
"Can you state all the training you have done and it's benefits?" Nicholas asked. Nicholas moves closer to Luke's area as Luke was vigilant at Nicholas' baton.

I frantically stated all the training I have done as Nicholas was getting closer and closer to me with his fastly spinning baton. I didn't put the chemical bathing in there as it was more of a torture than training for me.

"Very good, Even though you still haven't completed the finger exercise yet" Nicholas stops near in front of me and has a disappointed look on his face.

"The fingers are PART of the most important parts of the body when it comes to combat, as it can be used to steal, grapple or grab, pinch, and poke. It also boosts your mastery of weapons and I encourage you to also train the other parts of the body and on to every part of it because even I haven't touched the limit" Nicholas slowly puts the tip of the baton to my chest.

"Now because of all the chemical bathing you did and as you haven't realized it yet but I have strengthened everything inside your body. To the flesh, veins, bones, and blood. To every layer of your body, Furthermore thanks to your training and efforts, it was tempered and used the chemical to its last drop. Congratulations you have reached the threshold of the superhuman body" He pointed the baton to my chest and strike it upwards to my chin.

Thanks to my heightened senses I saw the attack like it was on a slow-motion, But my body didn't react in time as the slow attack became a fast whip with unimaginable speed going to my chest.

The hit landed and the impact was stronger than I thought. I flew to the red corner pad and fell to my butt. His thrust was hella strong as I see myself flew from his attack and the pain was still in my chest. Eventually, I recovered from it and get up like nothing happened.

"See that, you recovered in seconds. If anyone was to take that kind of attack they will be having a hard time breathing right now" Nicholas said as he blows the smoke coming from the tip of the baton. He attacks again but it was slower than last time and It gave me time to dodge.

"What really?" I asked as I don't really know how strong I am now or don't know who to compare with.

"You don't know how strong you are?" Nicholas began to speed up his attacks as I dodge and tank the hits that I can't dodge.

"Okay let's see...Hmm...Nah I'm not gonna say it" Nicholas lazily said and grins after that. I'm perfectly sure he's thinking something torturous again.

"So you don't know how strong you are huh? Then tomorrow after this training of ours, I will take you to the arena" Nicholas suggested.

"An arena? you mean that?" I said while dodging a fast thrust to my left.

"Yep since you need someone for you to compare your strength with" Nicholas speed up the attack as I can barely dodge anymore. I tanked all the hits and It became a barrage of slashes and thrust of his baton as I can't even see Nicholas anymore.

"I have to remind you though, Once you stand and fight on that arena. There's no going back" He stops and I can finally see in front of me. My hands and arms were full of red marks that have been hit by the baton.

"The arena is designed for students to experience murder for them to grow. That arena is built by a famous sorcerer who is good at making spells. The spell he designed to that arena was once a person is killed inside, he will be teleported outside the arena but the pain will remain"

"Some will get trauma, some will unlock a new hobby and that is torturing people or killing for them is fun, some will get over it and that's the three paths you will end up in once you experience the arena"

"Also that place is full of High tiers and Mid tiers fighting each other. If a Low tier went to that place, then he will be called a fool as many students will torture the kid and it will get reported that another kid got tortured badly and so that results problems for us "

"Well that's sad" I pity the kid.

"Yeah, very sad" Nicholas said with no remorse.

"That's why we added the Mission Hall to avoid this type of situation, it helps greatly with our job it also helps greatly for the students to grow but Nooooo. They just have to take that high-risk high reward. There have been a few reports that some kids got tortured badly in the arena and so we were having a talk with their parents"

"Oh so that's what Garen said about these kids nowadays are problematic" I said remembering what Garen said minutes ago.

"Yes, Ms. Silva has been really busy lately talking to the parents of this idiots" I have been training under Nicholas for 2 weeks and I know that he really hates idiotic people as I can understand because not only is he's intelligent but wise too.

"I'm lazy today so let's continue this tomorrow" Nicholas waves the baton like he was shooing me away.

"Tomorrow? but I'm fighting in the arena" I don't know who I will come up against in that arena but I should be perfectly in shape when I go to that place.

"I perfectly know what your capabilities and limits are, so don't worry" I then gave up and we got down from the ring. We went to the side where we left our things. After I waited for Nicholas to wear his lab coat and shoes on, I then went ahead to the teacher's room but no one was there and the place was fully cleaned.

"Nicholas I'm going home" I waited for his reply and then I went home.


Inside the teacher's room, Nicholas and Garen were there. Nicholas was back to his gadgets and was creating something new again while Garen was drinking a hot coffee.

The room was really quiet as only Nicholas' fidgeting tools and Garen drinking his coffee were the only sounds.

"That kid is really unique" Garen said while narrowing his eyes.

"Unique indeed" Nicholas replied.

"Like something is special within him and he's different from everyone else" Nicholas didn't reply to that one as he lightly ignored it.

The awkward silence was too much for Garen as he changed the topic and they got to another conversation.