Chapter 12

[What are you doing here? I thought you are a senior here] I asked the girl sitting next to me

[And why would you think so?] She said not even looking at me

[Well, you did use the thousand blade techniques]

[I am a royalty you idiot, My Older brothers, sisters, heck, even my mother and father graduated from royal Universities, Of course, I know the basic thousand blade techniques, I even know the rest of the royal Universities basic techniques]

[That Explains, a lot] I said with an understanding

[So, tell me the truth, you are not a sword user right]

[And why would you say so?]

[Becuase I refuse to believe that you are a swordsman, There is no way, you ki could get to such levels if you don't practice it the entire time, you won't have the time to practice the Sword fighting, You are a Ki user, I am sure]

I smiled

[I Just had a lot of time in my hand]

[Very well, Don't tell me, I know it, You know it as well]

I chuckled, this kid seriously...

[Well, If you say so]

And then a Burly figure came in the classroom


He angrily slammed the table breaking it into pieces in front of the entire class... Geez, what a way to intimate the little students and make an Impression.


And all the children ran, well, all except for me...

[WHY AREN'T YOU RUNNING] The Burly teacher yelled right on my mouth...

Wow, this guy's voice is too loud...

[What's the point]

[What did you just say?] The big guy is angry...

Is it me, or just about everyone in this world is easy to make angry... I wasn't even trying this time...

[Professor, every student will run in the same direction, I just need to follow them]

[And how are you going to follow them]

[I have very acute senses professor, I can sense just about anyone in here]

[A mana user? Wizard?]

[It's Ki]

The guy smiled... a mocking smile, [A rare breed I must say, I am impressed but for now, RUN, OR I WILL HAVE YOU AT DINNER]

I gawked at him...


And I started to run, well, I don't want to get in the bad books of any teacher, I want a simple peaceful life, as a working man, and for that, I need a diploma from the university.


(9 Minutes 59 Seconds Later) (In the Academy's Training Ground 3)

[Today's the first day, so there won't be any special training, but I hope you all did your morning training. Training is never wrong, especially in the morning]

[Now, let's start with self-introductions. I'm Professor Gin, the instructor in charge of you all throughout the year, I graduated from here, and I worked as a high-ranking military official for 5 years, 4 Years as a Guild A-Rank Adventurer, and this is my 6th Year in Teaching Profession]

Wow, 15 Years of Experience, This guy really is something...

[I think that's enough for my introduction]

I gawked at him and smiled bitterly as he seemed to have liked the student's reactions as the corners of his mouth curled up to a grin.

Wow, 15 Years, and yet still seeking the attention of the bunch of Kids...

[The first day will feel special. You might not have slept due to excitement and worry, or maybe you're feeling great about being able to improve yourselves. Heh, maybe you're happy to see your crushes again]

The students broke out into a peal of small laughter. But the instructor froze his expression sternly.

[But, If that's what you came here for, I promise you, there will be no time for relationships. In this Academy, you will experience several real combat situations. You might want to just collapse as soon as you are free from the classes, but I assure you, You won't even have that Luxury, Look forward to experiencing how fearful this Place really is]

His roguish smile sent a chill down everyone.

[The only indicator of your success will be your grade. Guilds and the Military will only look at your grades. Thus, we will grade you accurately and strictly. If you underperform, you will be Kicked out immediately. Statistically, less than half of your lots will be able to reach the final year. But if you do manage to reach the end of the final year. Then do know that we are the Royal University for a reason, we Provide the 100 Percent Placement, and we make sure you get the highest position that's possible for you, Some might even be placed directly under His majesty, the Archmage, the Sage or the Commander, Of Course, some of you will get better offers than others, But As I said, it all depends upon your Grades, It's a war of attrition, So, Study Hard in here]

After giving the students a scare, the instructor paused and scanned the students' faces.

It was time for our self-Introduction.


Because it was the first day we were allowed to go out and roam the place...

I see around, as Children tries to make friends with one another... Especially with the Black hair Princess. Well, that's to be expected, as the only child of the emperor in this year, she is bound to be the center of attention.

I smiled and prepared to leave, I can't make friends with these children, My mind and soul is too old, I will always see them as mere toddlers...

Once outside, I took a deep breath, Tomorrow, We will have our classes start.

[You... come with me] I turned around as the black hair princess approached me.

I smiled, [Where?]

[You don't need to know, You lost the bet, You are my slave for today, Just come with me]

Seriously, I lost the bet? Is she freaking kidding me?...

[Sorry, I am not interested]


I smiled wider, [Where Princess?]

[My friend... she is coming to meet me---


[And she is bringing her Boyfriend with her---


[And, She might or might not have forced me to tell a little lie] She blushed, by telling the... truth..!!

