The first meeting with the Crown Prince wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He was silent the whole time and it seemed like he was in deep thought.
While Damien maybe quite timid, William on the other hand was even more hard to figure out but according to rumors, he was nothing but an arrogant playboy but guys like him are easy to handle because I've dealt with it on my world.
Although it's a pain in the ass.
"Is his highness feeling alright?" I asked.
He was silent. Way too silent for someone who's plotting an assassination.
"I'm fine. Just stay away from me" he said rudely.
I rolled my eyes discreetly and walked towards him ignoring his words. I placed my hand on his forehead and I was right. His temperature was high and it seemed like he had a fever.
"you're burning up" I said.
"don't touch me" he said harshly.
I ignored him and went to fetch some orange juice and made him something he could easily swallow. I also went to get some wet cloth for his forehead and some medicine. No wonder he didn't eat much of his breakfast because his throat was hurting.
I made my way through and knocked three times before entering his chamber. William was laying down shivering and it made me laugh on how an arrogant Prince like him could look so pathetic.
"Sit up. You're eating before you rest" I said and he followed quietly.
I fed him like a baby and he quietly ate what I gave him without complaining. He was such a child but I guess that part of him is cute. After eating, I let him drink his medicine and let him drink some water.
"Lay down" I said and he followed. I put the wet cloth on his forehead. He closed his eyes and that was my cue to leave.
I still had to check up on Damien whether he was alright or something. Just when I was about to leave, I felt my hand being tugged and I looked at William with his eyes watery. It's probably from the fever.
"Don't go. Sleep here" He said, still holding my hand.
"I'm not allowed to. I should head back to my quarters your highness" I replied.
"Please" he said quietly.
Fuck. I couldn't say no somehow. I didn't know why but maybe because I pity him.
"Alright. Just let me check on Damien. I'll be right back" I replied and covered him with a blanket.
"okay" he said quietly.
I left in a hurry and knocked three times before opening Damien's chamber. I looked around only to see him studying.
"you're still studying?" I asked and he turned around when he heard my voice.
"I guess I didn't notice the time. Why are you here?" he asked.
"I just came to see you. Anyway get some rest. We'll continue tomorrow" I said.
He nodded and went back to his bed. When he laid down, I covered him with a blanket making her chuckle a little.
"What's so funny?"i asked.
" you act like a mother" he replied.
"I'm 18. That's offensive" I frowned.
"And I'm not acting like a mother because I want to. It's my job" I added.
He mumbled a small apology and I nodded at him.
"Anyway get some sleep" I said when I was done.
I prepared a glass of water beside him so that he wouldn't get thirsty if he ever wakes up.
"What about you?" he asked.
"I'll be at Prince William's chamber. He has a fever and I have to look after him" I replied making him scowl when he heard William's name.
"you're a maid not a doctor. Ask the Palace doctor to look after him"
"it's fine" I assured him.
"Moreover, he's a man and you're a woman. Doesn't that sound wrong to you?" he argued.
"No. I'm just taking a look after him. Besides his highness will explain things tomorrow. Don't worry bout it" I explained.
He looked bothered but decided to stay quiet. He turned his back on me and close his eyes. I could see he was upset about something and I don't know why.
"good night" I said before leaving.
I came back to William's chamber only to find him fast asleep. I walked towards him to check on the cloth and I knew it was time to replace a new one. After I was done I checked his fever and it seemed like it hasn't gone down one bit. I could see he was shivering from the cool air despite being covered by the comforter.
I was tired but I didn't know how else I could help him. I took of my clothes and changed into the nightgown. I didn't bother to change in the bathroom since William was fast asleep. After I was done, I made sure his bedroom was locked and so were the windows.
At least I've got time to get out of the bed when someone knocks on the door.
Tired, I tucked myself in his bed and maybe use my warmth to warm him up. I didn't care about morals or anything.
I was just tired.