Jewellery shopping mall

"I'm excited! Aren't you excited System? I can shopping without money! Hohohoho i never been to this place." Loke excitedly (if that wasn't obvious) enter the huge X shopping mall. This is the first shopping mall stop they're going to rob. "System which way should i go? Oohhh! I can see a couple of different ATM there!" Loke run to the ATM and activate his domain.

[System suggest to go to jewellery store first, ATM along the way, then Host can take whatever Host want.]

System show Host the way using the map.

"i want to say this earlier but this really feels like app gps only with more details." Loke look at map then move while avoiding peoples. "Hmmm i want to go to store fresh ingredients like fish, meat, crab. All of them are going to get bad anyway so i don't feel guilty taking them. Then some bags, clothes, kitchen stuff. What else? but the inventory won't fit all of them" Loke said dissapointingly and try to remember apocalypse novel that he reads but most of them have their own dimension that they can gardening around and take care of animals though.

[Host actually inventory have a loophole Host can take advantage of. You see if Host put a single shirt for example then Host store another one with a different brand. Inventory that Host use will be two. However if Host take a single bag and stuff all the clothes in the bag then the inventory will list the item 'a bag of clothes' instead of 'short sleeved shirt from T brand and 'short sleeved shirt from F brand'] System said smugly, [I discover this not too long ago, aren't i a perfect system?]

"Really? That's possible? Then it's more important to get a lot of huge bags huh it's better if it's luggage beg, it's not like peoples can use it when the apocalypse start anyway. We leave the lighter bags to them and take only a few."

Loke arrive at the jewellery store and didn't hesitate to rob all of then. Within a minute all of the jewellery are gone.

"Hey System the jewelleries you convert into money is the same as the jewelleries selling price is it not?" Loke ask when he looks at the money notifications that appears.





[Yup we only follow how humans value them. It is easier for us and easier for you guys too] System shrug (though it only feels that way)

" Wait us and we?!!! US as in SYSTEMSSS? Aside from you there are another systems in this world?" Loke shock.

[That's impossible. Unless there's an irregular.] System said seriously.

"Irregular?" Loke taken aback at the suddenly serious System.

[Irregular is a system that comes into this world illegally and Host should avoid it, never ever disclose you have a system in front of irregular]

"Why? Is it dangerous?"

[Extremely so because coming into a world illegally means they have to going against the world when they come in and that require a lot of energy thus weakened them, some of the power they can give to their Host is limited and restricted but if they didn't have a lot of energy in the first place, it would be impossible to come in. So they are mostly high ranking system that been through a lot of world, it would be wiser to avoid it.]

"Why did they decide to come then?" Loke said confusingly.

[Hmmm usually they're after something precious that the world have enough for them to risk it or maybe they just confident that they can hunt the origin system like me that was task to take care of you.]

"Hunt? Why they're hunting us?"

[So they can get the ownership of the world by killing the origin system's Host in other word you. Take good care but don't think too much. If there's an irregular i will be able to know and infrom you if you ever meet one because the world will warn me first, whereas irregular can't detect me.]

" a lot complicated than i thought. I want to ask this while we are in this topic but why am i your Host? Why did I get pick?"

System silence for a while, [I don't know, it just happen, maybe higher up know, it's pointless to think about it anyway rather you should be focusing and collect money. We have been talking and you're walking leisurely. There's only 20 hours left before the apocalyse.]

"Oh shit I should start running now."