here we are...

Kaminari happily hopped down the stairs to meet his mate, kissing him on the cheek before slipping on his shoes. As Kaminari stood, his fingers intertwined with Izuku's.

"Ready?" Izuku asked, giving Kaminari's hand a comforting squeeze.

"As I'll ever be."

The two exited the house walking to a truck and a blonde male. Kaminari racked his brain for a name but came up blank. Who the fuck is that? Why is he here?

"Hi, kacchan," Izuku greeted with a small wave.

"Nerd," he said.

"Kachan, this is one of my soul mates, Karminari Denki. Kami, Kac... well, Bakugo."

Kaminari smiled and offered Katsuki a wave that wasn't reciprocated. Katsuki nodded his head in acknowledgment and opened the driver's side door, sliding in. Izuku turned to his mate, winking as he opens the truck's back door. Kaminari blushed and followed his mate into the car.

The truck ride was silent. Izuku rested his head against Kaminari's shoulder, his hand over Kaminari's, rubbing his thumb over Kaminari's knuckles. Kaminari purred softly, signaling his boyfriend to continue.

Kaminari nuzzled his face into Izuku's messy curls. Izuku hummed, his body relaxing as his rubbing slowed. He let his eyes flutter closed, a dream taking over.


Kaminari's eyes scanned over passing streets, his eyes landing on a familiar one. His body naturally tensed as Katsuki's turn signal blinked. Izuku felt Kaminari tense and moved closer, more awake than ever.

Katsuki turned to the two love birds that we in the backseat with an eye roll," All right, nerd lets go. We don't have all day."

"Thanks, Kachan. Come on," Izuku dragged Kaminari out of the car.

Kaminari redirected Izuku to the back of the house. Kaminari noticed some familiar blonde hair. She motioned for her brother and his assumed boyfriend to come in. Denki released Izuku's hand as he walked up to the glass door. His sister's eyes were welling up on the edges of her eyes as she pulled open the door.

Angelina, Denki's younger sister, jumped into arms his arms. Denki smiled and hugged back, giving Angelina a firm squeeze. The two pulled away, holding each other's arms.

"I missed you," she cried.

"I know. I know. I missed you too."

"Mom and dad packed up all your clothes."

"All right, where are they?"

"By the front door."

"All right. Will you help us load up the car?"

"Of course."

Angelina skipped through the door making, her way across the house. Denki slowly entered his old house his, fingertips tracing the walls. Izuku followed behind like a lost puppy.

Angelina turned around, presenting the packed boxes to her brother. Denki's smile faded slightly before returning.

"Okay, I call taking all the light ones!" Angelina called, picking up a box.

"You would," Denki said with a snort.


The trio but the last of Denki's things into Katsuki's truck: The two siblings looked at each other, saddens filling both of their expressions.

"Awe Denki. Do you need anything else?" Angelina asked, her lip quivering slightly.

"I don't think so..."

"I will miss you."

"I will miss you too. I got to go. I'll be back to visit. Promise," Denki held out his pinky.

She intertwined her pinky with Denki's. Denki smiled and pulled his pinky out of Angelina's, wrapping his arms steadily around her. Angelina hugged back and pulled away, giving a final wave to Denki as he entered the truck.

Izuku pressed against Denki, stretching his legs over the blonde's lap, his head resting gently on Kaminari's shoulder. Kaminari wrapped his arm around Izuku supporting the smaller male, as his other arm was dragged into Izuku's lap. So Izuku could rub Kaminari's wrist with his thumb. Kaminari and Izuku shared a soft purr as they got comfortable.


The car ride again was very silent. The only thing keeping Kaminari awake was Izuku's soft breathing and KAtsuki's glare reflecting in the rearview mirror.

"Denki, is it?"

Kaminari nodded, chewing his lip nervously.

"I've been friends with Izuku since we were four. They have bullied him for years and don't take pain well. If you hurt him, I will hunt you down and beat your ass. Got it."

"Got it."

Kaminari looked down at the small green-haired male resting in his lap. I will never leave.


Katsuki left after helping the two unload the car. Izuku casually dropped to the floor out of petty exhaustion. Kaminari slithered down next to him, laying his head on Izuku's shoulder, and let out a sigh. Kaminari pulled out his phone cheeking, the time. What time is it? Almost 2:30 wow.

"Izuku, what time is Kiri coming over?" Kaminari asked, nuzzling into his mate's shoulder.

"I can ask if he wants to come over now."

"That's fine. Also, shouldn't we eat lunch?"

"I'll ask Kiri to grab something."


"He said it's fine and he'll bring something do you want to wait downstairs?"


Kaminari stood and helped his mate off the floor and, the two made their way to the living room.


Kaminari flopped down on the couch Izuku following. Izuku laid his head in Kaminari's lap. Izuku turned on Cells at work. Kaminari played with Izuku's curls earning him a purr from Izuku. Why are they so soft? How are they so effortless? Kaminari slowly pulled one then released it, watching it bounce.

