Chapter 48

The Scorched Lands

The ancient dragon, Hurin of the Flame, awoke from his slumber.

A powerful intruder had arrived within his territory.

One that would not normally be found in the first realm.

It was probably another adventurer seeking his hoard, or the glory gained by slaying him.

It was manners among dragons to wait in their lair for foolhardy adventurers to arrive, at which point the intruders would be eaten.

Though they normally tasted terrible.

Why would they cover themselves in those nasty shells anyway?

It isn't like it ever did them any good while facing a dragon.

But this new threat could not be underestimated.

By Hurin's evaluation, the individual heading his way was some sort of advanced class, but he could not tell which.

The man was not carrying any sort of baggage, not even a weapon.

He simply kicked any small fry that got in his way, and they died.

What sort of adventurer would come facing a dragon with nothing in hand?

Either someone with a storage spell or someone suicidal.

And the man walked with purpose, he would not wish to die.

Storage spells varied in the space available within, but normally they would take time to activate, so the caster would keep his weapons and equipment with him.

Hurin was confused, did this intruder not intend to fight?

It had happened before, mortals coming to him to ask for guidance in exchange for gold and gems.

Hurin was not averse to such dealings, but this man was taking the rules for such things to an extreme.

When requesting an audience with a dragon, one is to show up unarmed, without casting any spells, with an offering.

But that doesn't apply the moment you enter the dragon's territory.

Perhaps the man is just a stickler for proper manners?

Given his actions this was quite plausible.

Though it would be weird for a human that young to be so picky about the way he appears.

While Hurin mused upon this bizarre human, the individual in question had arrived at the entrance to his lair.

"Oh great dragon, I come bearing gifts, in the hopes that you will give me guidance!"

The man was very polite, normally such people would enter the cavern before speaking their intent.

"Enter, mortal. I, the great Flame Dragon Hurin shall give you the guidance you seek in exchange for a gift worthy of it."

Hurin was very pleased, this man was only slightly inferior in strength to him and yet the man was humble and polite.

The man would go a long way in this world.

As the man entered the lair, Hurin could see him carrying a large barrel that he hadn't had outside.

It was likely too heavy to carry long distances, so the man had had no choice but to store it in spite of the rules.

"Great Flame Dragon Hurin, I bring to you three gifts, a bottomless keg of fine liquors so that you may enjoy, a book of esoteric research kept private by humanity's greatest casters, and a box of rainbow crystals, with which to decorate your hoard."

Hurin was floored by the man's gifts.

Liquor, knowledge and precious metals and jewels were the things valued most by dragons, and this man had brought him all three.

And each piece of the man's offerings was worth a fortune.

"I, the Great Flame Dragon Hurin do acknowledge your gifts. Ask, seeker, and receive your guidance."

"Great Flame Dragon Hurin, I seek a fire elemental core, and have heard that one lies within you land."

Hurin was conflicted, on one hand, the man's gifts were certainly worth what he sought, but on the other, he was loathe to part with such an item, both pretty and powerful.

But before he could respond, the man spoke again.

"Great Flame Dragon Hurin, I can see that I have asked too much. Please forgive me for my rudeness. I shall leave and return with something worth my desire."

And then the man bowed and left.

Hurin was stunned once again.

This man had clearly spent a fortune acquiring his gifts, and yet gladly left them behind because he was worried he had offended Hurin.

Hurin resolved that should the man ever return, he would give the man whatever he sought, regardless of his gifts.