Separated... Uhh get kidnap instead?

"Thanks ummm.. for the lift." Loke get off the hummer and look at Xavier who is seating infront.

"No problem." Xavier reply.

"I..." Loke was about to continue but then he hears his brother's voice.

"Loke?" A rough voice coming from behind him.

"Dylan..." Loke turn his head and look at his 7 years apart brother. Compare to Loke who barely have muscles, this guy is buff, his shirt is clinging to his bulging abs.

"Who are they? Why are you with them?" Dylan ask hostilely as he approaches them from the front door.

"Stop it, they are... nice peoples. They give me a lift. That's all." Loke meet Dylan halfway, blocking his way to the hummer and try to pacify his brother. His brother is not good with stranger, i repeat, not good, especially if they appear to be very... dangerous? Like he really get worried if i mix with a bad influences people. He can't really blame his brother because this group of mercenary is certainly not good peoples since they are practically hitman and stuff but they are... nice peoples who help me so he's not being judgemental here.

His 1st brother, Dylan mostly got the bad trait of his mother's that i really don't like. Saying it 'I don't like it' is already nice. It was certainly more than that.

"Let's... GO!" Loke said exasperately and try to push his impossible to move Dylan toward the door.

Still not budging from his place, Dylan continue to glare at them. Loke who notice that buried his face on Dylan's chest and plead "Urrghhh... please. It's not safe now. Don't make a scene."

Dylan sigh, finally calm, he takes one last look at the hummer before gripping Loke's arm tight and drag him inside the house directly into the kitchen.

Xavier, Milo and Julian look at each other at the two brother scene before Milo speak up, "I'm curious. Are you guys not?"

Throughout the journey, three of them had hidden discussions between themselves about getting Loke join their group. They also think Loke had the same idea.Thus they try to dig story about his life but found little of him, even more so about his family. Perhaps you could say he have quite a normal life? If they ignore the sometimes cruel remarks and actions like killing peoples without hesitation and guilt from Loke that is a bit disparity from his normal life, overall his likes and dislikes is normal for a 24 years old boy like him.

Julian didn't say anything and park the car a bit further from the house away from their sight. Milo give a thumb up at this. They all hide themselves near the kitchen windows where the two brothers are currently arguing.

"Ow ow ow, don't grip too tight. It hurts!" Loke try to pull his hand off Dylan's grip.

"You..." Dylan let go Loke's hand and sigh dramatically while pulling his half black and half brown hair. "You hang out with those kind peoples now? One look and i could tell they are anything but good."

Loke is taken aback from what Dylan's said "What? I just met them! I only share a car with them to get here! There's nothing going on between me and them! Heck we hardly even know each other! Why are you making a big deal out of this?!" Loke yell.

"Beside.. they might not be good peoples but at least they're nice." Loke whisper quietly but still can be heard clearly while rubbing his red wrist because he feels the need to take their side since it is true. Throughout the 4 hours ride with them despite half of them Loke spent sleeping, the next two hours they had a little skirmish with zombies here and there, they got each other back and it's nice to see. Being with them, he feels secure and safe. He wasn't very fond of horror and grotesque stuff but with them it's bearable at least he didn't feel that scared. He's okay with killing, this he admits is a little bit twisted but zombies and horror it's a big no. It must be those horror movies fault.

"Urgghh you and your naive thoughts! Not EVERYONE is nice in this world. Why are you always seem to ignore the negative side of peoples?" Dylan rub his face in exasperation.

"Huh?! What does that have anything to do with this?" Loke is baffled and thought to himself 'He is anything but naive, though he got to admit that occasionally he always felt that his life is going to be smooth sailing despite no matter how blur the future seem to be but that doesn't mean he is naive for thinking that way isn't it? He told Dylan about this when he have a one and one chat with him, ever since then he's been very... fussy? protective? I mean i don't know he's been pretty weird. He said I'm gullible or something like that. I'm just a bit more positive than normal, that's all. It's not something that supposed to be a big deal.

