Bye guys

Izuku put his last suitcase into the taxi, slipping his fingers over the trunk lid before closing it with a satisfying click. Izuku turned on his heel, facing his mates, a sad smile crossing his lips. Kaminari was a mess: it distressed him all morning, and couldn't accept the fact that his soulmate, who he was lucky enough to meet, was leaving. Kaminari was in one of Izuku's oversized hoodies, the sleeves soaking from him wiping his tears. His face was tear-stained as he looked at Izuku. Kirishima had his arms crossed over his chest, holding in his own tears. He would not cry: he didn't need to be vulnerable at the moment.

Izuku's eyes wandered over his greaving mates, another smile slipping onto his lips. Izuku opened his arms and made grabby hands. Denki rushed into Izuku's arms, crying onto the greenette's shoulder.

Izuku hummed and rubbed Kaminari's back, letting the blonde mourn. Kirishima slowly approached Izuku, wrapping his arms around his mate. Kirishima sniffed the greenette's hair, trying to memorize his scent. Izuku stayed quiet, wanting this memory to be happy, not sad.

"I don't think I can," Kaminari whispered, nuzzling into Izuku's neck, wanting to stay there forever.

"You're going to have to," Izuku mumbled, running his fingers through Kaminari's hair, leaving his other hand on the blonde's back.

"Fuck bunny," Kaminari squeezed Izuku tighter, wanting to keep him there.

Izuku hummed and laid butterfly kisses from Kaminari's jaw to his temple, wanting the blonde to be calm enough to let Izuku go.

"You'll be okay, I just know it," Izuku changed his focus to Kirishima. "Kiri, look at me."

Kirishima pulled his face from Izuku's hair to look into the greenette's eyes. Izuku blinked twice, keeping his gazed focused on Eijiro before speaking. Eijiro nervously bit his lip, trying to hold back the overflowing emotion that filled him.

"You are going to be such an amazing hero. I love you, I love you."

Izuku slowly released his arms from Kamianri and cupped his face, giving the taller blonde a kiss on the nose. Kaminari blushed and put his hands over his face, watching the greenette move to their other mate. Izuku stood on his tippy toes to kiss Eijiro's cheek, watching his stone-faced personal disappear. Izuku opened the taxi's door, hoping his mates would be flustered enough o let him go.

"I'll call you once I get to the airport," Izuku slid into the taxi and put his hand on the glass.

Kaminari leaned against Kirishima's shoulder as the taxi drove off. The soulmates stayed still, reminiscing on all the sleepovers, cuddles, hugs, kisses, and more that they shared.

Izuku gazed out the window, watching all his dreams, his effort, and his passion, passing by in the blink of an eye. A small tear fell as Izuku passed through the school gates. The teachers were waving and bidding their goodbyes to the tiny male. The tears flowed as the car ride droned on.

Izuku thanked the driver for the ride and stepped out. The thick scent of grass and pollution filling the boy's nostrils. Izuku coughed and started taking his suitcases out of the trunk, wanting to get inside as quickly as possible.

The automatic doors opened and, the fresh scent of cleaning supplies filled the air. Izuku made his way to the reception, giving them his luggage, holding his carry on tight.

Izuku took a seat on one bench, remembering the promise he made to his mates. Izuku smiled to himself and pulled out his phone, wanting to talk to them for as long as he could.


The taxi sped away, and Kaminari turned his head, nuzzling Kirishima's shoulder. Kaminari intertwined fingers with his mate and dragged him back into the dorms. Kirishima followed his mare's lead, not having the energy to feel at the moment.

Kaminari leads Kirishima into Izuku's room, the faint smell of the greenette lingering in the flat, causing the two to smile. The two inhaled deeply, taking in the last of Izuku's natural scent that would soon fade.

Kirishima let a tear slip from his eye, not caring about anything at the moment. He just wanted to be okay again. The tears fell quickly and quietly, as Kirishima sat down on the bed. Kaminari sat next to him, clinging onto the redhead's torso.

"We should lie down," was all Kaminari could muster, as he cradled Kirishima.

Kirishima nodded and pulled up the comforter, motioning for Kaminari to go first. Kaminari obliged and slid under the blanket, making himself comfortable. Krishna slid in after, wrapping his arms around Denki's waist, keeping the blonde close. Denki lazily wrapped his arms around Kirishima's neck as they laid in comfortable quietness.

Kaminari's phone gently buzzed, catching his attention. Denki slid his arm into the hoodie's pocket, pulling out the vibrating device.

"Hello?" Kaminari lazily yawned into the phone, his eyes sleepily fluttering open and closed.

"Hey..." Izuku's voice startled him Kaminari immediately put the phone on speaker.


"Bye, bunny!" Kaminari happily exclaimed through the phone.

"Bye 'Zuku."

"Bye, guys, love you."

"Love you too."

"Love you."

Izuku placed his phone in his pocket and handed the attendant his record. She greeted him happily and took his ticket, telling Izuku to have a pleasant flight. Izuku thanked her and began, then walked down the tunnel with his mother. Inko smiled softly at her son. I wish things could be better for you 'Zuku.


Izuku's father sent a limo to pick up Inko and Izuku, to both a surprise. Inko quickly got in the car, Izuku slowly following. It smells like leather; it must have been cleaned and polished recently. I wonder why he did all this?

