
Yu Ran and Si Han just got married however, the Midnight vampires disapprove the relationship.

>10 April

------Castle of the Light Devils-----

Li Tai Yan was sitting on his throne. One of his spies started running in, "My Mighty King, I have some bad news..."

Li Tai Yan's eyebrows twitched, "What bad news do you have?"

His spy coughs, "This may sound like good news but it is bad news. Qi Si Han, the former princess, is married to Wang Yu Ran, the crown prince of The Midnight Vampires..."

Li Tai Yan slams the throne, "How dare she marry the prince! Pathetic girl! She thinks that she can out rule me! I, Li Tai Yan, will never be out ruled!"

His spy continued, "I have a plan that could make them fall into our trap, how about letting them into the Kingdom and kill her?"

Li Tai Yan smiled," That sounds perfect!"

-----------Wang Mansion----------

Si Han walks into Yu Ran's study, "How are we going to solve what is happening in your kingdom?"

Yu Ran stands up and held onto Si Han's hands, "We may have to give them an explanation.."

Si Han gives a face of remorse, her tears started to drip onto the floor as if there was a waterfall. Yu Ran hugs Si Han," Nothing bad will happen, so long as I am here, you will be protected."

-------------A Few Days Later----------------

>14 April 2020

At 8 AM, before Si Han went downstairs for breakfast, she receives a call from an unknown caller, "Hello there, its Qi Si Han, how can I help you?"

"Si Han looks like I called the right number, I am Uncle Li Tai Yan", Li Tai Yan replied.

Si Han had a shocked look on her face, "Hello Uncle! So nice to hear from you after so long...." However, Si Han wanted to puke after saying that.

Li Tai Yan replied, "Oh nothing really, just wanted to congratulate you on your marriage with the Prince of The Midnight Vampires."

Si Han was feeling a little fishy with Li Tai Yan's words but she rebuttal with, "So why did you call me today for?"

Li Tai Yan calmly replies, "When did my niece turn so cold like ice? Anyways your family's ban from entering The Light Devils kingdom will now be banished. I would like you and your family to come back for a family dinner."

Si Han was shocked. Not only did he banished the ban but also have a family dinner? However, Si Han was smart enough to think through what her uncle wanted.

Si Han's thoughts:" This is fishy. It feels as though the whole family forgave us but it's has got to be a trap."

Li Tai Yan was still on the phone and started talking again, "Si Han what is the matter? Don't feel like seeing your uncle and grandparents?"

Si Han exclaimed," No no, I am thrilled that we get to enter again. We will definitely go. When will the gathering be?"

Li Tai Yan replied, "22тн May, on the human calendar and because it is also your grandfather's birthday."

Si Han scratches her head," Oh it's grandpa's birthday. Alright, we will go! Thanks for the invite uncle! I have to go, I have work."As soon as Si Han replied that sentence, she immediately hangs up the phone. This gave Si Han a plan in her head.

Si Han then walks down the stairs and Yu Ran sees her having a troubled look." What is wrong?",Yu Ran asked as he pushed the chair behind Si Han and they started eating their breakfast.

"I just got a call from Li Tai Yan informing me that my family's ban from the supernatural world has been banished..."

"And? I mean that is great news!",Yu Ran bite on his sandwich.

"Yes, but he also requested us to go for a family dinner on the 22тн of May, which is also my grandfather's birthday...I feel that there is something fishy behind this..."

"If this makes you worried so much, I can hire a spy to spy on him", Yu Ran suggested.

"Actually, I have a plan but I don't know if it will work..."

"What are you thinking?",Yu Ran gave a curious look to Si Han.

"If you don't mind, could we solve conflicts in the Midnight Vampire kingdom first?"

"We could do that but how is that going to benefit your situation?",Yu Ran questioned.

"I know this may sound selfish but if we clear the conflicts in The Midnight Vampire kingdom, we would have some sort of back up spying in the Light Devils kingdom then if there was anyone that wants to kill anyone of us, we still have the protection from the Midnight Vampires."

"You got a point, we can ride one of our safest carriages into the Light Devils kingdom and we could bring some of my best soldiers with us", Yu Ran takes a sip of his black coffee.

"I feel that this is a trap, I think Li Tai Yan wants to kill me. I remember an incident that my parents told me when my brother and I were younger...Li Tai Yan was the leader of the military and he was ruling with his best friend at that time. Li Tai Yan wanted the leader position to himself. he killed his best friend on that night. My father had supersonic eyes and he can detect if there is open blood in the castle. He was awoken by the smell of blood. My father used his supersonic eyes and he saw the whole murder scene right before his eyes. As my father ran to the murder, it was already too late...As my father saw one of his best apprentices getting murder by the man who claims that he was innocent. However, after that incident, my family was banned from the supernatural world which delayed investigations. My father wanted to report him but it was too late", Si Han takes a big bite of her sandwich.

After the meal, both went to work together.


As they reach the office, many people were crowding to welcome the couple. "Good morning Mr and Mrs Wang!!", a bunch of employees came welcoming them. The couple greeted their employees back.

"I will get going now, Yu Ran see you later for lunch?",Si Han asked.

"But the way to the new design department is this way, I placed you there so that it would not be difficult for me to reach you", Yu Ran laughed.

"My Naughty Husband has something up his sleeve..", both of them started laughing. As both of them parted ways,Si Han walked through the door of the New Design Department as the head. Si Han sees a few employees there so she greeted them immediately.All the employees started running towards her and started asking many questions.

One employee asked, "How long have you known CEO Wang?"The other asked, "Have you done that(sex) already?"

Before Si Han could even answer, Yu Ran's assistant Megan knocks on the door.

"This is the information of the employees in The Design Department and here are all the projects for you to start your work", Megan informed. Si Han thanks Megan and she left.

"Everyone, less nonsense we will have a meeting in half an hour please get ready",Si Han said sternly before entering her office.