Chapter 28

Angering a druid was a great way for you and all your loved ones to lose the ability to step into any place where there is a high concentration of nature energy.

They were excellent people to have on your side though, and many guilds hired skilled druids with high salaries and great benefits.

Fiona would never reach the second advancement of the druid path, she simply wasn't suited for it.

But with Aura's help, she could still become a terrifying powerhouse, and was already starting to show signs of it.

She already had affinity for nature force, and now that she could use dragon force and both the thunder and darkness attributes, she was going down a path that few had walked before.

One of the advancement paths of druid was almost impossible to go down, requiring a person to basically forsake their own race in order to gain power.

The shapeshifter advanced class required an individual to have less than half of their body be from their original race.

So far, Fiona was getting close, prosthetics didn't count, since the system registered missing parts as not part of the body, so Fiona had only three limbs that hadn't been modified.

Clone fruit organs also counted as prosthetics, so most of her body was empty, excepting her heart and lungs, which were both from a different creature.

She had gills and a dragon eye, so by the system's evaluation, only about 60% of her was still demon.

Once the wings were added, that would go down to about 54%, and in order to push her over the threshold, he planned on replacing her blood.

Blood replacement wasn't nearly as dangerous as it sounded, but making the body accept the blood and continue to produce it was.

Aura would need some excellent blood, and for once, he was spoiled for choice, since pretty much every monster had blood.

He wanted some great attributed blood, so that would make things easier, but it was difficult to find compatibilities with darkness and thunder.


While deciding, he would need to strip the minotaur of its skin and start to make some armor out of it.

Leatherwork wasn't his field of expertise, but he'd dabbled.

The requirements for this armor would be simple, room for wings and gills without restricting movement or reducing protection.

Due to these requirements, and definitely not his personal taste, the armor would need to be skintight and form-fitting.

In his defense, Fiona was quite attractive, and Aura was no monk.

Still, the armor would be rather shoddy, but it would certainly protect her from a few arrows being shot in her direction.

If Fiona died in the Sands, Aura would die too.

Thus, she needed to be protected at all costs.

Aura wasn't particularly happy that she'd be getting poorly made armor, but he was in a rush and didn't want to deal with leatherworkers, who would no doubt fangirl over the minotaur leather.

It would also be the first time in a while that Aura would have a chance to level up.

He'd gotten a fair bit of experience from the dragon, but it had already been significantly weakened by something else, so the majority of experience went to the other dragon.

After that, he'd done basically nothing that could gain him experience, so he was about twenty levels behind the crowd.

The Desert of Shifting Sands was a moderately high leveled area, but most of the monsters are trap and poison types, meaning that a few spells can find them easily.

And they don't exactly have the toughest of defenses, so once you find them, they die damn quickly.

This was rather perfect, since glass cannon types were exactly the targets that Aura needed, though leveling up didn't do all that much for him.

Classless players only get a single stat point upon level up, so levelling their skills is far more important.