Learning and Improving

We continued the dodgeball training as I was adapting too fast. Whenever a ball was coming to me, my body senses it as danger like some animal instincts.

Because of this, I can dodge the balls easily and if they were too fast, I block it. This type of training was bliss compared to the first training I've done and with this thought I became complacent.

But Nicholas...as he was an all-knowing prick, increased the speed in which he throws the balls and him now using two arms I feel like I'm back to square one.

From time to time I have a small amount of break when he switches to melee, in that little amount I learned how to recover energy. Just a little bit though.

Surprisingly the dodgeball that I have been doing is actually improving something in me. No, not an ability. But a sense called proprioception.

Proprioception is according to the internet. This refers to the body's ability to perceive its own position in space or is the sense of self-movement and body position. It is sometimes described as the "sixth sense".

For example, you put your arm under the table and even if the table is blocking the sight of your arm. You know where it is located and it's position.

So what Nicholas has been doing to my body is. He's improving my proprioception to the next level, where I can even sense far out of my body. Not just only my arm but around me.

Now not only it improves my proprioception but also my sense of balance. Do you know how hard it is to maintain balance with a blindfold on? At the same time, I'm dodging balls left and right.

It seems the balls stopped and Nicholas switches to melee, I can also finally use 2 of my senses. By smelling his scent, hearing his footsteps and breathing. I will know his position and moves. With this, I can imagine his stature and position, although not that accurate.

He then proceeds to sends attacks on me and I was 1 second behind dodging all his attacks. Even though I can sense and outline his body in my mind, my body can't keep up as his attacks were fast, accurate, and unpredictable.

He was sometimes going fast and slow, stopping mid-way and changing his trajectory or not. What's terrifying is, He wasn't stopping or even lowering his strength. It was increasing in strength but not in speed, maybe it's to make me adapt faster while tempering my body.

"Left" He said and I blocked the coming left hook with my left arm. The hook connected and it disappeared in an instant, leaving my left arm stinging from the pain.

"Right" He said and blocked 3 right hooks this time. My right arm totally numbed from the 3 nonstop attacks.

"Middle, Left" The left was a bluff as I can sense it not coming but a big coming punch to my stomach though. I defended by having my two arms covering my stomach. I forcefully moved my right arm as my left arm supported it, making an X or crossing my arms in front of my stomach.

I feared the unknown as the room became silent. I can't hear any breathing nor his clothes fluttering from him moving, I can't smell his scent but only my sweat. Then suddenly I hear breathing. A punch came and it was so strong that I flew to the wall.

'WHAT THE FUCK!?' I can only cursed in my head because that punch literally blew all the air inside my lungs making me unable to even groan. I collapsed at the ground, lying down in my puddle of sweat. I coughed from the pain and desperately breathe for air.

I then take off the blindfold as light invaded my sight. I coughed again and this time I felt incredible pain in many different parts of my body, especially in my two arms. I am now feeling the pain that I ignored earlier.

I can't even move from exhaustion. My body is craving for water, my mind is getting fuzzy and if I don't drink any second now then I will drink this puddle of sweat with no hesitation.

Then like a blessing from God. I see a hand placing a bottle of water beside my head. I was so happy but unfortunately, I can't move my body.

I look at the owner of the hand to ask for help but I see a familiar giant grin...and it's Nicholas...How could I forget...Great. Should I throw my pride? No! I can do this. I just need to endure and recover.

Luke, you can do this. Meditate or do something, remember the recovering energy thing you have been doing. You just have to regulate your breathing and relax all your muscles.

After a few minutes. I finally recovered and lift myself up. I then sit on the floor and reach for the bottle, I opened it and drank the water. Not spilling a drop of it, I treated it with care. I felt like I explored the desert for a few days with no water and found an oasis.

"Haa~" Satisfied from the clean and cold water, finally hydrating my dry throat.

"After your done drinking more of that. Go home, get some sleep, and prepare to go to the swimming pool tomorrow" Nicholas said.

"Swimming pool? Can I invite 2 of my friends?" I said remembering the faces of my only friends.

"Sure, go ahead" He said while looking at his watch.

"But the thing is...I don't have contacts of them"

"Why do you have no contacts, if you're friends with them" Nicholas' one brow lifted up from confusion.

I don't know how to respond to that. I began to become silent and thought 'Why did I never get their number'

"Sigh. Fine. Just this once I will break the law for you, tell me their names" After this, I'm totally gonna ask for their number.

"Their names are Ken and Kendra" I then await Nicholas.

"Ken and Kendra? The twins?" Nicholas said with a slight tone of confusion. With my now enhance hearing, It picked up an unknown tone besides that and I figure out that it seems Nicholas knows them.

"You're friends with them? Why am I not even surprised, So what you wanna do? Call them?" Nicholas started calling the cleaning robots and proceeds to the teacher's room.

After I got my rest, I lift myself up and walk beside him. We got outside the gym room. I then said in the middle of our conversation that I want to call them.