Chapter 29

About a month later, Aura's bat experiments had borne fruit, and two months after that, Fiona was ready to fly.

During this time, Aura had done a few other things, like hunt down a few more rainbow crystal deposits, gather some more rare monster materials, and steal some more stuff from the government.

His total hall was extraordinary, but it would take a bit too much time for him to count most of it.

He hadn't found any new rainbow cores or weakling dungeons, so he was still waiting for a true dragon's corpse to fall out of the sky.

Aura had also planned out numerous locations that he wanted as bases, drawing up maps and writing down every detail he could remember.

Aura had also created numerous abominations in his experiments for transplanting wings, and had set these horrifying creatures loose near the guild base of Heart's Light, which was a guild that had screwed him over in his past life.

The abominations weren't powerful, but they were all monsters with long range capabilities who could somewhat fly.

'Somewhat' because Aura's skill at wing transplanting hadn't been anything special at that point.

He had also planned out his route through the Sands, making sure to stay within sight of the desert's edge, but also getting to the good things, like the old ruins and good places to excavate resonant sandstone.

Aura also ended his experiments with monsters the moment Fiona figured out how to fly.

If Aura really wanted to be hunted down by every humanoid in existence, he'd much rather it be over something more important to him.

Once he got his resonant sandstone, he was going to make bases all over the world, connected to the one he was in now by magical piano passage.

Fiona's shopping had also turned up a few interesting things, but it seems people were learning not to sell things tbey don't know the value of.

Aura had also noted a severe diversion from his past life's timeline, at least in real life.

His brother had been in a rather severe car crash, and died.

This hadn't happened previously, but Aura was grateful for it now.

The only person Aura had ever cared about in his family was his mother.

And he only cared about her when she wasn't having a tantrum or mental breakdown, which was rarely.

His mother was stressed from work, and his brother always took advantage of that and their father's stupidity to mess with him.

Aura's brother was the bane of his existence as a child, and the reason Aura got into the habit of spending practically nothing.

Any time Aura would recieve any kind of money as a child, his brother would steal it, or fabricate some excuse to their parents to get Aura to pay him.

There was one particular case where his brother stole a hundred dollars from Aura, then told their parents that Aura had done just that to him.

His parents being either as dumb as a rock or too busy to deal with anything, decided that Aura would have to repay his brother in double.

They never listened to their youngest son.

Things like this kept occurring, until Aura got into the habit of just hiding all his money away and never taking it out.

It should be noted that it wasn't just his immediate family who was like this, even his extended family had issues.

Aura's dad had a very large, very confusing family, where you could find uncles younger than their nephews and cousins with more than a fifty year age gap.

His mother had a much smaller family, but they could be called crazy at best.

She had five siblings, with her being the second daughter.

Her older sister was a psycho, currently locked in prison for torturing someone to death.

Her older brother was a pyromaniac, also in prison, who burned down the apartment complex he lived in.

Her two little brothers were odd, but neither dangerous.

Her mother was a nutcase who fled the US for numerous crimes, though the FBI refused to elaborate when asked.

Her father was at best described as stoic, and if you were being less kind, he could be called antisocial and paranoid.

With a family as fucked up as his, Aura turning out to be almost completely without a moral compass could be described as a rather decent result.