I stare at her, Even though I might not look like super sharp, But girl, I can catch the hints.

[So, what's the problem, Take any boy from here, they are nearly drooling for you]

[I know, and that's why I am taking you... I don't like perverts] She caught my arm and smiled sweetly

I chuckled and got away from her, [I Don't know what you think of me princess, But, I have very acute senses, Telling me a lie, well, Let's Just say, It's impossible]

She just stared at me, [I don't know what are you talking about]

I Chuckled, [Why are you here princess? This time the real reason]

She continued to stare me, [Just who are you?]


[Your Ki reached extreme levels, and yet, You say you are a sword user, your expressions weren't lying back then, But when I ask about it, you say that you had lots of time in your hand... No matter how much time you had, for an 18-Year-Old, no matter how talented, Just how much time do you think you had]

100 million years, that's how much time I got

I chuckled, [Goodbye Princess]

But right when I turned around, I ended up seeing something unexpected.

...Haah. Gah. Ugh."

[Stay still, you damn bitch!]

[Gehehe… We finally caught ya]

[She ended up getting a bit dirty, but she'll do just fine]

[Let's just get to it, man! I can't stand it anymore!]

A young girl was being dragged into a back alley by seedy guys who looked like delinquents. They seemed to have chased her down. Judging from their earlier convo, it was easy to imagine just what they'll do to the girl.

I was about to step forward when my arm was suddenly grabbed. It was naturally Princess who stopped me.

[Are you just going to let that slide?]

[Is she your acquaintance?]

[Not really. But…]

The girl desperately resisted her captors but was gradually cornered deeper inside the alley.

[If so, then it's not our business. Leave it be]

[I thought the King was very wise, and everyone was supposed to be protected in his kingdom]

[Yes, and No, Listen, We can't control the slums, These Incidents, no matter how much we stop it, they will happen again and again, and if we interfere, It will only spell trouble, as Slums can easily manipulate the general Crowd opinions, Not to mention, That kind of thing happens all the time. Don't tell me you're going to stick your neck in every time you encounter that sort of stuff? It won't be enough, no matter how many lives you've got]

I looked up... towards the sky.

[My mother, She was very sick]

[What, What are you talking about?]

[Because she was saving money for my studies, She didn't have the money, She died because of that, And no one even gave her a Proper Funeral for 6 Months]


[I am from the slums Princess, My mother was from slums, She died, and her corpse wasn't even buried for 6 Months... Tell me, How come, we people from slums are not important to people like you... You who Live in their fantasy world, Living Happily, How can you empathize with people like us, us who come from the slums]

The princess was silent for a moment...

I took a step forward yet again...

[You can't save the world]

[No I can't, No one can]


[But I can save her Princess, and it's an entire world for her]

I moved forward again...


[What now, Are you trying to stall me or something? Just how many questions do you even have]

She chuckled, [You stay here, I will go and save her, Afterall it's my duty, as the kingdom's princess...]

I smile, [You shall become a wonderful Queen in the future, Princess]

[I don't care about that, But remember You owe me dinner after this, and there we will talk about you and your training]

And then she rushed out towards the alley...

Wait what?... Why do I owe her dinner?, I am short on cash as well, I can't go on a date, It cost a lot... I barely cover for myself... Not to mention she is hell-bent on trying to look through me... Dangit..!!

I ran, I don't wanna be caught by the crazy princess.


Near Ms. Irene's House, I sensed demonic Ki, Various Demonic Ki

I frowned and went inside...

There I see the fading figure Ms. Irene's Ilusion...

I quickly rushed to her...

[What Happened?]

[The Demons were here... They Took Dou away, I tried to fight but I was merely an Illusion... You have to protect her]

[But What about Warlick, Why isn't he here?]

[Right now, Warlick is Protecting as well as sealing the borderline Between the demonic world and the human World, Once he leaves his post, the entire the Demonic Army will attack the Human world in full force]

[I get it, Don't worry I will bring her back at all cost]

With that, I ran outside...

Dou can not be kidnapped, She is someone who is born for Greatness, In her prime, she will match my power level, meaning if she got an army on her back, She might be able to kill me using sheer numbers and if Demons get their hands on her, It will spell the disaster.

Once outside, I closed my eyes... I have very Acute senses, I can sense nearly everything...

Found her..!!

I ran... by creating a crater on the field...


I had 100 million years to train... I trained for every day, Ki, Sword, Body, Strenght... all lose their meaning to me... I was alone in that world, I was alone even when I came back in this world, Paula-san was good to me, but she couldn't understand me, Mom was gone, Not a single person can understand me.

