Light Kingdom (PART END)

Last chapter, Si Han went off to the witch's hideout in the castle. Han Ji gave her a potion and she feel as though her powers were back. What will happen next?

------------------------Witch's Hideout----------------------------

"Who goes there?", Witch Isabella asked. As the figure of Si Han appeared, she smiled.

"I see you have finally came to see me...", Isabella smirked.

"To get rid of the spell, I need something special from you..."

Si Han looked alarmed, "What do you need?"

"Your most priced item, the necklace of darkness!", Isabella used her magic to pull Si Han closer to her. As she pulled closer, Si Han retaliated and looked at the witch with her devil eyes. As their eyes met, Si Han tried her best to control Isabella. Yet, that did not help at all. She was too weak. Simply too weak to retaliate her magic.


"I can't give it to you! This is magic is too strong for anyone but me to control!"


Isabella moved in lightning speed towards Si Han and pulled the necklace off of her neck.

"ITS FINALLY MINE!!!! HAHAHAHA!", Isabella laughed loudly. However, there is something that Isabella did not know about.

The necklace was already charmed by Si Han. It cannot be owned by anyone else other than its owner. No one else would have the power to control it.

Suddenly, a beam of darkness aimed at Isabella's face. She was stunned and she lost control of the necklace. Immediately, the necklace went back to Si Han's neck. Si Han was healed quickly due to the effects of the necklace. It healed all the wounds that were sustained.

Si Han stood up and started transforming. Her eyes turned as black as night, skin as pale as snow, hair as red as blood. She finally broke free from the spell.

"NO!!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DO THIS!", Isabella was shocked. In the last hundred years, she had not be able to activate it and yet a non-witch managed to crack the code.

Si Han smirked, "Such a nice gift from my husband. Never had I ever felt so ALIVE!"

Si Han activated a black beam onto Isabella.

"NOOOOO!!!" ,Isabella screamed. Isabella was destroyed and Si Han was freed from the spell. Never did she think that Yu Ran's gift will ever be of use. She teleported to the throne room and soon she saw a difference to the Light Kingdom.

As she stood at the entrance of the throne room, Si Han saw Godlike figures entering the throne room. The High Gods were there in the throne room. Immediately, she ran in and greeted the High Gods and asked what was going on.

"We heard your call Princess Si Han. We are placing Li Tai Yuan under arrest for the use of illegal spells." The High Gods smiled. Wait, Princess Si Han? She knew that she was the legitimate princess but, never knew that her title was accepted.

"Did you say Princess? I don't think I was ever accepted as the Princess here..." ,Si Han looked clueless.

"Yes, the banishment of the Qi Family is now revoked. The Qi Family are now the rulers of the Light Kingdom."

Si Han was surprised. She knew the High Gods were powerful but never knew that they were this powerful. She bowed to The High Gods and Li Tai Yuan was taken away.

"YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET THIS SI HAN!", Li Tai Yuan screamed as he was being dragged away. Si Han did not care for what he said and immediately she teleported back to the lounge area everyone was at.

As Si Han looked at Qi Cheng Qiang, she cried. Finally, the DEVIPIRE war has ended. Si Han hugged her father.

"FINALLY, FATHER! ITS ALL OVER!",Si Han cried. Si Han went over to Yu Ran and thanked him for his help.

"The necklace helped me a lot thank you.." , Si Han hugged Yu Ran tightly. It is finally over. The Qi Family was finally the rulers of The Light Kingdom.


Si Han's coronation was just a week after the announcement of a new ruler. I mean the previous ruler. No one saw it coming but were happy about what the Princess did for them. The people were pleased with the work Si Han put in to end the war and were satisfied with Qi Cheng Qiang being the next leader.

Si Han was in her dressing room preparing for her coronation. Her mother had purchased a dark black dress with details of wings on the dress. It was bought from a designer who lived in the human world. It suited Si Han thin bodyline and red hair. (Yes her hair did not turn back, it remained red)

As Yu Ran came into the dressing room to see Si Han, he was blowned away by Si Han beauty. She was the Princess he had been looking for these years. Walking towards Si Han, he started blushing.

"You look beautiful today my Princess."

"You look handsome too my Prince."

As they gazed at eachother, they kissed passionately. However, Si Han stopped him.

"You are going to ruin my makeup..."

"Alright we will continue later..."

As King Qi Chen Qiang went on the podium, he turned on the microphone.

"Welcome everyone to this joyous occasion. As the King of The Light Kingdom, I would like to call on my youngest daughter, Princess Si Han." ,The King welcomed.

As Si Han walked down the aisle towards the podium with Yu Ran, everyone clapped. This was unexpected as the Vampires were always hated in the Light Kingdom. However, because of the article on his gift to the Princess, the hate was soon gone.

As Si Han stepped on the podium, she picked up the microphone. "I am most privileged to share this occasion with all of you. Because of your support, that I can stand here today. I would like to introduce to you the Prince of the Midnight Vampire Kingdom. He is Yu Ran. He has helped me through my struggles and supported me to this day. I am grateful for a loving husband and I hope that the hatred between Vampires and Devils will be gone."

Everyone started clapping. As this moment was recorded to the people of The Midnight Vampire Kingdom, everyone in the Midnight Kingdom were very pleased with what the Princess did for them. As the King placed the crown on Si Han's head, it started glowing. It was a sign of good will and that the entire Kingdom will prosper as years to come. The day ended with a wonderful round of applause.

----------------------Thirty years later---------------------------

Within a decade, things changed. The King of Midnight Kingdom getting to his prime age and had to pass the throne to Prince Yu Ran. In a moment, Si Han became the Queen of the Midnight Kingdom and the Crown princess of Light Kingdom.

As a year went by, the couple soon had their first child. The child is a boy named Wang Jia Sheng with both devil and vampire blood in him. The Wang Corporation was still running and still ran by Yu Ran. It went really well and soon their son grew up and took over Wang Corporation.

The End.