"Hello, who is this?"
"it's Joe" A deep voice resounded.
"And who are you Joe?" asked by a young voice.
"Pfft!, Joe~Mama~" The deep voice changed to a familiar voice which the young voice recognized.
"Really dude? So why did you called? Also, how did you get my number?"
"I asked a teacher and got your number. Also are you free tomorrow?"
"We are free, But...wait. Why exactly?"
"I would like to invite the two of you to go to the pool tomorrow"
"So are you good?" He then added.
"Yes? Wait let me ask Kendra" Ken separated from the phone and looked beside him.
Kendra was beside him, sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. Luke can hear their conversation as the phone was near them.
"Hey Kendra, are we free tomorrow?" Ken asked, looking at Kendra beside him. Since Kendra was nearby, she heard the conversation and thought about it.
"I don't know, you decide" Kendra replied.
"Well I can't decide clearly if you say it that way"
"...Okay, let's go then" Kendra sighed.
"Now I feel like I forced you" Ken teased.
"No, I'm not!'s just...I changed my mind" Kendra reassured.
"Okay then. Luke, you heard that?" Ken looks at the phone and an immediate "Yup!" sounded.
"Also meet up inside the Research building at 9 in the morning. So see you guys there"
"Inside?-" Before Ken can even ask, Luke then hangs up and the twins after that started talking about what they're wearing for tomorrow.
Inside the Research building. Luke was waiting for the twins to arrive. It was currently 8:40, so he was 20 minutes early than the agreement.
Since they were going to the pool, Luke changed his clothes this time. He left his boots at home and wore blue flip flops, his black pants now replaced to black swimming trunks. He was now shirtless which showed his perfectly chiseled body.
Nicholas was beside him, nothing changed to his clothing and he was perfectly fine under the heat of the fake sun. Which really made Luke curious and asked about it.
"My lab coat has a cooling system, so don't worry about me getting a heat stroke"
"Really? what's more" Luke said totally fascinated about Nicholas' lab coat.
"It is fireproof, waterproof, acid-proof, stainless, large pocket storage, and much more"
"Wow, can you create one for me?"
"Well...maybe in the future"
For 10 minutes straight, we were having a stupid conversation just to pass time. Even though Nicholas hates stupid talks, I feel like he enjoyed it. Now that I look at it from the side, we look like master and apprentice just having a conversation.
We then stopped our conversation as we both felt that they are here as I can see from the far distance two cute twins I know of.
It seems my senses are steadily improving. Even from this distance, I can hear their flip flops getting closer. Maybe it's because we are the only ones in this area and that's why I can easily hear their footsteps.
The two finally arrived and showed a clear view of their swimwear.
Ken wore light blue shorts and flip flops. A green jacket to hide his upper body, while Kendra was wearing a black double flare skirt one piece which made her look cute and modest.
"You're early" Luke smirked and teased the two.
" "Hi Luke" " The two said with a smile but when they look at Nicholas, their smile crumbled immediately.
"Uhm...Luke, why is he here?" Ken asked.
"Why? Do you know him?"
"Chat later, let's get going" Nicholas said and turns around. Before I could follow Nicholas, Ken grabbed my hand.
"Luke, you know him?" Ken said with a serious face while Kendra behind him was showing a nervous expression.
"Yeah, I know him" I answered.
"I see...whatever you do, don't train while he is there or even near him" He said with a grave face. 'aah... I kinda did...' I thought.
"You don't understand. He's ruthless" Ken seems to notice that I was not taking his words seriously.
"Why are the three of you just standing there? Let's go!"
Hearing that we started walking while Ken was continuing his talk with me. Warning me about Nicholas and Kendra nodding beside me.
"Okay, I will confess. Nicholas once trained us but we didn't last a month as he was very brutal. My first training was sleeping with the snakes. Hey Luke! Do you hear me? sleeping with the snakes!"
"He said it was for me to understand the motion of snake, I quit after that since I don't want to run anymore from those hungry snakes" He shuddered from the memory of it.
"While mine was falling from the sky, he said it was for me to become immune to fear of heights. I admit that work but the next thing made me gave up." Kendra said adding to the ruthlessness of Nicholas.
"It was to kill a bird and dissect it. After that I also quit since every time I look at my Icebird, I feel guilt like I just killed her family"
"Amateurs..." I said with a gaze looking down at them.
" "What?" " The twins both said at the same time.
"I said amateurs!" I shouted and I hear from the front of us, Nicholas was laughing.