Chapter 3

Aura's next destination was a small trading firm in the outskirts of the city. There he used the ruby to purchase an Appraisal skill book, and sold the sapphire for ten gold coins.

Money in Ascendance is one of the fee things that stays the same no matter where you go, 100 copper makes 1 silver, 100 silver makes 1 gold, 100 gold makes one mithril, 100 mithril makes 1 crystal.

Unlike other games, Ascendance is almost fully focused on realism, monsters don't drop things when they die, nor do they respawn immediately. It takes a long time for monsters to return to an area once killed and sometimes they just don't, instead moving on to a different area. Monsters that breed quickly, like goblins and horned rabbits are different, they show up everywhere.

The adventurer's guild can be found anywhere, and will purchase the proof of subjugation of these types of monsters on a constant basis. There are many guilds, and these guilds are where most players spend their time, due to the large quantity of quests that flow through. The guilds all have similar systems, allowing anyone to register and take on quests, but charging a small fee on every quest reward to make money.

What players don't realise very often is that registering at the adventurer's guild is completely pointless, as you can still take quests in the guild as well as sell subjugation proof without it. The only thing that registering at the adventurer's gets you is a small sense of accomplishment as well as being monitored by the government. This is only applicable to the adventurers guild though, all the other guilds are allowed to operate seperately from the government due to their lack of military might.

Aura was currently considering joining the adventurer's guild, it does have some benefits in the long run, but it's also impressively annoying for the most part. Aura's goal at the moment was to hunt the horned rabbits in the eastern forest to extinction.

The reason horned rabbits and goblins reproduce so quickly is because they have a queen. The queen is almost constantly giving birth to massive amounts of children, allowing them to spread rapidly.

For horned rabbits, the queen is known as a golden rabbit, most likely due to the fact that its pelt is made of literal gold. Golden rabbits are somewhat special monsters amongst the queen-type, golden rabbits are ridiculously weak, but still give out experience suitable for their type.

From Aura's memory, there are at least eight queen-type rabbits in the eastern forest, and after spending three silver on some rabbit bait, that's exactly where he was headed.

After he picked up the quest at the guild though.


Adventurer's Guild, Merinford Branch

The atmosphere in the adventurer's guild was pretty much akin to an extraordinarily busy tavern filled with weaponry. The people inside were rambunctious, slightly drunk, and filled to the brim with pride and piss.

On one side of the guild was a board covered with pieces of paper in no particular order. These pieces of paper were the requests that the guild accepts. The guild would have you believe that only guild members could accept quests, and that you had to make sure the receptionists marked you down for that particular request, but this was total bullshit.

Anyone could accept requests, and only guild members had to confirm things with the receptionists. Aura just walked up to the board, found the quest to clear out the eastern forest, plucked it off the board, and just walked straight outside the guild.

The guild halls were enchanted with formations that prevented unapproved individuals from accepting quests, meaning that all you had to do was walk outside with the request slip. This sort of nonsense was why Aura only ever registered with private guilds, as they didn't monitor everything you did, and if they did monitor you, they sure as hell didn't tell the country what they find out.

Since Aura had already gotten his quest and his rabbit bait, he set off to slaughter all the small, fluffy, and adorable little bunnies in the forest, as well as all the bunnies' mothers.