"Don't worry about it for now. Have you registered as an adventurer yet? I have registered yesterday. It might help you if you are officially registered."
"I asked the nice lady at that booth but she asked me for 2 silvers. I don't have more than 20 coppers right now." she said while feeling depressed.
Hmm.. is it me or the guild registration fee is just too high? How are new adventurers supposed to get 2 silver if they are broke?
"She told me to finish a quest from the board to get registered for free."
"She said she will register you for free if you finish any of the quests? That doesn't sound right."
"No no. I had to do an F ranked quest at least for free registration. I would also get the reward in that case"
"Hmm… that's not a bad deal at all if you are strong enough to finish an F ranked quest I guess."
"I don't know how difficult the F ranked quests are. I was trying to find that out when I bumped into you."
I looked at Turek and he shrugged at me. It seems he had the same idea as me.
"How would you like to join our party? We are about to leave on a quest."
"Really? Are you doing an F rank quest too? But I thought you had already registered…"
"No, we are just doing an herb gathering quest which is an unranked quest. But you can make money by gathering herbs without the risk that comes with F ranked quests. Even if you haven't registered, you can still finish the quests and gather the reward. You will be able to register using the money you earn."
Cleo thought a bit about what I said and as if coming to a conclusion nodded and said "Alright I will join your party."
I sighed with relief. Not only was Cleo strong but she also knew how to fight. She knew how to survive in a forest, something a thief and a shoemaker did not. She was also good looking although a bit on the wild side unlike the elegant looking Janet or the fierce looking Val. But that was just a bonus… really…
"Ok, Turek has brought some food and water in his pack. Lets add a bit more for all 3 of us. Then we can get a map and set off. Cleo, do you have a weapon for fighting?"
Cleo's face changed immediately to a sorrowful one.
"I did have a sword in my village. It was just an old sword that I had found in the forest. I loved it so much. But on my way to the city, I was attacked by some bandits when I was sleeping. I was able to get away but I left my sword and most of my luggage when I ran. I got to the city only with the clothes on me and the money in my pouch. It's been 2 days since I came here and I was finally going to start adventuring today."
Well, this quest is supposed to be quite safe. Hopefully we don't need that sword for now. Once we have enough money, we can buy a sword for Cleo. She could also train me and Turek in fighting which would strengthen our party.
"But don't worry. I am good at fighting even without my sword. I will protect our party!". She started flexing to show off her biceps. "See I am quite strong". She did look quite strong. Her biceps were certainly bigger than mine and most likely than Turek as well.
Turek looked at her biceps with admiration. "Wow Cleo, you are quite strong!".
"How old are you Cleo", this was something I had been wanting to ask. She had a wild and energetic look to her. She was above average height with black hair with a good figure. But I was having a hard time pinning her age. She was certainly older than me but I couldn't tell by how much.
"I am a 23 years old and will be 24 in 3 months. How about you guys? Oh yeah, Ren you are 17 right? How about you … Turek?"
"I am older than Ren. I am 21."
"Ohh… doesn't that make me the oldest here?"
"Yeah, you are the oldest here but I am the leader since I am the one who formed this party!"