Light Devils Kingdom(PART II)

Last Chapter,Si Han was striked by Li Tai Yuan's magic. Now, she is very seriously injured.

>22 May

As Si Han was on the bed, Han Ji came in and used his magic on Si Han.

Han Ji crunched his fingers, "The wound seems impossible to heal...I cannot hold on to it much longer....Ahhhhhhhh" Si Han lay in bed and vomit out blood out. "This is an ancient magic spell which was used in the DEVIPIRE war. It had been long since someone used it, Why does Li Tai Yuan have this?"

In her weak voice, Si Han murmured, "Han Ji, is there a way to cure me?...(cough)"

Han Ji confidently assured her, "We will find a potion for you."

Qi Cheng Qiang, stood there and looked at Han Ji, "We may need the witches help on this..."

Han Ji looked into Cheng Qiang's eyes, "Since the DEVIPIRE war ended, the witches had been in hiding...How are we supposed to find the witch that gave Li Tai Yuan such magic?"

Cheng Qiang thought really hard, "I think I know who gave Li Tai Yuan the pill of doom.



Everyone looked at Cheng Qiang in shock. The witch that gave Li Tai Yuan the pill was Isabella? How could that be possible? She was held in exile all this time unless....

Yu Ran looked at Cheng Qiang, "I think I have a way to locate witches...My family had this spell for a while where we used it to locate witches in the DEVIPIRE war."

Yu Ran used his magic on Si Han and his eyes turned red. He looked around the block of castles. "That is strange, it seems that she is here..." He looked down to the basement and finally they have found Isabella. "Found her"

"Where is she?", Han Ji asked.

"Isabella is in the basement of this building and it seems that she is in hiding."

"Since she is there, we should get to her."

"Wait, I felt the magic getting in the way...IT IS A MAGIC BARRIER FROM THE WITCH...None of us can get in even if we wanted to."

Si Han stood up and went behind Yu Ran, "Only those with half devil and human flesh can enter, am I right?"

Yu Ran held on to her, "You should be resting..."

"I am the only one that can enter to retrieve what I need...Just let me do some...", Si Han looked at everyone in the room.

Han Ji sighed, "If that is the case, we don't have any other choice do we? I can help Si Han to gain her strength for a while and I will put a tracker on her in the case of emergency."

"Thank you Han Ji."

As Si Han was preparing herself to meet the witch Isabella, Li Tai Yuan was sitting on his throne drinking his wine.

"What a joyous occasion your majesty!", Li Tai Yuan' spy exclaimed.

"It definitely is."

"That curse spell really worked on the princess?", Li Tai Yuan's spy looked at Li Tai Yuan.

"Of course, it worked otherwise, why would I call you in for HAHAHA!", Li Tai Yuan laughed.

"I will leave now your majesty",as Li Tai Yuan's spy leaves the room, the spy teleport straight to Han Ji. Han Ji was in the portion room getting ready the portion for Si Han. As the spy appeared right in front of Han Ji, the spy gave him a letter. The letter includes the drug that Li Tai Yuan used in the attack and Qi Cheng Qiang wasn't wrong. In fact, it was really the witch that gave him the portion to attack Si Han.

"Did Li Tai Yuan suspect you?", Han Ji asked the spy.

The spy shook his head and immediately left the room. Han ji sighed and took the potion to Si Han's room. Si Han was afraid of the effects of the witch's magic but nevertheless she decided to do it. As Han Ji entered the room, Si Han smiled at him. Han Ji immediately placed the potion into Si Han's hand and wrapped his hands onto Si Han's, "Come back safely, princess."

Si Han blushed and immediately drank the potion. She felt this strong wave of power like as though she had regained her powers. She went out the room and left to visit witch Isabella.