Chapter 5: Resistance is futile

Xander and the group were walking along the path, they were all getting to know each other but the princess was tightly locked on Xander the entire time they were walking. 'How could he be able to train normal human beings and make them into super humans!?! Not to mention his own strength, he could easily go against the commander of the Elite knights, Mages, and S ranked adventurers and still come out on top! His power is terrifying!'

Xander could feel the princess trying to size him up but Xander couldn't take it anymore he was too hungry to continue.

"Guys let's stop to eat! It's only a half a day away from here so eating shouldn't be any problem!"

The knights were thrilled to hear someone saying to stop, after all they've been walking the entire day. The crew settled down and the knights started to relax.

"I'll go hunting, okay!?" Xander said this because he knew how to cook, of course anyone could cook but Xander had experience and knowledge of 286 million years in his mind, during that time he had master all but potion making.

"Okay! Just don't bring too much back!"

Xander left the camp and heard a voice but couldn't tell who it was coming from, he was assuming it came from Faith but still wasn't sure.

Xander went into the forest after a while he came a cross a pond with a woman who had feathered, white wings on his back, Xander immediately knew what he found he found an angel. Xander remembered his kind's war against the angels which his kind won, Xander ripped away their high valued pride, doing that made him feel extremely good. After the war against the angles they remembered him, every single angle knew who he his. The woman with wings then turned around, Xander immediately knew who he was facing.

The woman in front of Xander was known as Valkyrie, otherwise known as the angle of destruction, she had red short hair that only came down to her shoulders, blue eyes, and had a glare that could make a man die if he'd met her gaze. Xander immediately locked eyes with Valkyrie's gaze and immediately wanted to wish that she wasn't here so he could hunt in peace, Xander then opened his mouth without hesitation and spoke with confidence.

"Hey, I'm here only to hunt for some food I didn't mean to stop you with...with whatever your doing so I'll leave and get out of your hair" after Xander said that he turned around and was met with another Valkyrie

Skill:double-it allowed the user to double themselves

"Don't leave now boy, I see that you have a lot of power within you body, tell me how did you receive your power" when Valkyrie said that bullets of sweat started down his fore head but it only noticeable if you really squint.

"I obtained it by training too hard and because I've trained to hard I can't use even half of it" Xander wasn't being honest but nor was he lying because he couldn't even use half of his power.

"Oh that's sad I was hoping that you could provide me with a good battle. Away with you" as Valkyrie said this her double disappeared and then Xander moved away, as Xander got away to a comfortable distance a bunch of sweat came out of his forehead, in all his life he never thought he would fear anything. Xander then continued to hunt.

Xander found a rank 4 monster, to be precise it was a woodland bear, it was about 2 meters tall and had black fur with black spikes poking out of it's back. Good Xander thought he could take out some of his anger on a rank 4 monster, as he slowly walked towards the woodland bear it noticed a strong presence getting near and was immediately alerted.

When it opened it's eyes all it's ears could hear was 'Resistance is Futile' as it's consciousness faded away and took it's life with it, as Xander walked away carrying away his sad prey, all his thoughts were consumed by his desire to get stronger.