"Doesn't have anything to do with it??!! I mean you practically just get in the car with 3 strangers who you didn't know at all. They might take advantage of you, they might rob you, rape you, kidnap and do all horrible things to you and you will never know! Even more right now apocalyse happen peoples are becoming desperate so please! Open your eyes! and see the hidden cruelty that peoples had" Dylan retort.

"Well they didn't! Nothing! Happen! I am completely save. I am standing right in front of you. I know how to judge peoples okay?" Loke brush it off and try to go back to the living room.

"Wait! i don't think you understand here." Dylan take a hold on Loke's wrist again.

"What? I completely understand. I just need to be more careful. That's all." Loke stop his conversation there and wriggle his wrist free.

"You-" Loke's brother words are cut off when suddenly the back door of the kitchen burst open.

"Dice(Dylan)! A lot of zombies is approaching here. We need to go." A man who have a bright red colour hair speak hurriedly but take a single up and down glance at Loke. He whistles, "So this is the famous Dice's youngest brother. Looks good."

'Really? Zombies is approaching? Did Xavier and the group aware of this or not?' Loke thought worriedly.

Dylan growl, "Fuck off Ray. My youngest brother is off limit to any of you."

"Woah! Protective much!" The man call Ray bring both of his hand in surrender.

"Uhhh who are you?" Loke who is a bit unsettling from this man who came out of nowhere and the fact that Dylan who always proper with words suddenly swear in front of him, make him a bit scared.

"Oh mon amour (my love)! I'm glad you asked. I am..." Ray take off his inaginary hat with his right hand and bring it to his heart while slightly bowing to Loke however he is forced to stop talking when Dylan roughly shove his face backward.

"Urgh!" Ray who lose his footing, fall down on the floor. "Damn man! I was only introducing myself." but Ray was smirking for the entire time knowing exactly what is bothering Dylan.

Dylan perceive this can only glare intensely as he could at Ray. "Remember. We should go. How many zombies are approaching?"

"Hmmm five hundred? Maybe less? Who knows?" Ray shrug.

"Reminds me not to let you be a scout. So unreliable." Dylan grumble.

"Hah! No problem! I don't want to either!" Ray smirk.

"You already inform the others?" Dylan ask.

"Yup you're the last one." Ray sing and wink at Loke who already reach a bit far from Dylan silently as he was tying to escape during their conversation.

"Let's go then." Dylan catch Loke who is about to run away. "I want the details while we get ready." Dylan said to Ray. "And as for you, don't go anywhere." After that Dylan drag Loke everywhere while he is packing his stuff then finally they are outdoor and waiting for the car to pick them up.

Loke who is standing beside Dylan have a worried look on his face but try to keep his calm since he doesn't want Dylan to sense anything amiss about him and got interrogate again. Thus he keeps looking here and there boredly, he watches the vibrant and lively neighbourhood become dead and creepy, the effect of apocalypse is really hitting the world.


Loke flinch and almost swear out loud from his system sudden appearance. He forget he had a talking system since the system has been quiet after the apocalypse start.

'What is it?' Loke ask the system in his mind.

[I got an upgrade] System reply.

'Wow system can really get an upgrade huh?' Loke marvel since it was a thing in the novel.

[More like i got updates. You know like game updates and stuff like that.]

' Oh okay then. Good i guess?' Loke compliment awkwardly.

[Host your mission to follow the mercenary group is not complete yet.]

'I know i know i can already guess why it's not. I need to completely follow them don't i?'

[Yeah but... Ehhhh?! Host they're near!] System scream when he looks at the map.

'Ah? Where?' Loke is suprised.

Systen show Loke the map and notice they are in fact getting closer and closer stealthily to them.

'The f are they doing? Did they come back for me? ' Loke question to himself. Loke also realise a different car is also approaching them but they are a bit further. Loke thought this might be the person Dylan and Ray currently waiting for.

After a minute, the first one to take action is Milo. He shoots something and three of them fell down paralyze on the ground. Loke is shocked that he got attack too and just frozen in front of Milo.

Milo grin before carry Loke like a sack over his shoulder. He sends a smirking provocative face at Loke's brother before running off.