Inko fell asleep in the car since Izuku's father lived away from the airport. Izuku stayed awake, suspicion running through his veins. He lives far away: he doesn't want us to escape.

The limo pulled up into a driveway, prompting Izuku to look out the window. The house had a brick exterior; it looked about three to four-bedrooms from what Izuku could see.

One bodyguard opens the car door and picked Inko up, carrying the sleeping women inside. Izuku rolled his eyes and opened his own door, making his way to the entrance. Double doors, really? He would.

"It looks nice," he muttered, walking into the semi-open door.

The living room had a long couch with an admin resting in the center. The kitchen wasn't far off from the living room, an island resting on the tile floors stood out. Izuku rolled his eyes and headed for the steps, wanting to find his bedroom and sleep.

Izuku meandered the halls, accidentally stumbling into his room. The walls were of white, a queen-sized bed resting in the middle of the room, with green sheets and a black comforter to accompany the walls. A grey desk sat in the room's corner, a desktop monitor laid plainly against it.

Next to the desk sat two sliding glass doors that lead out to a small deck. Izuku made his way to them, slid them open, and stepped outside admired the view. Layers upon layers of flowers spread across the yard, the soft moonlight bouncing off the petals of each rose, making them twinkle. Izuku's eyes sparkled as he looked over the flowers, wondering why they were there.

"Amazing," was all he could say: a small breeze blew by, causing his hair to flutter.

Izuku yawned and stretched his back. 1:08 am back at home. I'm tired, I guess I could sleep. He made his way back into the room, falling onto the bed, not bothering to tuck himself in.


A male with striking white hair and red eyes enters Izuku's room quietly. They assigned him to wake the greenette up. Izuku snored softly and mumbled in his sleep, causing the small male to blush.

Shiroaka Hana made his way to the bed, softly shaking Izuku. The greenette grumbled and rolled over, causing Shiroaka to giggle.

"Izuku, wake up, your dad wants to see you," Shiroaka called, squeezing Izuku's arm.

Izuku's eyes fluttered open," Okay."

Izuku sat up and looked over at Shiroaka, noticing how feminine the boy looked. Izuku kept his mouth shut about it and dragged his body up and out of bed.

The two made casual small talk as they made their way down the hall. Shiroaka was sixteen, and his quirk was flower manipulation. He could grow flowers from anything and could control certain aspects.

Izuku stepped off the last step, watching a figure turn around on the couch. The male had sharp red eyes and black slicked-back hair.

"H-hey, dad."


Izuku looked up at his father from the floor, his hands resting over his eye. Izuku darted toward the stairs, wanting to get away from his father as quickly as possible.

New bruises and marks scattered themselves across Izuku's skin. Each blemish hurting more than the last. Izuku's eye was already becoming sensitive, causing Izuku to go into a panic. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Izuku opened his room's door and slammed it shut and locked it. He didn't want anyone coming in or seeing him in this state. He paced around the room, circling his bed, not knowing what to do. His phone had been ringing for minutes, but he refused to answer. He quickly picked up his phone and told his mates he was busy, not wanting to worry them more than he already did.

He pulled at his hair and struggled to breathe. No, no, no, no, no. He fell to the floor as the tears continued to stream. His eyes were burning and stinging. Why did we have to come back?


Kaminari looked up from his phone, with a worried expression. His gaze met the also, worried redheads. Kirishima tried to hide the fact he was troubled but, Kaminari saw right through him.

"He said he would call us every day. He promised," Kaminari tapped his foot anxiously.

Kaminari stood and began pacing Izuku's old room. The lingering smell of his mate would usually calm Kaminari, but by now, it faded away. He squeezed his phone with his left hand and chewed the nails on his right.

"Denki," Kirishima's voice came out more stern than he wanted it to.

Denki stopped and looked into Kirishima's crimson eyes. Denki relaxed but continued to pace, slower this time around.

"Something happened or, he would've answered. Relax, he's probably panicking just as much as you are," Ejiro noted.

Kaminari hummed and sat down, resting his head against Kirishima's shoulder. Kirishima wrapped his arm Kaminari, letting the blonde relax.

"I don't like this, at all," Kirishima just petted through Kaminari's hair.

"He'll call when he's ready."


Shiroaka knocked gently on Izuku's door, hoping the greenette would open it. Izuku did, his green eyes meeting Shiroaka's red one's, panic running through his face. Shiroaka sighed and dragged Izuku to his room.

"I'm going to help you, okay?"

"Thank you."


Shiroaka applied some setting spay to Izuku's face and then spun the chair around, revealing to Izuku a non bruised eye. Izuku smiled and umped from the chair, hugging Shiroaka tightly, as a million "thank you's" spilled from his mouth.

"Okay, I have to go call my mates now. I owe you one," Izuku called as he rushed out of the room, leaving Shiroaka in silence.


Kaminari's phone buzzed and caught his attention. He smiled as Izuku's name popped up on the screen. Denki picked up quickly, already feeling reassured.

"Hey, bunny," Denki called Izuku wasn't really sure where the nickname

came from but wasn't complaining.

"Hey 'Zuku," Kirishima showed a toothy grin.

"Hey guys," Izuku smiled and tried to conceal his emotions.

" 'Zuku, what's wrong? And what's on your face?"


Hey, its author-chan. It took me all day to write this. I hope yall enjoy it.

I love you and hop you had a good day or night. Have an excellent rest of the day/night, lovelies. Mwah.