at me and back to their table for a moment.

Once I sitted at Nicholas' left side, I started eating and enjoyed the juiciness of it. To my left side is the beautiful teacher I first met when I came to this place

"Hello there, I'm sorry if I haven't introduced myself. My name is Leah Silva" Ms. Silva said finally introducing herself.

"It's okay Ms. Silva, I'm sure you are very busy. My name is Luke Chronos" I replied and took a bite of my juicy fried chicken leg.

"Yes, very busy" She said looking to the side with a helpless smile and emanating an aura of tiredness.

"Yeah this generation is full of problematic children" said the teacher from Nicholas' right side.

This teacher is Garen Lurendo, He wore his usual black knight armor but with no helmet and sword. He has long unkempt black hair and eyes. He has a beard which made him more manly.

He may have fearful looks and intimidate you with his black scary armor and deep voice but inside he's rather soft and gentle. Once, he helped me escaped Nicholas' torture and I was thankful that he grappled the hound just for me to have time to rest.

Now back to the conversation I was also curious as to why Garen said that.

"Garen, why is it? I think it's rather peaceful" I said noticing that I haven't seen any destruction yet.

"HAHAHA my boy you haven't reached the high tier or mid-tier yet but I'm sure you will get there and my advice to you is don't befriend or talk to them" Garen said while putting a big scooped of ice cream in his mouth.

"What do you expect? This is the World Academy, it's motto is literally the survival of the fittest and seeing your tier I think you haven't seen 'that' place yet" Said another teacher who I don't know.

"Oh, I'm sorry invading your conversation like that. That was rude of me and as an apology let me introduce myself, my name is Will Looter" He said lifting his top hat as a gesture for greeting.

Will Looter is an old gentleman as his white hair and beard showed his age. He wore clothes that look like from the 19th century and with his hat and stick by his side it looks like he lived a long life.

There were two more people who didn't introduce themselves yet but one of them spoke up.

"Since my grandpa introduced himself I will also introduce myself" This teacher is rather young and the grand-daughter of the nice grandfather who introduced himself

"My name is Tiana Looter" She said and continued eating her cookies.

She wears a gothic dress and an umbrella by her side. With her white pale skin, I think she doesn't like the sun. She has long black hair and bangs which hides her left eye but not her right eye. Her black eyes were like the abyss color if I ever saw one.

I gaze at the last teacher as the others followed my sight. The last teacher was unlike the others with their lab coat, knight armor, and old century clothes. This one is normal, just like me he wears modern clothes.

"Do I really have to introduce myself? Okay-okay I get it so stop with the staring" He said and looked at me with his bored black eyes.

" name is Null"

"Well, at least this time he talked" Garen said. 'Huh? wait so he never usually talk?' I thought and from my expression, they guessed it and nodded at the same time.

"Since you are done eating come with me" The man beside me finally spoke up and he went to the gym room. After I said goodbye to the others I rushed to follow him.


In the gym room. I see Nicholas without his white lab coat and fully showing his muscles. On his hand is a metallic baton and he was on top of the boxing ring's blue side.

Seeing him barefooted on the ring I also removed my boots and places it beside his black shoes. I entered the ring and stand opposite him which is on the red side.

"I'm deeply happy to see you succeed in Phase 1. My question is do you want to continue?" He asked while twirling and spinning the baton like a helicopter on his fingers. It produced winds to the surroundings even my hair and clothes were fluttering from the winds.

I remembered all the torture he had made me experience. The frying pan treadmill and whenever I lift my feet to escape the burning sensation, my weights were pushing my gravity and my feet back to the fast spinning treadmill.

The finger training which I admit was easy but that chair which I regret sitting on changed my easy routine. The boulders on which I have to carry. The 'Hound' that every time it caught up to me, It will slowly rip my skin with its teeth and once it ripped my skin it will electrocute my flesh.

For the first time that training was the first to make me tired easily. Also, the chemicals I have been bathing on was really painful as the pain was not coming from the outside, but from the inside of my body. Whenever I contract my muscles or resist it. The chemicals react to it as it multiplied my pain, the only thing I can do is lay there and let the pain take over.

Now that I look at myself, I don't know how strong I am compared to the tiers but what I do know is I benefitted greatly from this 'Hell'.

I look at Nicholas and decided to continue this 'Hell'. When Nicholas noticed my firm look, he made a grin only a devil can produce. 'Sadistic Bastard' I thought, cursing him in my mind as it's the only way I can release this stress.

Nicholas throws the baton up in the air. "Now then, let's start!". Finishing his words the baton falls to his hand and he caught it tightly producing large gales to the area.