
[Host, isn't this great! You managed to get home before the countdown!] System said excitedly.


"Yeah of course with only less than 2 hours left! And I'M! Completely exhausted!" Loke said while open his door with a key hurriedly, wanting nothing more than to sprawl himself on his bed. No, screw that, he might even not get it past upstairs and just use the sofa instead.

" Urrghhhhh my legs hurt" Loke flop on the sofa and massage his sore legs. Then he realised how sweaty he was and it felt really uncomfortable with his shirt sticking to his body.

"Shower...probably should done it now, later it's gonna be contaminated by zombies, i should boil extra water... When will i ever get a break if it's like this?"

Loke shut his eyes and his consciousness stare at the emptiness. His house is quiet, with everyone else fainted outside, not a single sounds slip through the walls. It feels...peaceful.

Loke suddenly remember the times when this house is loud, it was 6 years ago and he was 18 years old, suddenly, his parents died in a car accidents after that this house has been quiet and he is the only person who still live in this house. Not that he treasures this house or anything, it just his financial situation isn't on a good side so renting a room feels like a waste of money when you have other and better option instead.

He is not very fond of his family that consist of his parents and 2 brothers, the reason? They are way too loud especially his mother. I don't get why she needs to scream every single day for no reason and mutiple times too, it's very disturbing and annoying, i know that she is stressed but... I'M stressed because of HER. His dad wasn't any different, but he have a loud voice too, it's irritating to the ears everytime i heard my parents talking to each other. My brothers is a lot better, it just... most of the reason my mom screams is because of my 1st brother and it is not like he was there to hear it, I'M THE ONE WHO HEAR IT. So what is the point of screaming his names every single day?! My 2nd brother he is the only one i ever talk to or close to but i hate it when i realised he loves his family, on the other hand, i don't. Most of my feelings is just gratitude for bringing me up until adulthood i shall repay them in any way, other than that, especially love is basically none existent. Thus, it was not surprising when at that certain day when my parents died, i did not even shed any tears, i don't feel sad at all, in fact i was actually looking forward to it, a life without his parents. There are more plenty of reasons as to why he hates his parents but that's a thing for later. To continue, without his parents, both of his brother grieve and cried then we just distanced ourselves, it's like the string that connect us has broke. Well both of my brothers are fine with it of course, they are a 3 years and 7 years older than me. It's an age that can get them a decent job and survive.

His quirk (i don't even know if we can call that) of hating somebody who is loud not just limited to his family, in fact it also applied to his friends or someone he just met. He tried to distance himself from this type of person but sadly he seem to have a magnet with him at least in his circle of friends, one of them must have irritating loud voice that annoyed the hell out of him and he can't get rid of them either. So he was eternally grateful he got the quietness he wants since 12 years old. Loke has enough mulling over his family, he went upstairs and take a shower.

When he comes out, he checks the inventory.


A box of hiking bags×5

A box of bags×8

A box of plastic bag×2

A luggage of clothes×8 (winter, summer, autumn, spring)

A luggage of food×10 (seasonings, dairy, cooking oils, grains)

A big container of food×15 (frozen food, meats, veges, seafood, desert, cold drinks)

A big container of kitchen cookware×5

A big container of kitchen appliances×7

A big container of dining utensils×2




A luggage of medicine×3

Total: 276/300 slots

Loke winced at what's left of inventory slot. Some of them are inappropriate to put in the luggage bag, Loke can only work hard to find a box bigger enough to load them as a result a box of diesel alone take 43 slots. Others like sonal panels that protagonist in the novel always take note of, he can't really put them in a bag right? Loke sigh. He marvels how protagonist's mind can think of this.

Well Loke is satisfied with what he have at the moment. This enough to cover him for at least a couple of years before he starts using the store for foods. Or maybe he should use the store first? Hmmm that's a thing to consider.

"System what should i do now? I don't think staying at my house is safe, this house don't even have a backdoor if my front door is blocked. The zombies and peoples easily comes in, i live in the 2 storey house in residential area which gonna flood with zombies any moment now. Don't you think with an hour, we can find a better secure place instead?" Loke ask anxiously.

[Hmmm there is some empty houses near yours that have better living conditions and somewhat a bit desolate from the rest.] System search the map.

"Then let's go!" Loke jumps from the sofa.

{I want to tell Host that peoples who live beside this house, they are a group of mercenary and they have a house full of weapons, it might be dangerous but at the same time advantageous. I think i should hold onto this information for a while longer and see what happen.} System thought.

[Okay Host, i will lead you the way.] System said.