Night Immortal, Is This Faerie Kai Zhen A Reliable Fellow?

At Qilin hall, the palace of the heavenly Emperor Guangzi Jiu. The ruler of the nine heavens sat high up in his throne in a regal robes of white and gold with a crown made from pure gold gallantly on his head. His royal adviser, Hou Yao was in a robe of plain white with his hair knotted back while standing on one side by the royal ruler. His eyes were bright like those of a tiger, an aura of warmth encompassed his body.

"Night immortal, is this Faerie Kai Zhen a reliable fellow? I fear he may not be of much use as the medicine king."

A shadow covered the countenance of Guangzi Jiu, his eyes held deeply rooted worry within him.

"High Immortal Lan Quan is upright and of sound mind, he would not say what he doesn't mean. Your majesty, please calm your heart. If you give in to fear, what is to become of us all. You are the father of every living being in the heavens and on earth, please do not let this burden your heart!"

With a grave look in his eyes Hou Yao gave a deep bow before the heavenly emperor. This was his way of respectfully letting him know that the matter was not worth fretting about.