Chapter 26

Y'all I swear I'm not making a sad ending-


Joseph's POV

"Yidhra... What the hell are you up to?" I mumbled as I held my chin and stared outside the window.

It's been about a month ever since I last talked to Yidhra. Everything else was prepared, but she already told me not to bother her, and that she'll be the one to come to me.

Jack managed to bring a few hunters to our side. Although, I already expected that much from him.

I really didn't want to rush things since we need to prepare thoroughly, and I had to make sure that Yidhra really is gonna help us.

But, since she agreed, she'll most probably do it.

Aesop was still unconscious and I really don't know what to do with him anymore.

Emily already told me to calm down and he'd wake up soon, but, that couldn't stop me from being worried.

However, I noticed something was amiss with Vera. Whenever I would visit Aesop, she'd be in front of the door, pacing back and forth.

Besides all that, everything else was normal. Matches were carried out normally except for the fact that Aesop couldn't participate since he's unconscious.


2 months ago (around the time Aesop got stabbed)

Survivors manor

"Are you happy now?!" Eli angrily pushed Vera with gritted teeth. "You were also the reason Hildegard died!"

His push was so strong that Vera staggered backward and fell on her bottom.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Vera exclaimed as she stared daggers at Eli. If looks could kill, Eli would've died a thousand times already.

"Hah." Eli scoffed. "Do you really think that no one knows that you told Jack?"

"Hmph. It's not my fault. They broke the rules." Vera berated.

It really wasn't her fault. She was just helping reinforce the rules.

Eli gritted his teeth as he stared at the woman who was currently on the floor.

"You are the most spiteful woman I've ever met! Just because Wu Chang doesn't like you, you act like this?!"

Upon hearing Eli, Vera's eye widened and her mouth was agape as she stared at Eli.

"W-what? How did you know?" Her voice trembled in horror.

"Did you think you hid it well? You're so awfully obvious. Do you know? You'd blush every time you see Wu Chang! I didn't wanna talk to you about this at first, but you've gone way over the line!"

Vera stayed silent.

"Did you know? Hildegard would always talk about how sweet you are. She'd tell me that I should talk to you more since you seemed lonely. But because Hildegard also liked Wu Chang, you'd go get her killed?!"

Vera flinched. Hildegard... Did? Was she... Really wrong?

"You were also like this to your sister, no?"

"Shut up..." Vera's body trembled as her heart was in pain. "I don't wanna hear it."

"Just because you were jealous, you'd harm people? You're a joke. Your sister loved you yet you just betrayed her. You're really-"

"SHUT UP!" Vera shouted at Eli as her eyes glistened with tears. "I just wanted to be loved, okay?!" She hugged her knees as she started sobbing.

Her heart ached so much. If she could turn back time, she wouldn't have done that to "Vera" and Hildegard.

"I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted Jack to teach him a bit of a lesson..." Vera said in an aggrieved tone.

Eli looked at Vera in surprise. He didn't think that she would cry.

"This..." Eli mumbled as he awkwardly scratched his head. Although he was angry, we all know he's a softie inside.

All he could do was stand there and watch Vera ball her eyes out while ranting.

(A few minutes later)

"Sorry..." Vera sniffled as she looked at the ground. She just had to let it out. "I talked too much."

"It's fine... I'm glad you could at least let it out."

"Mmm." She nodded as she wiped her tears. "Thank you." She mouthed but no words came out of her mouth.


"I said, thank you!" Her cheeks turned bright red.

"A-ah. Welcome?"

At this point, Vera realized what she's done. She's long thought about it but never accepted the fact that she was wrong.

She'd always try and blame it on someone else, thinking if they didn't act like that, she wouldn't have been like this.

"I'll change. Okay? I'll make it up to everyone." Vera said in a hushed voice, almost unhearable.

"W-what?" Eli asked.

"Nothing! I'm going back." She wiped her swollen eyes as she stood up and turned her back away from Eli. "And sorry. Again."

She added before walking away.


What the hell? Was this what they call enlightenment? She changed from one person to another!

Eli thought as he looked at the departing back of Vera.

Well, whatever. As long as she changes. Eli thought before sighing. He was beat. He then went to the lobby where Tracy continued to pester him.

However, he didn't notice a silhouette hiding in the corner.

Upon seeing what happened, the person sighed in relief. This was what she's been waiting for.

She knew that Vera would have a change of heart sooner or later, she just needed a little push.

She then smiled before retreating to the shadows.


Emily looked at the clock. The poison should be done by now.

She went inside the nurse's office while locking the door behind her.

Taking a skull-looking pendant from a drawer, she unlocked a small part of the room by aligning it on some part of the wall.

One of the beds started moving as the floor under it opened.

It revealed a small staircase heading towards the basement.

Only she knew that this basement existed. Not even the host.

Even if he did, he wouldn't have been able to get in since Hildegard was the one who had the skull pendant.

She then walked towards the staircase before she suddenly felt something was amiss.

She immediately frowned before she showed a hostile look and examined the room.

She went towards the door and it was still locked.

Huh. Was she being too wary?

She then went down the basement and pushed a tile from the wall to close the (door? wall?)


In the lobby

Eli was panting as he was covered in cold sweat as he just saw something he shouldn't have.

He shouldn't have agreed to the dare Tracy asked him to do.

"Well? What did you see? What happened?" The girl excitedly asked as she continuously patted Eli.

"N-nothing." Eli mumbled. "Emily is probably sleeping."

"What? I thought she was helping me build my robot." Tracy sulked.

"She's probably tired. She's the mom you know." Eli replied.

"I know..." Tracy mumbled. "I guess I'll have to do it myself. Thanks Mr. Eli!" Tracy said before running off.

As Eli looked at the departing back of Tracy, he then sighed as he hit himself.


End of chapter

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