"Kiri," the two said in unison.

Izuku hopped off Kaminari and skipped to the door, happily opening it for their other mate.

"Hey, I heard you guys were hungry," Kirishima said, placing a bag on the small coffee table.

"Meat pies."

"Let's eat."


As the mates enjoyed their food, Kaminari's stomach grumbled. He looked down at his half-eaten meat pie, nausea filling his throat. Why all of a...

"Kiri, what's in this?" Kaminari asked, pointing toward the meat pie.

"The usual stuff, why?"

Kaminari didn't answer and stood running in the direction of the bathroom. His mates looked at each other before reluctantly following.

"Kami," Izuku called, concern written in his voice.

Kaminari slammed the door shut, vomit already spewing itself from his throat. The stench didn't help and caused Kaminari to once more, toss his lunch. Kaminari wiped the stray barf from his face with some toilet paper before flushing.

"Awe Kami," Izuku called. "Let us in."

Kaminari hesitated but did eventually open the door, allowing his mates in. Izuku sat down next to Kaminari, rubbing his back. Kirishima held Kaminari's hand, rubbing circles over Kaminari's knuckles. Kaminari's stomach growled and, he flew forward, more horrid things flying from his throat.

"Awe Kaminari, I'm is sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay, I forgot to tell you."

Kaminari rested his back against the wall, his mates following, wanting to make his as comfortable as possible.

"Kami, do you want water or anything?" Izuku asked, his wide eyes glistening softly.

"Water sounds good."

"All right."

Izuku stood and walked to the kitchen, digging through cabinets looking for a water bottle. Kaminari let his eyes flutter closed as he leaned his head against Kirishima's shoulder, noticing the bigger male tense as he did so.

"I'm tired," Kaminari muttered softly.

Kirishima wrapped his arm around Kaminari, pulling the blonde closer and nuzzling his face into his mates hair. Kaminari leaned into the touch, earning another soft purr from his mate.

"Kami, do you want to go back to the couch?" Kirishima asked, noticing Kaminari's struggle to keep his eyes open.

"Yes, please."

Kirishima stood, lifting his mate up as well, carrying him to the couch. Kirishima placed Kaminari down and went back to eating his meat pie. Izuku followed, handing Kaminari a water bottle and sitting down. 4:56? I need a nap.

Kaminari closed his eyes, the vivid sense of fear cascading through his body. He tried to move, or at least alert his mates, but his body remained still.



Kaminari's mother was beating and screaming at him. Tear trailing down his face as he tried pushing her off. She wouldn't budge. Denki stopped moving, letting his mother beat him. He was a whimpering, crying mess, trying so desperately to escape, but his mind was trapped, his body was trapped. Angelina walked down the stairs, her eyes widening at the scene in front of her.

"Angi go," Kaminari called, watching his sister run out of the house.

Denki rolled on top of his mother, trying to pin her, Denki's mother moved, causing him to get stabbed, Denki fell ontop her.

"Dot move your piece of shit, or ill cut your eyes out!" She hissed.

She's psycho. Kaminari kept as still as he could, watching his mother leave him, bleeding on the floor. Kaminari slowly got up and fumbled around, trying to forget. He made his way to the door, walking down his street, hoping to see his dream school once more before he...



Denki started shaking, whispering things to himself while asleep. Izuku turned around, noticing his mate's distress. He immediately went into Mom mode.

"Denki. Denks. Baby, please," Izuku squeezed Kaminari's arms trying, to wake him from the nightmare.

Kaminari looked toward Izuku, with his tear-stained face. Kaminari turned his head away from Izuku, trying to ignore him. Kaminari knew Izuku meant well but couldn't maintain eye contact for long at the moment.

"Baby~," Izuku's voice purred, scratching ever so gently under Kaminari's chin.

Denki purred, turning his head back to his worried mate. Tears were on the verge of spilling out of Kirishima's eyes and already spilling out of Denki's.

Izuku pushed Kaminari's legs out of his way, so he could sit on his mate's lap, giving him comfort and affection, the thing the two needed the most.

"What happened?" Kirishima asked in the softest voice he could manage, not wanting to put his mate into another panic attack.

"I-I-I... I think I had another panic attack."

Izuku wrapped his legs around Kaminari's torso, resting his head in the crook of Kaminari's neck. Kirishima slides down on the open side of the couch, wrapping Kaminari's arm around him, as he digs his face into the blonde's shoulder.

Kaminari glanced at the cable box. 5:30. That was a long one. Soft mumbles snapped him out of his thoughts. Izuku was mumbling to himself and, Kaminari's ears perked up to his name,

Kaminari didn't really know what Izuku was saying and shot Kirishima a look. Kirishima shook his head. Kaminari laid gently butterfly kisses up Izuku's neck, getting Izuku's attention.

"Was I mumbling?" Izuku asked, turned his red face to glace into his mated eyes.

"A little."


"You don't have to apologize for it, it's cute."