Back to training, I guess.

"So?... how was the arena?" Nicholas asked while I was peeking at the big robot following behind us.

The big robot was carrying a giant chest. I was curious about what's inside the chest, but I'm more curious about the robot.

The robot looks tanky as it was big and buff, having a big rectangular shield on it's back and two small rectangular shields attached to his wrist guard. Seeing these equipments, it's obvious what his role is.

" was great, not gonna lie I enjoyed it" I said with a smile but they can't see it because I haven't taken off my mask yet, moreover I think I should be more careful to not easily let anyone know my now two identities.

Because earlier the people inside the arena were going crazy. Just a moment ago they were cheering and chanting my fake name but after I won against Zap, their attitude and looks to me turned 180° real quick.

Then when it was supposed to get ugly. A 12-feet tall robot suddenly appeared beside me and Nicholas was leisurely sitting by its shoulder. Fortunately, thanks to that we left the Arena peacefully.

"Hahaha! I was also enjoying the fight. It seems the training you've been through were worth it" Garen said while looking at me with a proud face.

"You did a great job" Nicholas also praised me from the side.

"For giving me all this loot" He quickly added.

"Sigh~ I'm going to ignore the last one. Also, how did you have that?" I pointed at the giant chest.

"I won a bet"

Huh? how? and why so much?

"Just don't think about it"

"Furthermore let's talk about you" He glances at me from the side.

"Your combat skills are absolutely mediocre, in the eyes of others, your combat skills are above average but for me. It's not"

'I get that since I'm still new to this'

"I admit your talented, you can be groomed but your so-called 'Imitate' coupled with your improved body, is just covering a massive hole of yours" He points at my chest and looks at me straight in the eyes.

"You were straight off copying the other's moves, which I kinda like since what you were doing was a complete large spit in their pride and hard work" He smirked.

"But if you keep doing that, then you won't improve. So from now on, you're forbidden to use Imitate when in combat and you can only use it when I'm teaching you some things. Also as your teacher, I will thoroughly ingrain all the combat skills I know into you" He said with a sadistic smile.

"Okay, then what about martial arts?" I asked which he gave me a dull stare for a second but he then responds.

"My martial art is unpredictable, free, vicious, and bold. If you want to learn my martial arts then you have to start learning how to punch again but don't worry as I will guide you. IF you're willing?" Nicholas grinned. I then nodded without hesitation.

"When the time comes, you will come to understand that with only martial arts you can win against anyone who has an ability" Nicholas said with a confident tone.

"Also I have already given you the reward" He tossed a flat disk to me. After I caught it, a window appeared in front of me. I hurriedly checked my points.

After defeating 3 dudes, I easily acquired 300CP and If I compare this to the Mission Hall then ain't this very fast rather than doing those missions.

The 3 fights I have won, finished in just 5 or 7 minutes. If I did a mission, it will probably take 30 minutes or even higher than that.

Because a mission is no joke, it will take you a lot of time to complete it. Now I came to understand why many prefer fighting in the Arena rather than doing missions.

I checked as my 1590CPs went to 1890CPs but then Nicholas gave me a whopping 1000CPs, so if we add it up. Now it's 2890 which means my rank is.

[R73: Luke Chronos, Rose Debluer, Carlson Chad, ...]

Holy shit! that was the biggest ranked up I experienced.

"Congrats! you're now R73. Once you surpassed the line of 70s, you will then enter the middle tier. Also, I advise you to check the Training Center if you want to" Garen who has been quiet from the side, suddenly congratulated me.

"Sure, once I achieved mid-tier" I agreed.


We finally arrived at the teachers' building. Me and Nicholas proceeded to the gym room as for Garen he said a duel was started by two high-tiers and he was notified to referee the match.

We then continued my training and I was easily adapting to it as I was dodging more frequently. Even with a blindfold on and lights switched off, I can somewhat dodge the bullets that came flying to me.

'Hmph! I can now dodge your bullets' I thought and unbeknownst to me, my face made a smug look and I immediately controlled myself to stop.

I then felt the atmosphere turn cold and I can't see his face as my blindfold was covering my eyes. I then came to realize that...I f@cked up.

"What's with the smug look?" I flinched and heard his voice closer than where he stood. With just one simple question, he made me feel like a chicken ready to be killed.

"I was only using one arm. So now let's use two arms" Oh god I just dug my grave.