Chapter 6 Resistance is futile part 2

Xander was dragging the woodland bear back, his mind was completely enveloped in getting stronger. 'If I increased my power to 50% then I'll unlock my first transformation and receive a colossal power boost, and if I learn the 99 wave sword then I might be able to take down Valkyrie!' Xander had this thought when two groups of men were standing in front of him, both of the groups had 10 men in each of them but it was clear that these people were assassins.

"Kid, drop your weapons and the woodland bear, and we might give you a merciful death" one of the men cake forth and spoke with a bit of mockery in his tongue, instead of the other men he had a dark blue robe on and too his right was a man with dark green robes on.

"Why should I? Can't you see I'm busy. Go away" Xander tongue was sharp and quickly gave an answer back, when Xander said this the man had his smile turned into a frown.

"Kid, do you know who we are?!? We're the dark knights!" The man said this with a smile in his face.

Xander thought to him self 'these people are clearly drunk on their own power, I remember being just like them' Xander thought this with a said tone in his mind.

"You people are drunk off of your own power, let me strip you of that power" Xander said this dropping the woodland bear while walking towards them he released his power, then he was right in front of them with his sword out.

Skill: forward step: this skill uses unmatched speed to reach one's target: this skill can be upgraded

Xander then used his skill that in an instant all of the men except for the man with dark blue and dark green robes heads flying, and in this instant they knew they were out matched, they only came out here because the assault force has disappeared but maybe they've ran into this monster?

Skill: three slashes : this skill unleashes powerful slashes with unmatched speed : this skill can be upgraded

The dark blue and green men then went on their knees with their heads on the ground. "Please spare us!!! We were wrong your hight!" Xander then grabbed the woodland bear and walked away.

Hight: in this world people refer those who are not nobility and royalty but are still above them with this word as a form of respect.

Valkyrie who was watching from a far watched the young man perform skills she knew too well. 'This kid used skills like that man who led the Perfixs into battle, that man was the scariest I've ever fought! If this young man uses the same skills then this world is going to go through some of the worst battles it will ever see!! I must inform the King, Archangels, and the Holy Church!' With that Valkyrie was gone with a fright that she hasn't experienced in a long time. 'Avion what happened? Did you make a kid or did you find a disciple? I must find out!' The words were the last that she thought while she flew to her king.

"What took you so long!!" Ashley went up to Xander and sulked about the wait.

"Sorry it was hard to find" Xander expressionlessly said this while hand the woodland bear to the cooks he was no longer in to mood to cook.