
As the three sat on the couch, Kaminari shifted uncomfortably. His eyes darted around the room. Ricky stood in the corner of the room, shaking silently.

The figure inched out of the darkness. It was another girl. She had long black hair, black wings that placed against her sides hiding her face, and for a split second, he watched her eyes, her purple eyes they were magnificent, but why now?

Izuku diverted his vison to the corner, his body tensing at the sight of his very grown friend. He glared at her, not in an offensive way, just confused. He hadn't seen her since he was Mabey 5, maybe 6. How'd she got in? Why?

"Ricky?" Izuku asked.

The figure's eyes glided to Izuku as she heard the name. Ricky. I am Ricky. Ricky.

"Midoriya?" her voice came out in a stutter.

Her voice wasn't whole. She stood, shakily. Her hair shortened and became white, her skin became a darker tan.

Ricky was short for Nakamoto Ryoko. Izuku had missed hearing her name while playing in the park with Kachan. He introduced himself and, they became astonishing friends, well, until she had to move away. How many years had it been? 8 maybe?

Anyway, Ricky was now in some cute blue shorts and a pullover mesh cropped jacket. Her hair went up into space buns, with a strand sticking hanging down from each side. The black hadn't completely disappeared but moved to her root making, it looks like a hair dye, almost. She smiled.

Izuku looked at her in awe. Was this the same girl he met all those years ago? She looked different.

Her eyes sharpened as she regarded the two other boys in the room. They were staring at her. Her eyes glow a reddish almost brown color at them: they immediately calmed as they landed back on Izuku.

"When d'you get back?" Izuku asked, slowly standing and moving toward his friend.


"Ok.. how d'you get in?"


"Ok. Hi."


"How's life been?"

"Not so good."


"Do you want me to come back another time?"


"Ok, I'll call ya."


Ricky smiled and waved as she walked through the wall. Kirishima and Kaminari looked at Izuku conversion written in their faces.

"Pardon my language, but who the fuck was that?" Kirishima asked prominently.

"Childhood friend," Izuku's voice was flat.

"Ok, but why was she here?" Kaminari's turn to speak.

"I don't know, but something wrong: she wouldn't be here if something wasn't up. Anyway," Izuku looked at the cable box.

7:00. I'm already tired. Izuku sat back down in Kaminari's lap, forcing the blonde's arms around him. Kaminari nuzzled his face into the greenette's shoulder.

"Do you want to watch something?"


"Why not?"

Izuku handed one of them the remote. He observed as they flipped through channels.

"Nothing. Do you have Netflix?"


"All right."

Kirishima got Netflix and stretched out. He found something.


"Sure," Kaminari smiled: he loved horror.

"Um...," Izuku was remarkably unsure about this.

"If you're scared, we'll be here if you need us," Kaminari said with a reassuring smile.


Midoriya scooted off his lap and in between him and Kirishima. Eijirou wrapped his arm lazily around Izuku while Kaminari held his hand. The movie started...

Izuku realized he hadn't been paying attention and didn't know what they were watching. Suddenly in big letters, Annabell appeared on the screen. Izuku felt his body tense Kaminari lovingly squeezed his mates hand, wanting him to be comfortable. This would be harsh.


"Izuku," Kaminari breathed.

Izuku turned his head Kaminari touched Izuku's face, his fingertips running over Izukus skin before gently kissed his cheek. This sort calmed him down and was distracting him from the movie.

"I love you," Kaminari bopped his nose.

Izuku giggled. Kirishima watched them silently, his arm was more prominently around Izuku, he leaned his head on the broccolis hair. This caught Izuku's attention.

"Kiri, you all right?"

"Yeah, just tied."

"We're all tired."

Kirishima looked at the cable box. 8:30, ugh.

"Yall ready cause I'm finna pass out?" he asked.

The other two gave him a strange glance.

"What I used to live in a not so good place all right." His voice sharpened as to say, 'don't ask about it.'

Izuku smiled and brushed it off. It covered Kaminari with curiosity but didn't want to push. Kirishima stood and stretched. Izuku lazily stood and yawned, then Kaminari. Izuku started for the stairs and, the other two followed.

He jumped into bed, slipping under the covers. Kaminari and Kirishima followed, Kaminari cuddled up to his back while Kirishima laid at Izuku's front. Izuku wrapped his arms around Kirishima's neck. Denki wrapped his arms around Izuku protectively.


Izuku stretched and tried to move, but two sets of strong arms held him in place. Am I the first one awake? He looked down and saw a sleeping Kirishima still snuggled deep into his side. I guess so. He petted Kirishima's hair, which was now soft. He started picking up pieces and running his fingers through it, watching its fall. He got a few 'mhm's' and such from Kirishima. Izuku stayed still and mumbled to himself some.

"Izu, your mumbling," Kami whispered, his eyes opening to meet Izuku's.

Izuku practically jumped out of his skin as he looked down at his still sleepy mate.


Kaminari sat up and started playing with Izuku's hair, earning him a soft purr from the greenette. Kaminari happily continued, enjoying the sound of his purring mate. Kirishima slowly opened his eyes, the immediate sound of purring filling his ears. He slowly sat up and stretched his back before laying his head on Izuku's shoulder and intertwining his fingers with Izuku's. Eijirou stroked his thumb over the smaller males knuckles. Izuku felt weird about getting all this attention but wasn't complaining.

He started brushing through Kirishima's hair again. Izuku wiggled out of there loosened grip and went to the bathroom. As soon as he opened the door, his stomach dropped. What the hell happened?

His mother was lying limply on the floor. She was as white as a ghost and, her body looked limp. She overworked herself again.

"Mom..." Izuku called, his voice was shaking.

She lifted her head slowly, she was draped over the toilet.

"Mom," He called out of desperation.

"Izu... Ku," her voice trailed.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be ok. Just stay with me, ok," Izuku held in his tears and hugged his mother.

"Awe Izu..." she said, her voice sonder very weak. "Call an ambulance."

Izuku dug around for his phone and called one. He would not let go of his mother.

Kirishima and Kaminari were fucking around in Izuku's room. They kaid small kisses on each other's necks as their hands wandered. Kirishima's ears perked up as a siren went by. He let out a low growl pulling denki toward him, protectively hugging Denki. Kaminari let it happen, enjoying the warmth coming from Kirishima.

Kami looked up at Kiri with worried eyes. "Izuku."

Kirishima growled again and got out of bed, practically dragging Kaminari behind him.

Once they saw Inko, in her condition, they moved toward her. Kaminari left Kirishima's hand and sat next to Izuku and Inko, softly cooing to them, saying 'it's alright' and 'you'll be fine.' Kirishima slowly moved toward them, not knowing if he was welcome. This was his first time meeting Izuku's mother, after all. He sat, trying to say something but kept his mouth shut.

Ricky came through the wall, her eyes flickering to Inko. Fear and adrenaline moved through her like a tidal wave, as she searched for words to say.

"Zuku their downstairs. I'll bring Auntie down, get ready, and meet in the hospital in an hour."

Izuku let Ricky take his mother. She shot him a very concerned glance before walking back through the wall. Izuku broke inside his head, all the emotions in his eyes and face left. He stood and told the others he needed to shower. They went but didn't want to.