Chapter 4

Aura headed out through the eastern gate of Merinford and walked towards the serene eastern forest.

He didn't encounter anyone else on the way, because other players were probably still figuring out their skills, and for NPCs it was almost dinnertime.

Without noticing it, Aura had spent a solid six hours finishing up all his tasks in Merinford. Aura's next task of slaughtering children's drea... killing evil monster bunnies, would probably take just as much, if not more time.

Monsters in Ascendance were like everything else in the game, highly realistic, they always moved with just as much intelligence as they would have if they were real. Horned rabbits were particularly annoying to hunt, as they had an extraordinary sense for danger.

However these cowardly bunnies had an extraordinarily obvious weakness, they were stupid.

Horned rabbits, like other monsters, fed off of a combination of normal food and void energy, so all you had to do to bait every rabbit within a half mile was to infuse some void energy into some rabbit bait and toss it on the ground.

After reminiscing about the idiocy of fictional bunnies for a bit, Aura followed his own advice and tossed a piece of void bunny bait on the ground and pulled out his Ordinary Dagger, which, after giving it a nice Appraisal, turned out to be not ordinary in the slightest.


Dawn's Fury

Durability 6/10

A dagger forged of a crystalline orichalcum alloy and quenched in the tears of the god of dawn. Despite how it looks this dagger is basically indestructible and works as a nice flashlight. After more than thirty-thousand years in disuse, the runes on this blade have become slightly damaged, until a master blacksmith repairs it, you will be unable to access this blade's skills, excepting its origin function.

Skill 1 - Broken

Skill 2 - Broken

Skill 3 - Broken

Origin Function - This blade is made from crystalline orichalcum, and thus retains the elements it takes in.

Current Elements

Divine - Deals double damage to corrupted enemies

Dawn - Shines with light when infused with life energy


An extraordinary find, and probably related to a quest later on, Aura couldn't wait to repair it, but he would need blacksmithing tools and some crystalline orichalcum alloy.

Crystalline orichalcum was already annoying, but since he doesn't know what the alloy is made of, that just multiplies the difficulty. What's more is that, since the blade was made so long ago, the only place likely to have any info on it would be in the god of dawn's tomb, which is in the third realm

It would take less time for him to just figure it out on his own, especially since he already has his guesses.

What is most ridiculous about the blade is its origin function, which is element absorbtion, meaning the more monsters he kills, the more powerful it will get. Like that sword from Harry Potter that only takes in that which makes it stronger.

Given that it has an origin function means that the alloy had to contain some amount of origin steel, which isn't rare, it just takes a master blacksmith several months to make. And since the element absorbtion can hold more than one element, there should be some rainbow powder thrown in, which is an incredibly rare alchemy ingredient.

Rainbow powder is dried and crushed rainbow flower petals, which only bloom for seven minutes after a rainbow forms. Rainbow flowers can also only be found above an area where rainbow crystals can be mined, which makes them even more rare, since practically every rainbow crystal deposit in the first realm has been mined into oblivion (rainbow crystals have no special effects, but are extraordinarily beautiful, nobles are even willing to sell their own daughters for even a single crystal).

The alloy probably includes those as well as some incredibly pure alchemical stabilizer, just to keep the absorbed elements in check.

Due to Aura's array of knowledge, these ingredients won't be hard to find, but it will take him around a year to gather them.


Since all the rabbits except the queen have been gathered, Aura prepared his overpowered dagger and his impressive weapon skills.