The First Day At Work


The week went by and Si Han and Yu Ran have to go to work.

>13 January

-Outside of Wang Corporation-

Si Han wore her office wear for the first time and came out of the Yu Ran's Lamborghini Veneno which was super luxurious. The seats were leather from France. That was all Si Han knew about expensive cars, even though her father is rich, she will never get a car like that and she doesn't know anything about cars.

Si Han looked at the Wang Cooperation building and was not surprising as, in the past, her father used to force her to come to the Qi Graphic Design Cooperation building. Still, she was surprised in the building structure as it was unique, the most unique buildings she had ever seen. The building was like a staircase. The staircase building is the building where the company's high ranking investors, sit and have meetings during the day. The staircase building is also the office for the CEO.

There was another office building linked to the staircase building. The office building is where all employees of the Wang Cooperation work.

"WOW!",Si Han exclaimed. She continued walking into the company with Yu Ran walking in-front of her.

As Yu Ran walk by every employee, everyone greeted him.

"Good Morning Boss", as each employee said the same thing.

While Yu Ran was walking past them, Si Han, on the other hand, is also bowing to all the employees. The employees of the company started to gossip as Si Han walk pass them.

One employee whispered to another, "Who the hell is she? And just who she thinks she is walking behind of CEO Wang like that?"

Another employee whispered back, "Yeah, just who does she think she is?"

Yu Ran's ears were sharp and heard all the gossiping. The next minute he stops walking which caused Si Han to bump into him. Yu Ran wrapped around Si Han with one hand and announced, "If you don't know already, this person next to me is my fiancée, Qi Si Han, Daughter of the Qi Graphics Design Cooperation."

Employees eyes widen when they heard the company's name."Qi Graphics Design Cooperation!! The biggest company in city B!?! What is the daughter doing here?", the employees' thoughts were just to the point where Si Han just knew what they were thinking.

Si Han stops there and wanted to speak when Yu Ran's hand grabbed onto her hand telling her to not tell them the reason why she was here. If she opened her mouth, everyone outside of this office will know about it and it is just too soon for the public and the Wangs to know.

The employees still just stood there. Yu Ran spoke in a loud voice, "Go back to work everyone"

All the employees quickly ran back to their table to not get their salaries cut.

Si Han looked at Yu Ran but he just walked towards his office which was up at 16 floors.

Yu Ran gave Si Han a signal that her office is in his. As they took the lift together, Yu Ran hugged Si Han by the hips.

Si Han face turned red, "What are you doing?"

"I crave some blood my dearest...", as Yu Ran replied, his eyes turned as red as blood, skin as pale as snow and fangs started appearing. Immediately, his fangs pierced through her skin and Si Han moaned.

"Nah...", Si Han moaned quietly.

Yu Ran smiled and whispered, "You don't have to be quiet, in this lift to my office there is no one other than my PA."

Si Han beat Yu Ran's shoulder and whispered into his ear, "We have work to do, so let's get back to work..."

Yu Ran held Si Han by the waist and whispered back, "we can do that later...I just want to feel you and taste you..."As he says that, the elevator doors open and Yu Ran did not let go of his grip. He held Si Han by the waist and entered his office.

Yu Ran continued, "We can finish work later, right now I want to taste you and feel you..."

Si Han cheeks turn red, "But we are not married yet..."

"It is fine and anyways no one can hear us...", Yu Ran whispered and places Si Han on his office desk.

Yu Ran starts undressing her and took off his pants. He began by fondling Si Han's left breast while sucking the other. Si Han let out a moan which made Yu Ran continue. As he was pleasured by touching Si Han, he places his giant rod into Si Han.

"Ahh...ahahah...", Si Han moaned but was silenced by Yu Ran's kiss. Suddenly, a bunch of investors walked into the office. They did not even knock! Yu Ran threw Si Han into his office closet and quickly Si Han dresses.

Yu Ran quickly ran to his table and sat down to cover his manhood as it was too late to zip it up.

"Mr Wang I think we should not invest time on that project that you are planning to do...", one of the investors said.

"I understand your point of view but our company can try this out and if we succeed you will earn more from here", Yu Ran replied as he tried being professional.

Si Han who was still in the closet was getting stuffy and wondered when his meeting will end. Si Han saw that in the walk-in closet there is a door to the outside. She opened it and finally, she went outside.

Si Han then knocked on the door to Yu Ran's office and walked in.

"Can't you see we are having a meeting here? Mr Wang, your employee must be fired!", one of the investors said.

"Sorry but no, this employee is my fiancée and her name is Qi Si Han, daughter of Qi Graphics design cooperation CEO, Qi Cheng Qiang, and she is also the New Design Department head", Yu Ran sternly replied as he invites Si Han to stand next to him.

The investors gave a shock on Yu Ran's face and one of them apologized, "Sorry Ms Qi...We did not know you are from the Qi Family...We will be sure to treat you better...Mr Wang, we will make a move now, we will continue this another time."As the investors leave, Si Han went over to Yu Ran's lap as she moves her hands on his manhood and whispered to him, "I thought you said no one will be here?"

"They are just won't happen again...", Yu Ran assures her.