Chapter 4: Cave

At the camp where they've been staying Xander's crew and the knights get to know each other but Xander's thoughts were taken over by his past actions and reflecting on them and Xander recalled his first time fighting a monster.

Xander was nine and he and his father went out hunting, originally he was just supposed to go and help his father carry the prey of whatever the unfortunate creature that they've preyed upon.

"Xander you see this? These are tracks of a stone deer, a common rank 1 monster that is always on high alert, so be very quiet" his father lectured him a lot and because of that Xander learned a lot more than he was expected to, that the kingdom he was living in was called Qucheiom and the leader Reluché, a neighboring kingdom was called the Oxeion empire lead by Treus. The empire is quite the expansionist and Xander could already tell that a war with both of these countries will happen. Xander also learned that there are dwarfs, elf's, beastmen, Demons, and angels that live in this world together but usually they mostly don't get along, especially with humans and their ego.

"Yep I'll be carful"

Xander and his father walked quietly and quickly following the tracks, which then lead to a cave that was 10 meters wide and 20 meters tall, stone deers normally hide in caves but this cave had blood covering the outside of the cave but strangely there was no odor if so then they would've smell it after seeing the tracks.

"Wait here" Xander father quickly told him to wait as he went into the cave, but Xander letting a small portion of his mana out noticed something immediately. Inside the cave was a thunder wolf that had evolved to extraordinary heights that even in the rarest of occasion could never happen, from his mana alone he could tell that the wolf was nearly the strength of him, at that time Xander could only use 19% of his power.

Xander knowing the dangers of this he quickly ran over to his dad who wasn't even in the cave yet and chopped the back of his father's head.

"Sorry dad, even though this is disrespectful I cannot let you do this" Xander said this as he grabbed his father's sword and entered the cave.

The cave was covered in blood at this point he could now smell the foul odor the dead bodies of the stone deer that covered his way, but he couldn't see that only after he used some of his mana to make a flame bolt however he didn't shoot it out instead he made multiple of them, ten to be exact and added mana to them as he went deeper into the cave.

After about five minutes he found the thunder wolf and could see that it was very different that what he thought it would look like, it had white fur, sharp black claws, and had red lightning extruding from its body but it didn't harm it or him, by the looks of it the thunder wolf had so much power that it couldn't control all of it. When Xander was sizing up his enemy the thunder wolf had roared loudly enough to shake the cave, but with the wolf's size of being only three meters it truly showed how much power it had.

At this point the flame bolts that Xander had turned into a white flame and Xander looked at the power behind his flame bolts and was surprised at how much mana they had, he knew that his he released all of them he would've be able to kill the thunder wolf. Xander then sent out a command time his flame bolts to attack the wolf at once, the flame bolts attacked the wolf with tremendous speed and power and then a explosion knocked back Xander out of the cave but he had not a scratch because he had a mana shield up after sending the flame bolts out.

When Xander's dad woke up he came up with that his father fainted before he entered the cave but a voice broke his momentarily flashback "and this is Xander, he taught us everything but he's as lazy as they come" Ashley pointed towards Xander with a mischievous smile but Xander didn't care for the stares he got from the knights "well I'm going to go to bed!" Xander left the group and placed his tent down and thought about what happened today.