Chapter 2


The investigation went for three days and it was a pain in the ass. There were a lot of people bothering the kitchen for interrogation for those who had served the food or who made the food or who was present at that time. As for me, it wasn't my concern since I was only Prince damien's personal maid so I wasn't interrogated.

"Who do you think is the culprit?" Prince Damien asked me.

"do you honestly wanna hear my opinion or are you just bored?" I asked handing him books for him to read.

He gave me a cheeky smile.

"both" he replied.

"since you're bored, you might as well read these. These will be very important for you to read your highness" I said handing him the most important ones.

"The history of Roosevelt, King Roman's Empire, How to rule a kingdom. These are for the crowned Prince. Why am I reading this? I won't be ruling the kingdom. William will" he said in confusion.

"Just read it. It will be handy someday." I said and disappeared from his sight.

I was in the hallway gathering some Intel. I went to the kitchen to see if there were guards and I was right. Before they could spot me, the head maid grabbed my hand dragging me all the way to the stock room.

" What's going on?" I asked as I took a deep breath.

She was catching her breath when she took a quick glance at me and I could see she was frantic about something and I had no fucking clue about what it was.

"The king! The king has summoned you! What did you do?" she said putting her hands on my shoulder.

My eyes widened.

" What? I haven't done anything yet" I replied.

"Anyway you are summoned to his chamber. Make sure you visit him on your way. I can't guarantee what will happen to you" the head maid announced and left me in the stockroom alone.

'that old hag sure is extra. She couldn't tell me right away and had to drag me here just to say that bullshit the hell' I thought to myself.

Anyway I still haven't figured out why the King had summoned me but I was confident it wouldn't be anything bad since I haven't done anything major yet. I stride my way to his Chambers and the Royal guards opened it. The king was laying down on his bed with the queen sitting down beside him.

I bow down in the presence of the king and queen and gave them a polite greeting.

" Greetings your majesties" I said and stayed still.

" Come closer" said the dying king.

I walked closer and kept a distance between the King and Queen. The Queen was silent the whole time and I guess it's because she's powerless.

"I've heard things about you" The king started.

I gulped and continued to stay silent.

"My son, Damien have said good things bout you" he added.

"It's nothing your majesty. I'm just doing my job as his maid. If for anything, I am very thankful for his highness for treating me well" I said politely.

"You seem to have a good relationship with him. That makes you different from the other maids" he said as he coughed again.

'just die won't you?' I thought to myself.

"That is why, since it's you, I think I can trust you to handle William. I want you to maintain a good relationship with him like what you did with Damien" he said making me widen my eyes.

"You are now officially their personal maid" he announced.

"I gladly accept your majesty" I said.

'well, fuck' I said to myself.

After that, there were a lot of people whispering about me and it was officially announced the next day. The maids were jealous and they kept giving me death glares but I didn't give a fuck. The head maid was the same as usual and was strict to not bother me or my job.

Today was going to be my first day as the crown prince's maid and it was going to be harder since he had fully recovered even though I wished he didn't.

Honestly it would be great if he died and that would get me to the ending but he survived and that means more work for me.

I was on my way to Damien's chamber to deliver his breakfast and I knew he'd be awake by then. He made it his habit to wake up early before I serve him his breakfast. I knocked three times before entering and he was there looking out the window. When he noticed the door opening, he gave me a small smile.

"What is the first step in becoming a king?" I asked him.

"To become a king, one must be humble. The first step is to accept your weakness" he answered.

I smiled at him and served him his breakfast.

"So you've finished reading them all?" I asked.

"Yes although I don't get why this is necessary" he scratched his head in confusion.

"I told you, you'll need it someday" I said and looked for more books in his bookshelves and gave him a lot more.

I gave him a book about the other kingdom who will be taking part of the assassination. It was crucial for him to make a good impression for them and the first step is to get to know their kingdom and their history.

I was giving him 4 kingdom's history. Lilyard and Asphodel were going to be his sword and shield. The Kingdom of Lilyard was small but very powerful for its reigning history and for keeping their kingdom intact for centuries. The Asphodel was different, it was known for their military prowess and the Queen who has never been seen was still a mystery. Each citizens were natural born fighters and that kingdom will be his shield one day. The other 2 which was Clover kingdom and Irisville were going to be his trade partners which will help the kingdom grow.

"While I'm busy, keep yourself busy. Read these too" I said and gave him the books.

'it should last him a whole day' I thought.