Supplies! Supplies! Part 2

"Humph humph" Loke is currently running about in the second floor of the mall collecting clothes that might be needed during the apocalyse.

"Shirts! Pants! Undies! Winter clothes! Sweater! Gloves! Coats! Jackets! Socks! Shoes!"

How Loke did his job: open a luggage and put it in one place->Loke store the clothes inside his inventory first->Loke run to the luggage and put the clothes in it->repeat

[Host fighting!]

"I'm tired, but i think we need to go to sport store. Most of the shoes here is not really suitable in the apocalypse. Maybe it's because peoples are shopping they sure have a lot of money and jewelleries. The cashier alone can get triple the amount of normal store money"

Loke look around the mall "i think that's all, we can go to sport store then search for foods. Oh wait i forgot!" Loke face plam his face.

"How could i forget? I keep talking how i want to store fresh ingredients i forgot about the culteries and kitchen cookware needed. How the heck am i going to cook it then? Ah stupid! There's a lot of them downstairs. Let's go!"

On the elevator, Loke look around. "Ah! A bed! A pillow! Toilet items! I forgot that too."

Loke rush to each sections and store them the same way as earlier.

At the end the luggage used is already 14, half the amount store earlier. The rest of the inventory have a couple of medium and small size luggage, all kinds of bags, plastic bags Loke thought to be useful later.

"Done! System the countdown?"


"Time passed by so quickly! Need to go to foods!"

It didn't take long to reach since they are about a couple blocks away in the same floor. Loke rush inside and use the plastic they provided to wrap the fresh ingredients then put it in the bigger plastic bag taken at the mall earlier. Loke also store the fruits, veges, meats that's already in a sealed container. For fresh seafood it cannot be help, Loke need to wrap it one by one. The same goes for fresh meat, Loke only take the already chopped meat into parts.

When Loke is done, he moves to the fridge that contains various of frozen foods. He places them in a luggage reluctantly and decided that this should just store frozen foods in the future. Loke also take dairy products, grains, oils and seasonings. Since Loke is not well versed in cooking, he just store all the seasonings except for salt, sugar, pepper that is essential, he takes only 1/3. For the canned food he only took 1/4 of it then leave the rest for others.

Next, Loke goes to drink section. He stores his favourite drinks then mineral water, he takes all the 20L and 10L mineral bottles. The rest he takes 1/4 of it. He goes to alcoholic section, although he is not a person who drinks this stuff but it might be useful in the future so he takes 1/5 of it. Especially wine where Loke usually notice they are pour during cooking he takes a lot more than other drinks.

Almost forgot, Loke goes into snacks section. He only store what he likes which is not a lot. He's not a type of person who likes snacking that much. However he did store a lot of chocolates instead.

Conveniently, he finds box container along the way, he just wish he finds this before he put those frozen food inside the luggage. He grumbles but stores all of them either way. He also store kitchen appliances, he takes whatever that he could. He store a mini fridge, microwave oven, toaster, rice cooker and many more. Finally, Loke goes around the shopping mall and get some miscellaneous items and his sport shoes.

"System how many hours?" Loke plopped on the seat at the mcdonald and drink a bottle mineral water.


"Huh i think i won't get any sleep today. We only goes to one shopping mall and there's a lot of other banks we didn't rob yet. We are short of time more than i thought." Loke said in despair.

"In the next shopping mall, we should just search for ATM and jewellery stores then go to collect some bags and container before going to store foods and this time we will only take frozen food and fresh seafood. There is already a lot of meats in frozen food, but the seafoods are important, it's my favourite!"

[Host work hard! :)]

"That smile is freakishly annoying at the moment. I want to rest for 15 minutes and eat mcd first then i will get going. Inform me"
