Secret~ Shhh


A sound of gunshot can be heard in a distance then a silence fell. After a minutes or so, they watch Loke comes before them with a sniper in his hand as he fumbles to hold the seemingly huge sniper using his tiny figure as if he never hold it before.

"The sniper is in a group. What should we do? Should i just...kill them or go our own way? But! The guy seem to act on his own, the rest of the group is widely separated, they didn't even realise one of them is dead." Loke said nervously as all attention is on him.

" Hm just leave them be and let's go." Xavier said.

" Okay." Loke store his sniper inside his inventory.

The three of them are suprise at the sniper disappearance on Loke's hands but didn't show it on the outside. Milo is curious and want to ask but Xavier keep his silence, so it was not his places to ask further. Julian simply didn't care but he puts up his vigilance on Loke a little bit after this. Xavier's thought was quite different. Two conclusion he comes up are Loke want to flaunt his strength 'i was capable of this' , however that didn't quite match Loke's character. The second is he's trying to make us trust him better by revealing his ability. He abstains from saying anything for now. He was sure that wasn't all Loke hide under his sleeves.

Loke nervously take their reactions in. He thought the best way to get accepted in a group is to divulge a bit of secret of himself to them. That's why he comes out with sniper on his hand and purposely reveal his inventory. Though the secret about inventory and system should be kept and instead just blame it all on his space ability. He already prepared the scripted lies he wants to say if asked. In the end, he was dissapointed they didn't ask anything about it and just get on the hummer. Loke sit on the seat and relax himself, he was considerably tense throughtout the deal, if this group were to become an enemy, his life will end instantly.


Loke is startled and glance toward Xavier. Their eyes met and Loke's eyes tremble to hold on to his stare.

"Y-yes?" Loke squeak a reply.

Xavier is amused when he saw Loke obvious discomfort. Since he wasn't a person who show emotion on his face, Loke didn't notice.

"Thank you for earlier."

"Oh! Oh it's okay. Glad to be of help." Loke stumbles with his words and blush when he realised how timid and edgy he must look like from the outside.

"Move." Xavier said to Julian.

The hummer drive on for another two hours...