I Will Not Permit Kai Zhen To Die In The Hands Of A Demon!

Lan Quan drew close to the place where he sensed the spirit energy of his disciple. At the same time the stench of demon energy permeated the whole area. Kai Zhen's aura was almost completely overshadowed by that of the demon.

"High Immortal Lan Quan! Are you certain that you will be able to save Faerie Kai Zhen?"

The God of Fate chewed on his lower lips in distress, all he could sense coming from the low lands was demonic energy. This caused the immortal to cave in to fear while he addressed Lan Quan from behind.

"I don't know how High Immortal Lan Quan can save the life of his disciple! There is demon energy covering everywhere! Even if he could use his high cultivation, I do not see Faerie Kai Zhen coming out unscathed! Is this his fate?!"

The God of Fate grew more nervous while the thought took root within him. Coincidentally a cold wind blew by when he questioned the Medicine King.

"I will not permit Kai Zhen to die in the hands of a demon!"

The tone of finality from Lan Quan silenced the God of Fate as the two covered the distance that led to where Kai Zhen was held hostage.