She is Not Alone

He knew that he only wanted to find faults and that was what he did that time. He jumped to a conclusion because that was an easy way out. For the past month, he had become somewhat irritable. He would get mad over nothing and blamed almost everything on her.

He was broken out of his thoughts when the video was finished and her voice rang out.

'Now that you know, it was all in your head and I did nothing wrong, I want to ask you- What kind of a man you are? Who is double-timing, cheating, man-whore? YOU. It is YOU, who lacks morals and a decent sense of judgment. You are the one with questionable character and not me. Was she enough to quench your lust or do you want more women? Not women, sorry, my bad! You would want more tight holes to drill, right? And just to answer your question, I won't be your so-called one last fuck. Go find someone else. Goodbye.' With that, the whole screen turned black. Her words kept ringing in his ears. It was silence all around for a while that was broken by the sound of clapping.

He turned to look at his side and saw that it was Sara who had clapped.

'Wow, I am speechless. Are you really a man? Because I think a real man won't do what you did to her. A real man won't accuse blindly. Did you really love her? A man in love will believe in his partner. A man in love will cross oceans just for his love. He will bear any amount of pain just to make his partner smile. Did you do anything for her? Let's not talk about crossing oceans and bearing the pain that sounds like a humungous task which takes lots of effort. Why not start with the one that does not need any.

Trust, belief, honesty… have you heard of these? Probably not. Tell me this; did you even listen to her? Did you believe in her? No, you did not. Now, you are no longer loyal to her either. Tell me Aaron; were you honest with her in your relationship? I don't think you need to answer that, your face is telling the truth clearly. Are you regretting it? Do you feel guilty? I won't be disturbing you anymore. Since my work here is almost done except with one thing.'

He glanced at her and saw her approach. He was absent-minded and thought that she might have something else that Shirley gave her to give it to him. Expecting something like that he extended his hand.

'This is her last gift for you.' She said indicating the decoration that was hung on the walls. 'And this is my gift for you.' Having said that Sara landed a punch on his face and then kneed him where the sun does not shine.

Aaron had no time to collect his wits from the face punch when he was dealt another blow. He crashed on the ground and groaned. But the assault did not stop there. Soon enough a kick landed on his ribs followed by another.

Sara wanted to continue but was stopped by Rock. 'This won't teach him anything. Why even bother.'

Sara landed the last kick and then said in a no-nonsense voice. 'You stay away from her and if you even dared to breathe next to her, then I won't let you go this easily. Remember this, she is not alone.'