Please no...

Denki quickly followed Oliva into the hallway, wanting all of this to be over soon. Izuku hopped into his spot lifting the redhead's arm around him.

Olivia silently stood as Kaminari stared at her, impatiently bouncing his leg. The woman was trying to find the right words to say, not wanting to hurt the boy more than he already was.

"Huh. Denki, we brought your sister in and asked about the beatings. She told us your parents never put their hands on her, but she witnessed multiple beatings. She also told us you no longer live with them."

"That's true."

"Ok, since we don't have pictures or access to your x-rays, we can't take you to trial."

Kaminari's eyes widened as, looked over the female in front of him. Pitty and shame floated around her, pushing Kaminari into an almost panic attack. Kaminari opened his mouth and tried to force out words, but nothing would emerge from his throat.

"O-okay," he stuttered out, quickly turning away from her walking back into the waiting room.

Kaminari entered the room, a wave of sadness flooded Izuku's way, causing him to sit up and looked at his mate. Denki looked distraught and tired. Izuku stood and walked up to his mate, letting the blonde male fall into his chest. Kaminari's breathing was shaky and uneven, causing Izuku to go into a mini panic.

"Come on, let's sit," Izuku gently moved with Karminari away from Kirishima (as the other end of the couch.)

Izuku sat, his mate following quickly. Kaminari rested his head on Izuku's shoulder, his legs stretching across the smaller males lap, as he silently panicked.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Izuku asked quietly.

"N-n-no. No-not n-now," Karminari stuttered as if he was having trouble talking.

"All right," Izuku sighed.

Kaminari nuzzled into Izuku's shoulder, wanting to sleep off all the emotions running through him. Izuku quietly hummed, not wanting to disturb his now sleeping mate. Izuku ran his hand over Kaminari's face before gently cupping it. Kaminari leaned into the stubbled touch, enjoying his mate's warmth.


Kaminari awoke to soft chatting and soft music playing. He nuzzled back into his arms, a soft whine escaping his lips. Kirishima softly ran his fingers through Kaminari's hair, causing the blonde to relax.

"Hey, you awake?" Kirishima asked, using his other hand to rub Kaminari's back.

"I am now," Kaminari sat up, stretching his back and observing his surroundings.

He analyzed Izuku's walls, revealing to himself that they were home. He laid back down, stretching his legs the rest of the couch. Kirishima readjusted his legs, letting Denki relax.

"Don't fall back asleep, Izuku's making dinner and, you haven't eaten all day," Eijirou muttered, going back to rubbing Denki's back.

"I wasn't planning in it, but whatever you say, I guess," Denki sniffed softly, smelling the beef cooking in the kitchen.

"Denks, Eiji dinner!" Izuku called the clatter of plates echos through the household.

Kaminari sat up and made his way to the kitchen, his redheaded boyfriend following along hopelessly.


A couple weeks later:

"I got the letter," Izuku jumped up and down excitedly.

"Ok, ok, let's watch."

Izuku hurriedly put the DVD in and flopped into Kaminari's lap. Kaminari wrapped his arms around his mate, loving the smell.

"I got in. I got in, yes, yes, yes," tears were running down Izuku's face, as he shook Kaminari.

"Haha, I know, I know. You're cute when you're excited," Kaminari poked Izuku's nose, making him flustered.

"S-shut up," Izuku complained, as his cheeks dusted a shade of pink.

Izuku rested his head in Kaminari's chest as he played on his phone. Kaminari watched whatever he was doing, playing with Midoriya's curls. He still couldn't believe that he found someone, well two people, that loved his.

Kaminari pulled out his phone and called Kirishima, letting him know that Izuku got in. Kirishima congratulated Izuku and left the call. Kaminari Kaid his head atop the greenette's closing, his eyes, drifting into a light sleep.

Izuku continued to play on his phone, not noticing the sleepy blonde laying on him. As Izuku finished around, he looked up, notifying Kaminari's eyes were shut.

"You wanna do something?" Izuku asked, placing his phone down,

"Not particularly," Kaminari mumbled as he picked his head up.

"Wanna go to the mall?"


Kaminari decided he wanted to start a play fight and poked Izuku's side causing, the small male to jump and spin around. Izuku grabbed Denki's hands and shoved them onto the floor, above the blonde's head, successfully pinning him. Izuku smirked as Kaminari blushed and wiggled.

Izuku, who was proud of his work, let go and got up, hopping into his bed. He didn't feel the need to change and was happy to be getting out of the house.

Karminari opened Izuku's closet and pulled out a hoodie with some black converse. He went over to one of Izuku's draws and pulled out some jeans. He didn't feel like binding today.

He went to the bathroom to change. He wasn't comfortable changing in front of Izuku yet. He wanted to get top surgery first.

Today would be a good day. I get to hang out with my mate, we both made it into UA, and I get to get some more clothes. This is going to be great.

Hey, guys, I know this is not my usual length and such. I love you guys and hope you enjoy: I'm gonna write for a while so, there might be more chapters today.

So I wanted this chapter to be less angsty so I decided to rewrite it. I hope you enjoy it!