"WINNER!...SMILLEEEYYY!" The commentator said with a large sparkling grin.
The crowd went loud from the commentator's big announcement. Garen was also one of these crowds, he was laughing like a proud jolly father and was also yelling "Smiley!" with them.
"I didn't predict that one! I thought that Bai Long guy was strong"
"Well you can't judge a book by its cover"
"Yeah-yeah! Well at least I didn't lose the bet"
"What did ya say? ya little shit!"
In the Arena. Betting is a common occurrence. You bet your points for a player you might think will win and if he wins then both of you will win.
But you will win a large amount according to how much you betted and the crucial thing here is, you can bet anything and the points you can bet is infinite. So if you bet a large number every time and lose every time...then you're in deepshit.
So how this Betting system works is, a window will appear in front of you every time a match is decided. Yes...Decided, which means it will leave you clueless in who's strong or weak. After that, you click the name or guy you want to put your points on.
So amidst these cheers of people who enjoyed the fight and people who won the bet. Are people cussing and mad about Luke for losing their bet. But they can't deny that Luke was strong, and so fortunately he's in the safe...for now.
Also, the one who made this was Nicholas. So like the sadistic being he is.
He is right now enjoying the chaos created by his own creation. He watches as a full-grown man kneel in tears and he knows why.
'Pretty dumb to bet all of your fortune' Nicholas thought with no remorse seeing the man cry and was yelling madly.
'Luke, are you seeing this? This is the dark side of the arena but knowing you' Nicholas looks at Luke in the middle of the arena totally not moving an inch like a statue.
'You will look at it and just shrug about it' Nicholas glance at his seatmate. Garen, if he's not looking. He then proceeds to bet large amounts of points on Luke.
After that fight. Luke was analyzing his battle and he found a mistake in his part. He feared the opponent's ability which led him to not notice the bleeding part of Bai Long. If he wasn't afraid then won't he noticed that his opponent was bleeding and that's why he was not attacking.
But still, that's what leads him to survive until now. If he wasn't cautious enough then won't he be the one lying on the ground.
"Alright! we have given our newbie winner a little rest and sadly this will be his last." The crowd went silent and was listening to the floating commentator.
"But as his last fight, let's make it GRAND! And so his next opponent will be!.... Zap!" It seems the crowd knows this Zap guy as they went wild.
"Hahaha I'm totally betting on Zap!"
"Yeah, I can't wait to see him go Boom!"
They were wholeheartedly favoring Zap over me. Is this Zap guy strong? Well if I answer my question then yes, he's strong.
Since comparing strengths with a guy with an ability and me who has nothing then it's clearly going to be this Zap guy. But am I assuming too fast? what if he's weak? but the crowd went wild when they heard his name.
"Yo! Mr.Commentator or Host, who's this Zap?" I don't know if I'm allowed to question this but it won't hurt to try.
"Huh? Oh! you wanna know?" He said turning off his mic and floats near me.
"I don't know what tier you are buddy. But I'm warning you that the next opponent will be a famous mid-tier"
"Okay, but what is his ability?" I asked.
"It's called Electric Shock"
"Wow pretty straightforward of a name"
"Well, you should see it in person. It's really straightforward"
He cut off our conversation and started to float in the air again.
"Alright, Folks! Are you ready?!" As always the crowd went wild again. Really though, are they paid to do that every time he goes like that?
"Let's welcome, Zap!" The gate where my next opponent will come has started to move.
The iron rods were slowly moving up and I can see sparks flying around within the darkness of the tunnel. Then he came out.
He was muscular and big like Garen. He has short black hair and sharp squinted eyes. He wears a Karate uniform or Gi, which can't even hide his bulging muscles.
Sparks were also sometimes flickering around him. His face is average and he's a Japanese descent if I look at him more clearly.
"So are you a traditional or a modern one" I asked taking a battle stance that screams bullshit. I don't really do battle stance and this stance just came out of my ass.
"Traditional and also I'm not really into Karate" He also takes a battle stance. Not gonna lie but my stance looks shit to his solid stance.
"My grandfather was really into Karate which made me learn it but he was really into it that made me kinda not enjoy doing Karate"
"But isn't that a Karate stance?"
"Well if it helps me reach my dreams then why not use it"
"I see"
Zap then made the first move as he punches with electricity swirling on his right arm. The sight was so mesmerizing that I honestly admit he got lucky in his ability.
I dodge it by leaping back and the place where I have been before exploded. It produced a small crater and brown smoke replaced my figure.
But from that smoke, the figure of Zap came dashing through. In his two arms were electricity circling around his forearm.
He did a barrage of attacks and I blocked them with my two arms but that didn't stop it from slipping in as it entered inside my defense and sometimes punch a part on my body.
I escape by leaping backwards but he was still chasing me and kept barraging me of electric punches. As he was trying to electrocute my arms and make it unusable, I then came up of a plan.
I then proceed to be also in the offensive as I kick his chest. We were then exchanging blows, a punch, a kick, an elbow strike, and knee strikes.
I used my Imitate to the max as he slowly realizes that my every move is strangely similar to his.
According to the plan, this is where I give up. I then leap backward and let my arms dangle on the side as it looks like they were numb and electrocuted that I can't lift them anymore.
Zap's eyes were shining and didn't let this opportunity to pass as he takes a large breath and focuses all of his electricity in his right arm.
He came in front of me in a blink of an eye. His whole body was screaming "UPPERCUT!" as I can see his right arm ready to explode me away.
I can also hear the crowd yelling at the same time. "BOOM!"
Zap uppercuts Luke and massive smoke came to the direction where he punches which covered Luke in smoke. The crowd went wild because Zap didn't disappoint them with that massive attack.
But something was wrong. Zap was not moving, he stayed in the same position and the same pose.
He was like a statue not moving there. When the big smoke cleared out, the people were shocked as two swords and 3 daggers were embedded in Zap's neck, head, and heart.
Luke was just standing there, looking perfectly fine. He didn't even look tired or exhausted from the fight. No cuts, No injuries, No sweats, No short breaths, just calm and fine like a pure lake.
"I'm going to take back those sharp things, Thaaank you" Luke said as he started to take out all the 'sharp things' stabbed or embedded on Zap.
The crowd was silent and gobsmack. Every one of them was totally 'shocked' as their mouths and eyes were wide open.
Except for Nicholas though as he was looking at all the fortune that he has just won as he was the only one who bet on Luke's victory.
"A...ah...Uhm...Replay!" The commentator for the first time in his career was left speechless. As being speechless means an end to his career.
Then a screen appeared in the middle of the arena and a giant "Replay" was in the middle of it.
In the scene, was before Luke got uppercut, and the screen conveniently even slowed down the speed. The next scene was 'shocking' as Luke jump backward and completely escaped the path where Zap swings his uppercut, missing him and Luke dodging it by a hair's breathe.
Once Zap's stop and reached the limit of his reach, just like his now position. Suddenly, two swords came stabbing through his head and heart while three daggers were flying to his neck and then pause.
Zap's towering figure in the middle of the arena was like a statue. It looks alive but he was lifeless.