A day in the office as the new department head

Qi Si Han is now the new head of the new design department of Wang's Cooperation.

>14 April


"The company has shortlisted 6 projects and I have chosen this project, "Love at first sight" jewelry project...",Si Han said.

Si Han continued,"The project is a collaboration with the Lee Jewelry cooperation..."

Lee Jewelry cooperation,it is a company that has been open since the early 90s till this day. Amongst all the jewelry companies,Lee Jewelry cooperation is still up in the ranks. Current CEO of Lee Jewelry is Lee Yi Jun,who is also the son of the founder, is a man who is wise and never makes excuses for mistakes.Well,that is the reason why Yu Ran wanted to work with Lee Jewelry.

After Si Han talked about the collaboration with Lee Jewelry cooperation, many female employees who were sitting around the table, were whispering to each other about how handsome the CEO Lee Yi Jun is. Of course,Si Han heard it.

"I know that he is handsome but let's get serious here...So this is a collaboration with Lee Jewelry and we are required to create a 3 design pieces of Jewelry and we will have a few collaboration pieces between both companies.Is there any questions?",Si Han asked.

One female employee asked,"Are we able to meet Lee Yi Jun?"

Si Han smile,"If you mean meet him in person ,yes, we will be able him in person after the completion of the project. We will have a dinner party after the completion...Alright everyone if there is nothing else,now get back to work."

The meeting ended at 11 am and lunch break is at 12pm.Si Han had promised Yu Ran to eat lunch together. However, with this project,she has to meet Lee Yi Jun to sign the contract for the collaboration.


After an hour of the working,Si Han got a call from Yu Ran.

"Hello Mr Naughty...Why did you call me?Did you miss me?",Si Han smirked.

"Of course I miss you!! Anyways what would you like for lunch?",Yu Ran smiled.

Si Han eyes widen and her thoughts starts to rumble,"Actually....I have to meet Mr Lee Yi Jun of Lee Jewelry for the contract..."

Yu Ran fume into flames,"But my dearest,you could do that after lunch right?Anyways I am the CEO,So my words are the most important..."

Si Han starts shaking on the phone,"Alright...Fine I will just tell him that I would meet him after lunch then...I am going to call now,see you at the car park."Si Han did not want to anger Yu Ran even more,immediately,she called CEO Yi Jun.

"Hello this is Lee Yi Jun here...",CEO Yi Jun replied.

"Good afternoon Mr Lee,it's Wang cooperation,Qi Si Han here,could we change a timing for our meeting for the contract?...As I have some urgent appointments at 12.30pm...",Si Han starts shaking.She was afraid that CEO Yi Jun would not agree.

CEO Yi Jun smiled," It's alright Ms Qi,why not we change it to 3pm today?"

"Sounds good,see you at 3pm...",As Si Han hangs up the phone,she gave a sigh of relief.


Si Han was walking towards Yu Ran's car when suddenly she saw Chao Xiang.


Si Han immediately avoided Chao Xiang.However,Chao Xiang grabbed onto Si Han's hand.

"Hands off!!",Si Han screamed.

"Please give me one more chance,I have broken up with Dai Yu...",Chao Xiang pleaded.

"You scum!! Did you not see that I already have a wedding ring? I am already married! So stop stalking me and disturbing me!!",While Si Han screamed,she also ignored Chao Xiang and started walking towards Yu Ran's car. However,again Chao Xiang hugged Si Han by the waist.

"I don't believe your words...please come back to me",Chao Xiang started sobbing.At that moment,Yu Ran saw the commotion and he got out of the car.Yu Ran walked towards where Si Han was.

Si Han looked at Yu Ran,"Yu Ran!Help me!"Yu Ran walked towards where Si Han was and grabbed Si Han away from Chao Xiang.

"Why?! Why?! Why?! Why is this happening to me?",Chao Xiang sobbed on the ground.

Yu Ran shouted,"You asked for it yourself! You better not disturb Si Han again,if not I will not be so nice to you!"

"It's all that woman's fault,if Dai Yu did not come close to me and did not had a affair with me,Si Han would not have left me!!!",Chao Xiang screamed.

"You don't deserve Si Han's love! If you are going to stay here any longer,I will call the cops!",Yu Ran warned Chao Xiang.

"Don't think I am scared of you Yu Ran!Just because you are a CEO,does not mean that you can treat others like that!",Chao Xiang screamed.

"Look at yourself,do you think you can still be the Head in business department at Ling Cooperation?Oh I forgot ,your company is currently losing business.By the way,hard work and dedication is how Yu Ran make Wang Cooperation to look like what it is today!",Si Han stepped forward.This made Yu Ran very happy for the first time.He did not have a partner that help him to speak up,usually they are with him just for the money.

"Si Han,why are you helping him talk?",Chao Xiang sob.

Si Han smiles at Yu Ran,"That is because I love him and no one else...Not even you! Now get out of my sight unless you really want us to call the cops for trespassing!"At this moment,Chao Xiang had no other choice but to leave.

The couple walked towards the car and went out of the office to have a delicious lunch.

After lunch, Si Han had meet up with CEO Yi Jun at Si Han's office.CEO Yi Jun and his assistant walks into Si Han's office.

Si Han jumped,"Hello...Mr Lee...Please have a sit...and Yin Qing(Si Han Assistant) please get some tea for the both of them."While Yin Qing was getting tea for the both of them,Si Han felt that Mr Lee was familiar.

"Mr Lee, could you by any chance be one of the boys in my childhood who came for my birthday party? If you did not know already,I am Qi Cheng Qiang's Daughter...",Si Han asked.

"Yes, I guess we don't have to be some formal if we already know each other...",Yi Jun smiled.

"You are quite right,Yi Jun,here is the contract that we have prepared for you.",Si Han said.

Si Han continues,"You will have 50% of the profits while we also have 50% of the profits,this is to be fair so that I would not be questioned during the board meeting.Also,we need materials for the project as we are new to this industry.This is the first time we ever did this project.You should know Wang Cooperation is more on the fashion side of things,so we also need resources.However,what we will give for this project is our best marketers and one of the best designers.If there is no problems,please sign here."

"Such a young and talented woman,happy collaboration.",Yi Jun shakes Si Han's hand and left with his assistant.

This will indeed be a great collaboration.