When in Rome

Today I'm very excited to see the Arena that Garen and Nicholas were talking about. Actually, that was a lie. The truth is, I'm really nervous to go to that place because Nicholas said it was more of a lion's den than a place for people to compete.

He said that the moment they hear or know that, I, a low tier joined the Arena then it will become a manhunt for who else gets first beating up the poor me.

"Good thing that the Ranking System operates differently to each person, what that means is even if you hide your identity and you defeated a person of higher rank than yours it will automatically detect you then update your ranking position" Nicholas said while throwing a curveball to my right.

The Ranking System was simple. If you beat up a strong person ranked higher than you then you rank up, If you beat up a person ranked lower than you then you just get points. But if you are the one defeated then your rank and points will go down.

"So once we go there, wear some mask if you don't want to show your identity. Also coming ball on the left" I was alerted to look at my left but a ball never came to that place then from the corner of my eye I see a fast spinning ball going to my right.

"Kuhk!" The ball connected to my ribs and it was fast like a bullet and the hardness felt more like a rock rather than a ball.

"Dumbass, I didn't said your left and also don't listen to me which is your opponent. What if I said the ball was coming to your back will you listen and guard your back?" After he said that an impact came to my back. I was in disbelief when that ball came. I don't know how he did that but from his fingers, smoke was coming out of it.

"You see that? That's one of the perks of finger training" Yeah-yeah showoff. Just a second ago I was doing a great job dodging 5 to 8 balls coming fast to me but that's only for normal coming fastballs.

I can't seem to predict and dodge Nicholas' curveballs, for example, the ball that hit my back. My back is close to the wall there's no way a ball can get through there, only if the ball was thrown to the side maybe it can hit me but for some amazing reason, his balls were spinning at great speed and was curving from every angle.

I wonder, if Nicholas joins professional baseball then won't he dominate that sport. Even with the room's light, it can't capture the figure of the flying balls clearly, some were going straight and some were curving in any angle and the terrifying part is I can't see them and later will I notice it when the impact came.

Nicholas stops for a second and was thinking something as he massaged his chin and said, "Let's proceed to blindfold". He throws a black blindfold to me.

"Wait! My eyes and body can't even keep up with that 'bullet' of yours" I complained as I catch the blindfold.

"That's the reason why you can't dodge it, you shouldn't dodge with your eyes, so go on wear the blindfold and you will know it" Nicholas switches the light's off which made my sight more black inside the blindfold.

'If anyone is doing this then it will be ridiculous but knowing this kid, he will succeed' Nicholas thought and throws a fastball coming to Luke's solar plexus but then Luke's arm suddenly blocked the ball. 'Did he already got it or was it an accident?' Nicholas didn't know if that was intentional or not as Luke was quiet about the whole thing. He then throws a curveball to Luke's right head and he groaned from the pain.

But then a sudden rough voice interrupted their activity. "What is this darkness I see?" The lights came back to the room and the two look at the person who interrupted their activity.

On the door is a humongous figure with black knight armor but the only thing missing is that he has no helmet on. Which showed his long unkempt black hair and beard.

"Art thou ready?" He asked. "I'm sorry Garen, I don't speak Uhm..." I shake my head while I look at Nicholas who just throws a robot that retrieves all the balls and looking back to Garen.

"*Sigh~* I'm practicing, it seems I'm giving a speech for the incoming event" Garen gave up and told the reason why he was doing this. "An event? of the school?" I was curious about this event he said.

"It's the incoming tournament, it's a once a year tournament. HAHAHA, the students these days are really fired up...But instead of going to the Training Center, they go to the Arena" Garen went to the nearest seat and continued. "And so the Arena is pretty crowded today, you know what that means?"

"Uhm...full of people inside?" When I hear crowded I imagine a place full of people but he meant something different. "Nope, it means you will have a whole stadium as your audience" A whole stadium!? that big? "HAHAHA guessing from your expression. Yes it's that big" Garen take joy on my reaction and Nicholas came to us bringing a white mask.

"Okay enough of that. Luke, for an unfortunate reason we can't continue your reflex training" Nicholas glared at Garen and when I heard those words my smile was similar to a child receiving sweet candy.

"Buuut as I know that you see me as a demon. I want you to defeat one high tier or three mid-tiers" Nicholas said with a devilish smirk and gave me a white mask. "Also If you don't like your mask, you can change that to whatever you can imagine if you press this button here" Whatever I can imagine how did he do that?

I received the mask and he was right. The mask looks currently empty. I press the button, the white mask began to change as it became black with a large white evil smile and spiky teeth.

Is this randomized? I haven't imagined anything yet, Well I will take this. After I put the mask on I find it weirdly comfortable as my air passage isn't blocked, I can breathe normally inside like it wasn't a mask.

"Cool mask" Garen complimented looking at my current mask. I admit the face looks cool but why do I feel something about it.

"Ready?" Nicholas asked but went ahead before I can answer.

"Then let's go!, I wonder what ability you have?" Garen said with excitement.

"Garen you expect much from me" I look at Garen smiling and basically ignoring my words. "Garen I might disappoint you sorry, *sigh~*" I mumbled under my breath.


"Wait.wait.wait, I thought it's just a simple arena? but you didn't said it will be a colosseum!" In front of me is a giant colosseum. The entrance was full of people, maybe some were here to fight and some were here to watch.

The structure of the Colosseum looks similar to Rome's Colosseum but it looks brand new and made with unknown materials. Inside this magnificent structure, you can hear the yell and voices of thousands of people inside. It seems there having a good time.

"Looks like an Arena to me" Nicholas said while proceeding to a corner followed by Garen. Instead of going to the normal entrance, there was another entrance at the back of the 'Arena'.

"This entrance is used by staff and important personnel only" Garen added a little bit of information and opens the giant medieval wooden door.

Inside were people of the same age and were practicing their ability. So this must be the mid and high tier students. All of them look at us and back to what they were doing.

They must have guessed that we are just teachers except for me, going to the back entrance and skipping the long line of people in the front entrance.

Nicholas and Garen moved to the side likewise ignoring them. As for me, I followed them but I was scouting these people of their powers. It's a good thing this mask covers my eyes from the outside and from the inside, it doesn't obstruct my sight. I wonder how did Nicholas create this awesome thing.

"So how does this work" I said while looking at the structure of this building.

"Well I created this robot, you tell the robot whatever name you want and how many people you want to fight with. Then after that, the robot will randomize your schedule" Nicholas said which I have no idea what the heck did he said.

"Actually, the name was unnecessary since the Ranking System will detect who you are but I think this will give excitement to the viewers"

"I know that you didn't understand what I said about my robot. Don't you worry we're getting near"

We were walking in this long hall and in the distance, I see a levitating robot that has blue windows floating around it. I recognize these windows as we got there I saw a familiar name.

CURRENT:[Simp vs Chad]

NEXT: [Alexandria vs Rider]

"Okay, so how this works is put a random name and then put a number on that slot" Nicholas points on the blank next to the 'NAME:' and blank next to the 'NOB:' which meant number of battles.


"Smiley and 3? so you went to three mid-tiers" Nicholas mumbled which I totally heard. Garen was cheering for me and was giving another speech like Shakespeare's.