Can we?

It had been about two weeks since everyone moved into dorms and, it was pleasant for the most part. Izuku was typing on his laptop, trying to finish the report Aizawa had giving them. Aizawa seemed to relax a bit more as the school year went on and, Izuku appreciated it. A knock pulled Izuku from his world of writing and, he went to answer the door.

"Izuku, can I sleepover? Please?" Karminari begged, squeezing his pillow.

"Yes," Izuku sighed, letting Karminari in.

Kaminari ran into Izuku's room, hopping into the greenette's sheets and rolling around it them like a dog. Izuku chuckled at the site and began to close the door. Kirishima's footsteps pounded against the floor as he ran.

Izuku sat back down t his desk, continuing to type away, wanting to finish the project as fast as he could. Kirishima nocked at the door and, Izuku rolled his eyes, already knowing who it was.

"Come in," he called, his eyes not leaving the computer screen.

He didn't mind them having sleepovers, really but, why did it always have to be in his room? Idiots. His mates were fucking around in his bed, which he was used to. They did this fairly often, as the greenette didn't love sleeping by himself anymore.

Izuku finished the last sentence in his essay and hummed, satisfied with himself. He stood from the small revolving chair and stretched his back, ready to fall asleep.

"Guys, stop. Let me in," Izuku whined, pulling at his comforter.

"Come on," Kirishima sat up and made room for Izuku to lay between him and Kaminari.

Izuku slipped into the narrow space, resting his head against his arm, his eyes fluttering open and close tiredly. Kaminari stroked Izuku's side, forgetting the greenette was ticklish. Izuku laughed and swatted Kaminari's hand away.

"Kami s-s-stop," the smaller demanded, his voice stern but soft.

Kirishima let his hand cup Izuku's smooth cheek, allowing the smaller male to enjoy the warmth. A low growl of approval passed Eijirou's lips as he looked over his mate. He had to be the luckiest man in the world to have a mate like this. Izuku's cheeks lit up as did Eijirou's.

"I love you," Eijirou whispered, pressing his forehead against Izuku's.

"I love you too."

Eijirou released Izuku's face and made himself comfortable, snuggled into Izuku. Izuku ran his fingers through his mates hair until he was asleep. Izuku happily hummed and let himself drift.


Kirishima was sitting in a hospital chair, squeezing his teddybear tight to his chest. He was blocking out all the noise surrounding him, tears running down his pale cheeks.

His mom was hysterically crying into the nurse's arms, as the nurse rubbed her back and tried to calm the depreciate mother down. Kirishima didn't understand he was too young to.

He could never understand the pain of losing your soulmate. His mother's love, her only reason for living, was now dead. She had nothing.

A doctor enters the room, catching Eijirou's attention. Ejirou looked up, meeting eyes with the doctor. The doctor smirked and waved, causing Kirishima's brain to swirl.

Everyone disappeared. All thoughts stopped.

"Mama?" Kirishima called, slipping from the uncomfortable hospital chair. "Mama?"

Kirishima slowly made his way to the door, peering down the hallway before starting to walk. He wasn't too sure about where he was going but, something was drawing him in. A tall figure who resembled his father stood at the end of the hall.


The figure turned. That was not Kirishima's dad, at least not anymore. The shape turned black, flesh melting onto the floor. Kirishima turned around and tried to run but, the thing was to fast and caught up to him, devouring him whole.


Eijirou awoke to Izuku, whispering soft nothings to him and rocking him back and forth gently. Tears were trickling down Eijirou's face, Izuku wiping each one gently.

This wasn't the first time Kirishima had a nightmare about his father. It also wasn't the first time Izuku had to comfort him. The redhead stayed quiet, letting his mate try and comfort him. Eijirou was shaking still so, Izuku decided to make him sit. It was pretty simple.

"Eiji, I need you to stop shaking, okay. Can you do that?"


"Can we try it? Please?"

Eijirou gradually stopped shaking, letting Izuku hold him. Izuku rubbed Eijirou's back, allowing the male to relax before bringing up the dream.

"Are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not right now."

"Okay. It's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here."

Eijirou lost himself in as thoughts trailed in. What the hell was that dream? I haven't had that one since I was five. Oh lord.

"Kiri... Kiri... Hey, do you want your medicine? It's technically tomorrow," Izuku mumbled.

Eijirou nodded, unable to voice his emotions. Words would be a struggle for the next few days. Izuku let Eijirou lay down as he quietly left the room, a soft click, indicating that he left. Kirishima whined and rolled over, admiring the new view of his blonde mate.

Eijirou clutched the sheets, letting Izuku's scent float into the air, calmness flushing through his veins. Kaminari whined and reached out, grabbing onto the redhead's arm. Eijioru carefully looked over his mates face noticing the distress. Eijirou could tell Kaminari was having a nightmare. Both of us on the same night, that's a new one.

"Mama?" Denki called, curling into a ball,

Oh god, this one really. Here we go.

"Angie g-go!" Kaminari called, reaching his arms out.

Kirishima gently wrapped his arms around Denki, pulling the smaller male to his chest and cradling him. Kaminari slowly calmed and settled, letting his mate sigh in relief.

Izuku slowly opened the door, hoping his mate had somehow fallen back asleep. Kirishima looked up and slowly pulled his arms away from Kaminari, ready to take his meds. Izuku placed the bag down on his dresser and slid onto the bed.

Kaminari swiftly wrapped his arms around Izuku, as he awoke from his nightmare. Light pants and desperation for air called as he tried to breathe. Izuku took a deep breath in and then released in, continuing the pattern to help calm his mate.

Kaminari sighed as he relaxed, nuzzling into Izuku's side. Izuku smiled and ran his fingers through Kamnari's hair, causing Kaminari to purr and look up at his mate.

"Thank you," Denki murmured, his eyes glistening.

"No problem. I love you."


Hey loves! I have been rewriting my chapters and, oh, lord! How the hell did some of y'all read this! It's so cute!

But yeah, I really hope you enjoy the updates, and I'll see you later.

I hope you're having a good day/night and, if you haven't heard it today, I love you.