How it began

"This is the one that is going to save us all?!" the girl asks of Agomar. Disgust was written across her face as she stared at me while speaking to Agomar. It had been 3 days since I had woken up. I learned that Agomar was a type of knight and Siegfreid was a cleric and the girl her name was Ryllae Lufiel she was a Ranger from the Great Elven king Lieotha's millitary. She had been assigned to Agomar by the great king to help bring the Lost Realms Warchainer Heir here. As you can guess this was me or so Agomar thought. The others had their doubts that included myself. But Agomar would have none of it. The man was like a dog with a bone. Once he had made up his mind that was that and not one could change it. So, what is a Warchainer you ask. Well, let tell you the story as it was told to me by Siegfreid.

In the beginning there was only Ruin the god of chaos and creation. He existed for a millennia before he grew curious, He began experimenting. He was in the dark so he began creating material that he could use to create something new. he grabbed at the dark and squeezed it so tight that it began to burn and this was the first light. He continued in the light to create new things. he keeps using the darkness and the light to help he create more. he created molecules of different types watching them float around him. Dancing in the dark and the light like fireflies. He found them beautiful and fun he danced with them making them group up and then splitting them apart. He continued this dance for a millennium more enjoying his new creations. Then after he had created uncountable molecules, he grew curious again he gathered them all in the light and begin pressing them together tighter and tighter. There was so many smashed together they began to heat up. As they reached the point of destruction Ruin poured his essence into the boiling creation of molecules, he had created giving over a part of himself to this great mass he had built. It exploded in a theater of colors and sounds that Ruin could have never imagined would happen.

He flowed with the explosion's waves admiring the flowing colors the forming gases the lighting streaking across colliding masses. He marveled at the gravity pools forming and he watched as dust began to form around the pools. He was ecstatic to watch some of the new masses erupt in the center to become brilliant stars shining. Ruin began to help the expanding mass running his hands through the swilling clouds of gas. Using his magic to create wonderous dark spots in some. He was like a painter and the great void was now his canvas. He spent unimaginable time shaping and sculpting his different worlds and Universes providing darkness and light to each of the spinning planets around stars. Swiping more together to create amazing rings of rock and gas. Once his work was done and he rested examine his creation he grew lonely. Wishing to have others to observe his wonderous creation. He wondered his new creation then growing far lonelier as he traveled throughout the creation and destruction that was ever expanding that he had built. The wonders of his new planes of existence. He then found he could no longer bare this loneliness.
