Chapter 11

[7:33 AM]

The Alarm woke me up..!!

There were only 57 minutes left until the start of school. I got up and trudged to the bathroom.

During the Shower, I kept thinking of my previous Encounter with Ms.Irene...



[Wait, why did you stop in the middle, The story is not finished yet, what happened to Xan and Warlick, and if you were sealed How are you here?]

Irene just smiled...

[I am a projection my young friend, made by the great magic of Warlick, he gave me the personality of the Real Irene... 20 Years Ago I was sealed, and 3 years Ago... I died]


[Then Dou?]

[4 Years Ago, Warlick managed to unseal me using Xan's, Warlick's and my combined powers... But without our mana, neither Xan nor I could have survived for long, 1 Year Later... Dou was born and Xan and I reached the end of our life]


[So, Dou is an Orphan?]

[Yes... Sadly]

[And You are Warlick?]

[No, But I am the projection he made using magic, So, I basically am Him]


[What is it, young friend? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?]

[Warlick wanted someone to kill him right? Because he can't do it himself]

[And why would you say that?]

[Because you didn't finish your story, No, Warlick never programmed you to finish your story in the first place... The entire reason you were even allowed to tell me that much, is because you sensed my Internal Prowess, and the fact that I am not Biased towards the Demons]

Irene smiled...

[Warlick was an Incredibly Kind and Very selfless man, Yet He caused great sins, sins that can not be forgiven for eternity, Yes, the only reason I am here is to take care of Dou, and also to Guide someone who can kill Warlick, for he can't do it himself.]

[Can you give Warlick my message?]

[I am his magic Projection, Whatever I see and hear, He see and hear it as well]


[Very Well, From this moment onwards I am directly talking to Warlick... I Just wanted to say Stop being a Pussy... People, who can't throw something important away, can never hope to change anything... Sometimes you will have to let it go]

Irene/Warlick: "..."

[The world isn't perfect. But it's there for us, doing the best it can... I don't know why You have to Kill your Best Friend and Your Love... so you can say that I don't know anything... But I do know this, We are all like fireworks: we climb, we shine and eventually, we die. But thinking you're no-good and worthless, Who deserves to die, is the worst thing you can do to yourself]

Irene/Warlick: "..."

[MAMA] came the voice of a Little Angel, who came from the Kitchen holding a large pot, twice her size.

I Chuckled and took the Pot from her...

[Would You mind If I Stay here?, I think I like this place]

Irene smiled [I don't, upstairs are the bedrooms with attached bathrooms, you can come down for eating]

[Thank you]

And this is How I start Living with the World's Most Talented Wizard, 3 Year Old Dou.

At least I think she is most Talented Since she is born with so much Mana, I can not be sure though.


One of the Nation's greatest training institute boasting state-of-the-art, magic, Combat, and War and Civil Strategies.

[The Thousand Blade Academy]

I muttered the name as I stand in front of the great Castle, This thing is bigger than anything I ever saw in my entire life... Well, it's not like I saw many things in my life, and after my Time Loop, I don't remember anything either...

In this huge Castle, there were about 5000 Hero Candidates, of which 1300 were first-years. Even if by chance no one becomes a Hero, They will be formidable fighters by the time they grow up, While around 2000 Seniors graduated two weeks ago, They will become the ministers or some Important people who manage the country, or maybe they will join the Army or maybe the Guild of adventures.

Whatever they choose to become, If they graduated from here, means they are destined for greatness...

This thing is not the Nation's 4 Greatest University for nothing... and the worst thing is the Royalty studies here, Means, every Prince, and Princess, whether born out of wedlock, whether the crown prince, the Princess, Even the previous Emperor studied in one of the 4 Universities.

Elite Children's from all over the Nation gather here, making this Place more competitive. In a way, the place was too harsh and dreary to be home for 17 to 19-year-olds.

Furthermore, there were training instructors, cafeteria ladies, cleaners, recruiters from Various Guilds, Army, government associates, Famous Adventurers, and various visiting Organizations who occasionally come here.

Naturally, this place is a Very Important Place in the entire Nation...

This together 3 more Places Just like this... Truth be said, I am nervous.


After collecting my breath, I entered the academy alongside the crowd of Children... All of them are noble's even if they are not, they are geniuses.

With a Big Smile, I Joined the Crowd.

There was a List of Classrooms and the Desk on the Wall.

I sat on the Backside of the Classroom, Not the Best Position, But whatever...

My seat is near the window, so, I kept looking at the window as the Children's Kept coming inside the Classroom.

[Excuse me, I am your Deskmate for 4 Years, Nice to meet you]

I Heard the Voice of a Female.

I smiled and turned towards her...

[Hello, My name is Al--




My and Mine Deskmate's eyes widened

My Deskmate is... Princess Ria... The one I encountered in the Public Bath

And this is How my time at One of the Nation's Best Academy Starts now...