Wedding day

-18+ Content in this chapter-

Qi Si Han And Wang Yu Ran are finally getting married!!🤧 Guess what can go wrong at the wedding?

Authors words: this is too quick but I just love these two so much and by the way be careful people, there is COVID-19, please remember have personal hygiene and stay safe and healthy

Oh yes and I have a trick up my sleeve for this chapter

Yes this novel is a bit late too so sorry if it is too late(because my national exams (I am studying) are coming soon so may have lesser chapter updates than last year)

And thank you to the current readers who are reading this novel because I had never expected anyone reading this

>4 February 2020

Finally, they are getting married after a million years. This is where the story continues.

It was 9 AM and Si Han was getting ready for the wedding. Yu Ran had invited a talented and most popular makeup artist, she is the queen of the makeup industry, Estelle. As Si Han was getting ready her makeup, she receives a call. It was her mother! She realized that she had not informed her parents anything until the day before since they received a wedding invitation from their mail.

Si Han gasped and answered the phone,"Hello....mother....."

"Don't hello mother me but tell me when did you plan this whole wedding?",her mother sternly questioned.

"I will tell you everything once the wedding is over..."

"You have to tell me this instant! What are you hiding from me? And also we don't approve your marriage with Wang Yu Ran...",her mother responded.

"But mother we already got our marriage certificates...but what are you hiding from me ?",Si Han whispered on the phone.

"You have got to stop the wedding this instant, if we have to we will do it ourselves!"

"But why? Mother! Mother? Mother!", as her mother hanged upon her, she quickly called Yu Ran to tell him the news.

Yu Ran responded on the phone, "Yes my precious princess~"

"My parents want to seize our wedding and they are going to do it if we don't call it off!",Si Han rushed to say.

"They won't be able to do that! When they arrived, we will tell them the truth, just don't worry...nothing will happen", Yu Ran calmly assured his soon-to-be wife.

"Alright, I trust you...", Si Han mumbled.

As the wedding started, all the guests were clapping their hands. Yu Ran parents were excited and it was surprising that his father was whimpering.

The aisle was beautifully decorated with roses and carnations which were also all Si Han's favourites. Everyone was seated at the two rows of tables which was decorated with flowers of course. Everything was so perfect and it felt like nothing was going to go wrong. However, it did.

As Si Han walked down the aisle with Yu Ran, everyone was cheering for the young and wealthy couple until when they reached the podium, when the lights went off.

The couple held onto each other's hands and suddenly the projector turned on. It was Si Han's parents and they were video calling the public. Before anything else could go wrong, Yu Ran froze the public.

"Si Han why won't you listen to us?", Qi Cheng Qiang asked.

"Because I choose who I want to marry father!! And the truth is we have a plan to help our family get back into the supernatural world..",Si Han opposed. Si Han's parents' jaw dropped.

Si Han continued, "With Yu Ran's help we will be able to get back in as he is the Prince of the Midnight Vampires, with his power, Li Tai Yan will think I am useful and send us back in. Then we can inform Grandpa and Grandma of what had happened..."

"You sure this will work?",Lee Hui Ling(Si Han's mother), goes by the name Doris as she also loved western names.

"Yes I am certain it will work..why not you both teleport here so that it will not look suspicious?",Si Han suggested."Yu Ran could we combine our powers to teleport them here?",Si Han continued.

"Alright..", As Yu Ran and Si Han both combined their powers and teleported both Mr and Mrs Qi through the projector screen. Then Mr and Mrs Qi went over to the empty seats and sat down. Right after that Yu Ran unfreeze everyone. Everyone was in a daze and no one knew what happened.

However once they saw Si Han and Yu Ran on stage again,they started cheering and the person on the stage(I forgot what was that called)Mr Qi Liang officially made them married. They exchanged rings that were all 18k gold and the rarest diamonds.

Mr Qi Liang then said, "You may kiss the bride."

Yu Ran looked at Si Han and both looked at each other so deeply. Yu Ran moved in and kissed Si Han on the lips. The kiss was not a 5-second kiss but more than 30 seconds. As they kissed, the crowd cheered for the married couple.

>At the Hotel

After the wedding was over, everyone went back home and the news outlets spread fast about Yu Ran and Si Han's marriage. There were many encouraging and sweet comments.

Both the bride and groom went back to their hotel room for the night. As both of them entered the room, Yu Ran closed the door and pulled Si Han by hand. He pinned her to the door and whispered into her ears, "I want to taste you,My Mrs Wang..."

"But I would like to have a shower first...", Si Han flirted.

"Let's have a bath together then~", as both went into the bathroom together. However, Yu Ran could not take anymore and started kissing Si Han. The kiss was not an ordinary one however it was like when you haven't eaten anything for days type of kiss.

"Yu Ran~, I would like to take a shower first~", as Si Han requested but Yu Ran did not listen to her. Instead, Yu Ran started licking her neck which made her moan. This made Yu Ran to continue with the act. He pinned her down at the counter of the bathroom and began undressing her.

Yu Ran started fondling with Si Han breasts and he starts sucking them one by one. Each time he sucked each one, Si Han moans loudly which pleasures him."No fair~! Why am I the only one naked?", right after that Si Han unzips Yu Ran's pants and she even went to the extend of taking off his suit. She started to touch up and down his manhood which made him feel pleasured.

Not long after that, both were ready to begin the lovemaking. Yu Ran pushes his manhood into Si Han. Si Han moaned, "Yu Ran~"

This lasted for around an hour before went into the bathtub to actually bathe. Si Han was feeling a little weak, she was panting hard as she had not experienced something so intense before. Yu Ran then carried her over to the bathtub. After Yu Ran placed her into the bathtub, sat behind Si Han where he began hugging her.

"Sorry if I was too rough on you...", Yu Ran apologised.

"Actually I had fun...Thank you, my dearest Ran Ran~", Si Han turned around to give Yu Ran a kiss.

After the bath, they slept for the night.

>5 February 2020

At 8 AM, they were awoken by a doorbell. Yu Ran wore his robe and walked towards the door.It's his chauffeur, Mr Nai.

Yu Ran questioned, "What is the news?"

Mr Nai replied, "They're a lot of chaos going on back home in the supernatural world and the midnight vampires are unhappy that Ms Qi is the new Queen of the Midnight Kingdom...Since last night they have been fighting amongst themselves and it's getting more chaotic."