All except Dou, She is born with Tremendous Mana, She is Just like me, She can sense the Ki inside of me, She can catch people's emotions, She is an orphan just like me... and most of all she calls me Big Brother, and treat me like one... If I have to say who my family is, My answer would be... Dou

Dou... My young 3-Year-Old sister...


Once I reached the place, I stopped...

Immediately, the black Ki around me became thicker and thicker. A large black figure flew out from within the thin air. This black figure had a tangible and complete body, but it was completely black. Its face covered in so many black-colored scars that its features were indistinguishable. An aura that was chilling to the boneheaded toward me...

The demon is here!


The black figure looked down and around it and began to laugh maniacally. [I never thought that a Human will come on its own accord. I am Fiend- Ah ya!]

Before it could finish speaking, it found itself flying through the air after being kicked by someone. Its body felt like a deflated balloon… With a loud hissing noise, it felt itself begin to dissipate as black whirls of smoke, leaving behind black bones.

I retracted my leg...

[What a Weak Demon]

I Ran yet again..!!

What Allen didn't know that….the demon from the demonic realm going to say that it was a Fiend. Legends said that Fiend Celestials could snuff out the fire of a sun, annihilate the entire world, and emerge victorious over armies. Yet what a pity, the First human it saw was Allen.


(The demonic realm)

Strange rocks and lava were to be found all over the place. The sky overhead was grey and gloomy.

For the first time in history, the demonic realm was faced with the threat of being completely wiped.

There was a flash of green that broke through the darkness in the demonic realm. It possessed an unbeatable strength as it progressed through the demonic realm, defeating every single demon in its wake. Before the demons could even make out what this flash of green was, they were reduced to dust... That was the Magic of Warlick, He was angry, He was fuming... How dare the Demons Kidnap the child of Irene and Xan, Warlick was so angry that he nearly annihilated the entire Demonic World... And try finding Dou...

Here, I was Lost, Although I can Sense Dou, but Her Mana is withering, Dammit, Someone Is stealing her powers, Without her Mana, Dou will be Kill... She is only 3 Year Old... I can't really rely on my senses to find her...

I had walked between the south and north of the demonic realm more than ten times. I entered a pit that was a few hundred meters deep to ask the little nightmarish demon for directions. Then, finally, I headed in the right direction toward the Demon King's palace in the middle of the realm.

Thus… ten minutes later.

The demonic Qi was surging within the palace, where tens of thousands of demons usually gathered. The dust cleared, and there were demonic bones scattered all over the city. All of the demons who survived had the same question in mind at that exact moment.

The demons on the streets: Why did he hit me? I was just passing by.

The demons guarding the door: Why did he hit me? I was just guarding the door.

The demon army: Why did he hit me? I was just standing guard.

The demon generals: Why did he hit me? I just came to work

Nobody knew the reason.

When I reached the Castle, I saw the Demon Stealing the mana of Dou...

[You fiend]

[Hahaha, Now that I have Stolen most of her Infinite mana, What can a mere human like you do to me]


It didn't even manage to open its eyes fully before I kicked this idiot demon.

[You... How can you be so fast]

He raised his arm toward me...

[Raging Hell]

Suddenly Illusions of Demon King appeared everywhere... There were many Illusions




All Clones blasted created Hell of Fire...

[Hee- You may be quite fast but you sure are pretty weak, This technique used to take a lot out of me, but with this much mana, I can do anything... Hahahaha]

[You sure talk a lot]

Came the voice from inside the black cloud of smoke...


There I was stretching my hand, with the shield all around me...

[W-Who are yo--

My eyes widened, and the demonic King was cut into thousands of pieces...

Idiotic Demon, Challenging me with that measly amount of mana...

Dou is still growing, Taking her mana at this age really was the most idiot move ever...

With the death of the Demonic King, the tremendous amount of mana entered Dou Body...

Since the Entire mana wasn't taken out of her body, She is going to live...

I gently scoop up the sleeping 3-year-Old Toddler, and kissed her cheeks, as she melted in her sleep and my arms.

I smiled...

[Good Job Protecting her] There was a man's voice behind me...


I turned around, there was no one

[What the hell?]

There is no way I wasn't able to sense the one behind me, but if it's done, that means it was done by a tremendously powerful person, Someone Good enough to hide his presence that has no intention of harming me or Dou.

A Wizard, With Great Illusion Magic...

[Warlick] I muttered, This is the only logical explanation I can think of


On the other side of the Lava field, A white hair handsome 30 or something old man smiled as he rotated his stretched palm.


I stare straight ahead, at the great Vortex that suddenly appeared out of no-where, as I was getting sucked, I could stop this, My internal Energy is far too powerful, But this magic means no harm and If I resist I would Harm Dou as a result. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be sucked in the vortex


Next, I opened my eyes, I was in front of Ms. Irene in her house.