Chapter 47

After meeting with his new slave and giving her the rundown on her duties, Aura was left feeling a bit of discomfort.

She was way too subservient.

All things considered, she was probably the analytical type and had come to some sort of weird conclusion, but he certainly wasn't going to stop her.

While Fiona received acting lessons, Aura was going to work on finding the four elemental cores.

And this would not be easy.

Cores were powerful items that could only be found in extreme and rare circumstances.

Rainbow cores could only be found occasionally near the rarest mineral in the realm.

Kingdom cores were found only one per country.

A fire elemental core could only be found in pools of lava and at the center of volcanoes in the realm.

A water elemental core could only be found in hidden grottos at the bottom of the ocean.

Earth elemental cores were found deep in the Underworld, hidden away in the deepest darkest caverns.

Air elemental cores were found in random locations where the wind gathered for many years.

Finding even a single one of these cores could take years.

Fortunately, Aura was somewhat specialized in tracking things down, since he would often get hired to find and kill people in his last life.

So he would search for information on the cores while also spreading some rumours about the attack on the city.

He planned a war between Firen and the Toffler Republic.

While he would have preferred having the two largest countries duking it out, he'd only come up with the plan after destroying a city in Firen.

If he spread rumours that it was an attack from the Toffler Republic, people would believe it.

Not because the Republic and Firen are enemies or anything, but because the common people don't know anything about other countries.

They barely leave the cities they were born in, how would they know what another country is thinking.

And nobles are famous for lying to their people, so even if they denied the claims, it would be nigh impossible to quell the populace's fears.

Rumours were the first step.

He would need to push things far harder before anything could be done.

A war in the first realm was not easy to provoke, some simple rumours wouldn't even make the royals budge.

But all that needed to be done was the spreading of rumours.

Once the rumour caught on, it would take on a life of its own, growing and twisting and changing.

And while this wouldn't get the war started, it would spread dissatisfaction amongst the people.

'What did we ever do to them?'

Would be a popular thought amongst the more gullible.

Steps two and three were also simple.

There needed to be a retalitory attack, then rumours spread in the Republic.

For this, a fire core would be very useful.

Aura didn't have the time to burn a city down, nor could he purchase tools that started large fires.

It would be pretty obvious it was a setup if he did.

A fire core allowed large scale manipulation of fire, so he could use it to launch a bombardment upon the city from outside without being noticed.

But now he was back to his dilemma.

Where could he find a fire core.

Apparently, the answer was: The Scorched Lands.

No surprise here, but it was rather annoying tbat no matter how much he searched, that was the closest answer he could get.

The Scorshed Lands was the home of an ancient flame dragon, and was hot as balls.

There would probably be a fire core there, but the problem was that the Scorched Lands were massive.

They were the areas that a massive fucking dragon roamed on a regular basis, its territory.

There's no way it would take kindly to intruders.

However, Aura had recently received a massive boost to his abilities.

He could certainly kill an ancient dragon.

So long as he made proper preparations, and nothing went horribly horribly wrong.

But as things do, they would probably go wrong in the worst possible way.

And Aura would have to deal with the mess left behind by his failed plans.