Sam's Last Night Adventure

It was late in the afternoon when Sam woke up. Her head was buzzing and for a moment she could not recall anything. Slowly blinking her eyes, she eventually regained some of her senses. When her eyes were completely adjusted to the dim light of late afternoon sun coming from the window she finally noticed her surroundings.

She was in an unfamiliar room but surprisingly that did not make her panic.

You could blame the alcohol she has consumed for her indifference and lack of brain activity for the time being. Sam surely did.

Stepping out of bed she stretched, intervening her fingers, thrusting them to the front and then taking them all the way to above her head, she felt her body waking up from slumber.

The dizziness was now reduced to light throbbing pain, which could easily be resolved by taking a pain killer. Sam out of habit turned to make her bed and it was then that she glanced at the sleeping Shirley.