
Izuku happily typed away at his computer, finishing up another English assessment. He was really excited about the new term, new learning materials, new textbooks, modern, well, everything.

Izuku's phone buzzed gently next to him, causing the greenette to look down and see who was calling. His mother's name flashed against his lock screen, a picture of him and his mates. He quickly picked up, not wanting to worry his mother.


Izuku's mouth fell into a gap as his mother explained the situation to him through the phone. Izuku's legs trembled softly as he thoughts of the man who tortured him for years.

"Wait for what?" Izuku asked, confused why his mother would say yes to this.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, but your dad contacted me. We are going to America, I'm sorry. I know this crushes your dreams..." she rambled as Izuku limply dropped his arm, trying to comprehend the situation he was in.

What the actual hell? Was she going to do this to him now? Izuku put himself on mute and sniffled, wiping his soft tears that drizzled down his cheeks. He didn't need his mother worrying about him more than she already did.

"Mama? When are we leaving?" He asked, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice, praying that she couldn't tell he had been crying.

"Sometime next week. I'll let you say goodbye to your friends and mates. I'm so sorry, Izuku. Please forgive me," she begged.

"It's okay. I know. I've got to go, mom. I love you."

"Love you, Izu," she said, before hanging up.

Izuku dropped his phone limply onto the desk, not caring if it landed or not. His head was numb as he tried to grasp the strings of reality and pull them back together. He slowly made his way to his bed, falling against it, not having a care in the world.

Why can't I just be happy for once? That's all I ask. Why me? Izuku got pulled from his thoughts as he heard his door open. Katsuki entered the room cautiously, not wanting to disturb the greenette.

"Oi nerd," Katsuki said, sympathy running through his voice. "The old hag told me the news. Do you need anything?"

Izuku limply sat up, his dry eyes running over his friend. Izuku nodded and opened his arms, wanting to be held. Katsuki happily excepted the offer and let the greenette snuggle into him. The two sat in silence, occasionally a sob or two slipping from Izuku's lips.

"Did you tell them yet?" Katsuki broke the silence, soothingly rubbing Izuku's back.


"Do you want me to tell them?"


"Would you like me to get them?"

"Yes, please."

Katsuki reluctantly left the boy alone, moving as quickly as possible to find his mates.


Katsuki walked into the living room, searching for a familiar set of blonde and red hair. Kirishima turned around, Katsuki's heavy footsteps echoing through the room.

"Oi, you two," Katsuki said, relatively calm. "Your mate needs you."

Kaminari perked his head up, his eyebrows furrowing together as he processed what Katsuki said. Denki shot up and pulled Kirishima up behind him, not wanting to waste another second.

"Be mindful, he just got some serious news."


Kaminari opened the door, a soft creak echoing through the room. Izuku lazily lifted his head, too tired to do much more. He saw his mates and buried his face into the pillow.

"Izuku," Kaminari called quietly.

"Come in," Izuku choked out.

Kaminari and Kirishima entered slowly, unsure as to what might happen, Izuku turned to face his softly approaching mates. Kaminari growled softly, his fangs slipping out, causing Izuku to hide his face.

"Kami," Izuku called, softly hoping to calm him down.

Kaminari hummed and sat down on the bed, pulling the comforter away from his mate. Izuku whined as the brisk cold air danced across his skin once more. Kaminari opened his arms, signaling to his mate to slide into them, which Izuku happily did.

Kirishima took his place next to Kaminari, watching Izuku cuddle up into the blonde's chest. Kirishima chuckled to himself and ran his fingers up and down Izuku's thigh, earning his a soft purr and Izuku opening up his leg to allow Kirishima to access more.

"So my mom called," Izuku started playing with his thumbs, then tucked a curl behind his ear, resting his face on Kaminari's shoulder.

Kaminari shot Kirishima a glance, wanting to make sure the other was listening. Kirishima noded and placed his attention back on the greenette.


"Calm down," Kirishima whispered, making the circular pattern he was drawing bigger.

"She told me we're moving to America. Next week, I have a couple days to pack. Anything you want, I can leave. I told her I didn't want to, but it involves my dad," Izuku explained, wanting to finish talking about this asap.

Izuku slid from Kaminari's lap and into Eijirou's, wrapping Eijirou's arms around himself, wanting to feel protected. Denki looked at his mate, who was currently shaking in his other mate's arms. Izuku's dad, was that bad? Kaminari reached out and ran his fingers through Izuku's hair, with a warm smile.

"Don't worry, we'll come to visit as much as we can," Kaminari said, holding out his pinky with his open hand.

Izuku intertwined his pinky with Kaminari's before turning it into a handhold. It was pleasant for Izuku: he was going to miss his mates so much. Tears began trickling down his face once more: he didn't make a sound: crying was enough for him at this point. Kaminari noticed but said nothing as he wiped his mate's tears, wanting Izuku to have some pleasant memories.

"It's okay. It's okay. We're still here," Kaminari cooed, trying to calm Izuku.

"I know, I know," Izuku leaned the pale, warm, loving hands that were placed on his face.

Kirishima pulled Izuku impossibly closer, laying a set of butterfly kisses against his neck. Izuku purred and reached up to Kaminari's soft hands with his, stroking his thumbs over Denki's knuckles, trying to keep himself calm. He wanted to fall into the magical world of dreams but sadly, not yet. Kirishima stroked Izuku's hip, knowing it comforted him.


Izuku had been asleep for a few hours in Kirishima's arms. His mates quietly discussed nothing important, as they wanted to forget about their mate leaving soon.

"What should we do?" Kaminari asked.

"One of us has to stay with him in case he wakes up. Remember last time?"

"Alright, who's getting the food for us?"

"You, I got it last time."

"Fine," Kaminari got up, pecking Kirishima before he left.

Izuku shifted and snuggled into Kirishima, wanting to be close to their soul mark. Kirishima smiled, amused at the small thing he called his love resting on his chest. Kirishima kissed Izuku's forehead and laid him down, trying to stay awake to eat.

"Kirishima, I know your ass is not asleep," Karminari whisper yelled, making his way to the bed.

"I'm not," he responded, rubbing his eyes.

"Mhm," Kaminari rolled his eyes and passed Kirishima some food.

The two ate in silence, both of them wanting to sleep and spend as much time as possible with Izuku. Kaminari made Kirishima bring the plates downstairs so he could have cuddle time with Izu. What he's petty like that.


Hey loves! I hope you're stable. I've been really depressed lately so, I decided I was going to rewrite some of my old chapters and make them better for yall.

That's all for me: see ya later!

I hope you're having a good day/night and, if you haven't heard it today, I love you.