Supplies! Supplies! Part 1

"Jewellery done! ATM done!" Loke is at one of the store that sell all kinds of bag in abundant.

"Man~ look at all this bags! There's small one, medium one, bigger one! And all of them going to inventory!" Loke's eyes shine brightly.

[Host should just take a few of the small and medium luggage bag. Store the hiking bag and big backpack instead." Host kindly advice his delusional Host.

"Alright but I'm not gonna take all of them since others need them too"

[Host the inventory is full]

"Upgrade it! How much does it cost to upgrade?" Loke anticipate the answer.

[For now, if Host want to upgrade ten slots, Host need to pay $1 but the next upgrade will be double and so on so on]

"I see i see how many money did i have now?" Loke nod his head.

[It should be easier if i just show Host]

Name: Loke Money: $, 250,255,658,803,698

(Inventory) (Weapons) (Foods)

"Huk what is that? Millions? Billions? Trillions? Hmmm does this enough for me to survive the apocalypse for dozens of years?" Loke greatly pleased looking at the large amounts.

[Hardly so]

"Ehhhhh how come?"

[Normal weapons won't work on zombies in the future, Host will need stronger weapon and it's a lot more expensive. Each weapon probably $20,000 and more, there is also cost for bullets too.]

[FURTHERMORE, the price in the store will fluctuate once the apocalyse begin. Right now Host can buy it cheaply in a normal price but once the apocalypse begin, the foods and weapons become scarce thus the price will go up. It will probably reach $1000 to buy a single mineral bottle later.]

"You you you! Never tell me this! AARRRGGHH! ORZ"

[I already told Host that Host can buy it at a market price, naturally market price will go up once it is high in demand and there is less supply.]

"Then change of plans, we need to upgrade inventory as much as possible and store many as possible. I thought robbing a couple of banks and jewellery will be enough for me to live lavishly during the apocalypse. What is this bad news... ORZ"

[Inventory been upgraded]

+200 slots -$1,048,576

"Ahhhhh that's right inventory need a lot money to upgrade too, it's going to be double the next upgrade huhuhuh store store all of this!" Loke release his stress by looking at bags dissapear to his inventory one by one.

After a moment later,

"Let's go to the clothes store next, we have to put them into these bags. It shouldn't take a lot right?"