His Past Few Days

Aaron's pov-

'Where the hell has she disappeared to?'

The question that he has shouted remained unanswered; it merely bounced back by the walls in this huge empty hall.

It has been days and he had no clue about her whereabouts. Aaron threw the half-empty beer bottle and watched in satisfaction as it broke into pieces. His eyes carried a reddish hue, a side effect of drinking too much alcohol. He smiled at the mess he created. A strange glint appeared in his eyes for a nanosecond and then it was gone.

But for that second, he looked crazy, a certified maniac.

When he came back that day after getting beaten by Sara he was back with a guilty conscience. He slept the remaining day off. He woke up the next day and went to look for her. He went to her place in hopes that her anger would be gone after a night's ordeal. She could never stay angry with him for a long time. She was a firm believer in going to sleep with a clear head.