
Just three weeks ago,Qi Si Han and Wang Yu Ran just started working and was welcomed by investors when they were doing some love making.

This large organization keeps Si Han really busy at work.There would always be calls coming in and out about contracts and meetings.This doesn't mean that Si Han doesn't like her work,as long as she could stand next with her husband-to-be,she is happy.

>Weekends,2 February 2020

As the weekends came along,the lovely couple woke up from their luxurious princess bed when they suddenly heard a knock on their door.

The woman at the door shouted,"My Son! I am back!" Yu Ran who was awake first tapped onto Si Han's shoulder and whispered,"My mother is back,Si Han why not you hide in the toilet for the time being."

Si Han quickly woke up still sleepy and ran into the toilet for the mean time. Yu Ran's mother, Chen Elisa but real name was Chen Yi Ling (his mother likes english names)who was still at the door,tried opening her son's room door and finally she opened it!

"My Son,why did you take so long just to open the door?",Elisa asked as she looked around the room.

"Nothing mother...I just woke up and could not let you see me with that sleepy face",Yu Ran tried to persuade his mother.Elisa started to look around the room as she felt that Yu Ran was lying to her."Yu Ran are you hiding something?",Elisa asked as she looked around the room.

When she finally reached the toilet,Elisa tried to open it but Yu Ran stopped her."I am not hiding anything...why not we have some tea?",Yu Ran tried his hardest to persuade his mother but it did not work.

"Stop disrupting me,just let me open this door",Elisa tried opening the door but she realized that it was locked.

"Yu Ran, I knew that you were hiding something",Elisa broke the door open and Si Han was seen lying on the floor.


Si Han stood up with a smile,"Good morning Aunt Elisa!"

Elisa screamed,"Don't good morning Aunt Elisa with me!Yu Ran explain why is she here?"

"Why not we talk in the dining hall?",as Yu Ran walked Elisa to the dining hall.Si Han followed.

>The Dining Hall

As everyone sat down,Yu Ran started to explain.

"Mother promise me that this does not spread to anyone especially dad and the Qi Family...",Yu Ran looked at Elisa.

Elisa nodded.

"Si Han is here because I was planning to marry her today.One reason because she needed help in the supernatural world.Second reason, I loved her since young",Yu Ran explained while holding onto Si Han's hands.

"What type of help that she needs that make you want to marry her so quickly?",Elisa calm down while hearing her son speak.

"This was meant to be a secret in the human and supernatural world.Her family has been banned from the supernatural world.Her father was the King of the Light Devils and he fell in love with a normal human who was her mother. Her mother was never a royal and her father never liked being King because of the pressures...Until one day her uncle declared dominance, he took over her father's place as king which caused Si Han's grandparents to misunderstand her father as they thought that Si Han father gave up the position as king...but in actual fact, it was her uncle, Mother if you had heard the name Li Tai Yan before?",Yu Ran asked.

Elisa's heart sank as she heard the name.Apparently in the past,Elisa had fought with Li Tai Yan over the rights of a land.

"That criminal! He doesn't deserve that throne even after a hundred years,that throne will never be his!",Elisa exclaimed.

"He took the throne from my father Aunt Elisa!!",the quiet Si Han suddenly started sobbing.Yu Ran comforted Si Han by hugging her.

As soon as Si Han calmed down,she blabbered,"On that day,when my father was still on the throne,Li Tai Yan, informed my grandparents that my father,Qi Chen Qiang who had to inevitably changed his name to Qi Wen Yuan for hiding reasons,he told them that my father was never going to give them a voice in the council when he always did and he even exposed my father from having a human girlfriend,who was my mother...The rubbish that Li Tai Yan had spoken about was all bull****..."

Elisa sat there wanting to help but couldn't and she said,"I was once a human,I don't know if you know but I took a potion and turned into a vampire.This potion saved my life from death in the Midnight Vampires Kingdom.You could ask your parents to take that potion together..."

"But it was too late,my mother already had us and it has human blood in it so I am only half of it..."Si Han replies slowly as she calm down.

"Never the less you could try it...it's not that I do not allow you to have a love relationship with my son but my husband will be really upset that his son is not dating a human or just a vampire...I know your secret a long time ago as Chen Qiang and my husband are really good friends,they attended the same school so they have been friends for years...but this time I don't know if he would allow this,because it's not just us that needs to evaluate you,it's the whole kingdom...", Elisa worriedly said.

"Mother, I really don't care what the Midnight Vampires will say about her. I had loved her for so long and I want to love her for the rest of her life as she has suffered more than enough from the supernatural world.I don't want to lose her again...Please beg father to let me date her...",Yu Ran begged his mother.

"Only on one condition,you get your marriage certificate today and you have your wedding two days later.",Elisa stated.Yu Ran and Si Han looked at each other and they had a hard time thinking of that condition.

"If not it's a no,your father will not be evil enough to make you divorce in front of all the audience if you get married now!",Elisa exclaimed.The lovely couple nodded their heads and straight after that,they got into the car with Elisa.They drove to the marriage center and got their certificates.

Elisa saw them did the whole process and she sobbed with joy when they were done. Once they were done,Elisa whispered to Yu Ran,"I had already got the best wedding planner for you and everything is settled just need a dress which we can use magic for."

Yu Ran heard it and was shocked how quick his mother was.Immediately,Yu Ran,Si Han and Elisa went back to Yu Ran's mansion.Before they ended the day,they measured Si Han sizes and Elisa magically made a dress on the spot.It was a beautiful off-shoulder,flowery pastel dress and it fit perfectly on Si Han. Si Han nearly cried for excitement and Yu Ran went over to hug her.

It was a fast process and now it's wedding day for this couple.